<![CDATA[NEW EARTH ASCENDING - News Blog]]>Wed, 19 Feb 2025 14:00:18 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[The Great Gamble: Finality or Continuation]]>Sun, 31 Dec 2023 07:36:42 GMThttp://newearthascending.org/news-blog/the-great-gamble-finality-or-continuationTHE GREAT GAMBLE: FINALITY OR CONTINUATION
​The Great Gamble

This is the second letter on the topic of "memento mori," the remembrance of death as a spiritual practice cultivating wisdom and inspiring greater service to life. This letter delves into the concept of "The Great Gamble."

The Great Gamble involves contemplating what happens after physical death. While various concepts and individual perspectives exist, it comes down to two options. For those of the materialistic reductionist perspective: you are born, you exist, you die—end of story. For others, the death event marks a point of radical transformation and liberation.

This raises the Great Gamble: do you invest in the idea of continuing to exist in some way, shape, or form after the death event, or do you align with ideas of annihilationism? Buddhists have a way of addressing this debate.

If a person believes in cessation, the finality of consciousness upon death, they cannot confirm whether they are correct. If they are right, it means experiencing only life's final moments before the lights dim and the curtain closes. Finito! However, what if their idea of finality is incorrect, and upon releasing the physical body, a part of their consciousness continues on a radical journey? What would that mean?

There's some good news and some not-so-good news about what might occur at this point, depending on how the person lived their life, developed their mind, and the effects of their thoughts and actions.

Due to their belief in annihilationism, did they live selfishly? Did they believe they could be dishonest, violent, or greedy because they could get away with it, or did they choose to live ethically in service to something greater than themselves?

Those from religious backgrounds and spiritual mindsets believing in some type of continuation after death tend to strive to live ethically and in service to some greater good. However, this isn't always the case, as some have done terrible things in the name of God and religion.

Those aligning with a materialistic reductionistic perspective can also go either way—living in some degree of selfishness and nihilism or rejecting what they view as superstitious beliefs, choosing instead to be noble citizens purely by their own accord.

In terms of the Great Gamble—finality or continuation—here might be a rational approach. Just in case there's continuation, wouldn't it be rational to live life accordingly? Even if nothing follows death, living a good, service-oriented, and positive life leaves no regret. If wrong and there is some type of continuation, at least the groundwork has been laid, reaping its rewards.

It does not matter if you believe in something divine or an afterlife of any kind. Yet, you can practice, practice, practice to refine your own consciousness, acknowledging how your actions will continue to affect people even after you have left. You can work hard to remove the seeds of suffering within yourself and help spread healing and regeneration in your community and this world before your time runs out.

Death contemplation, remembering the truth of your eventual death, is a powerfully transformative practice that both spiritually minded people and materialistic reductionists can do to receive great benefit in this very life. If you would like to try it yourself, reach out to me—what do you have to lose?

Yours Deeply,
Michael Garber
December 31, 2023
<![CDATA[END OF YEAR MESSAGE: Memento Mori: Contemplation of Death]]>Sun, 31 Dec 2023 07:29:10 GMThttp://newearthascending.org/news-blog/end-of-year-message-memento-mori-contemplation-of-deathEnd of Year Message: Memento Mori
Blessed Ones,

As we near the end of this year, it feels like a good time to start discussing a subject I've been intermittently studying for years, but recently, I've been delving into it more deeply. It's a topic that's likely to strike a chord with everyone who reads this message. Some might resist it, avoiding or reacting strongly to it. Yet, I believe many will find value in this topic for walking the path of spiritual wisdom and living a life of service.

I've had a series of synchronicities and inner promptings to start researching what's been called "the king of meditations": the contemplation of death. It's said that among all meditation methods, there are two that reign supreme on the spiritual path: cultivating friendliness and remembering death. Pay attention to the emotions and thoughts that arise as you read this; you'll understand how much work can be catalyzed through this powerful inquiry.
Why would anyone want to think about death?

There are countless benefits gained through this practice. The main ones include releasing fear and anxiety, cultivating mercy and compassion, and developing clarity of mind and intention.

It's easy to think about the end of a year, a movie, or a day, but how comfortable is it to ponder the inevitability of our death and that of our loved ones?

Let’s face it: our lifespan is decreasing at this very second, and no one knows the hour or day that death will come. Will either of us, the writer or the reader, even make it to the end of this letter?
Our exit from this Earth will come whether we are ready for it or not. How much time do we waste in distraction, resentment, scrolling, or procrastination? How much time do we invest in thoughts and actions that actually benefit ourselves and others?

Death has many causes, infinite ways for the event to transpire. One may have an illness and die of something else! Old age, youthful, rich, and poor—death comes for us all eventually. In this way, we are all equal at this time of reckoning.

The human body is fragile and vulnerable; one odd event, and one might quickly move towards the exit sign. Do we take care of our body appropriately so that we can die in peace?

At the moment of death, our friends, loved ones, and material resources cannot help us avoid the inevitable. They may bring comfort, but they can also cause us more suffering in the end. It might be sad to see them suffer as we lay on our deathbed. We may worry about “our belongings” and stress over whether or not our legacy is valued by others.

Even this body which has carried us through every moment of this life will not be able to keep us from departing. We feed it, bathe it, adorn it, exercise it, pamper it, and it is still going to die.

Death comes as a surprise for most people. Out of all the people who died today, how many were expecting it?

What can one do to prepare for death? What can truly help us as we draw closer to that fateful moment? Is there a way that we can live now, so that our death is as comfortable and peaceful as possible?

Spiritual practice and living our lives in service to others are the main principles for living in a way that makes death easier. The mind must be polished and fortified, transformed into a diamond. Spiritual practices that include dwelling on impermanence, letting go of the limited egoic identity, and learning how to face suffering with right understanding—all help one to die in peace. Growing in non-attachment, compassionate understanding, and altruistic action help to release the grip of the conditioned mind, allowing for spiritual wisdom and love to shine from within as one makes its way through the portal of physical death.

Are there resentments or hard feelings that you hold that rob you of the sweetness of life now? What gives your life meaning? Do you put enough time into your spiritual development and refinement of your mind? Do you feel you give enough to those in need? Is your life in order? What are you doing with your precious human life?

Have you found this topic evocative?

I'm in the process of developing a new method of this ancient practice of “maranasati,” contemplation of death. This ancient process will merge with contemporary methods to take an individual through a deeply contemplative quantum healing process, a quantum rebirthing if you will, where deep truth can be resurrected from within to be used to live life fully.

Please also share your thoughts and inquiries that have been stirred as you read this post. If you are interested in learning more about the new process I am testing, please reach out to me.

May we collectively learn to face the truth of our inevitable death, so that we can learn to live our life to the fullest together! None of us are getting out of here alive. So we might as well live in the light of our True Nature while we still can. Time is ticking!

Yours Deeply,
Michael James Garber
December 31st, 2023
<![CDATA[Awakening Discernment: Learning to Tread the Path with Skill and Clarity: Avoiding Mishaps and Distraction]]>Tue, 05 Dec 2023 10:09:29 GMThttp://newearthascending.org/news-blog/awakening-discernment-learning-to-tread-the-path-with-skill-and-clarity-avoiding-mishaps-and-distractionAwakening Discernment: Learning to Tread the Path with Skill and Clarity: Avoiding Mishaps and Distraction Picture
The topic I aim to address today is crucial for truth seekers. It revolves around the Sanskrit term ‘viveka,’ often translated as discernment. At its core, it involves discriminating between the unreal and the Real.

Discernment refers to the act of contemplating options and choosing the most fitting one. The intentions behind any choice can span from selfishness to altruism, where one can opt to protect or elevate their personality or look beyond personal desires towards the best choice for all involved. Mentally, 'viveka' involves discerning which thoughts and beliefs to empower, aiming to ascend from selfish desires and ignorance toward complete spiritual realization.

This discernment can further develop into discrimination, where the mind is trained to turn away from the ever-changing sensory experiences of the world toward the Source of all experiences. This enables individuals to navigate their daily lives while firmly rooted in pure beingness and wholeness.

In occult teachings and mystery schools, there's a strong emphasis on developing high levels of discernment and discrimination. It involves a foundational process of releasing superstitious beliefs, shedding the limitations of the egoic identity, and understanding universal laws and cosmology. However, this initial phase of “the Path” can be thrilling but it is also quite treacherous with many tests, trials, and tribulations along the way.

During spiritual awakening, cosmic intelligence (buddhi) influences and expands the mind, enhancing conceptualization, perception, and overall vibrancy. Some individuals rapidly evolve into genius-level minds with powerful magnetism and charisma. Yet, if one needs to delve into shadow work and integrate wounded parts of their personality, the ascent in consciousness might become precarious, and stumbling can occur.

Stumbling occurs when individuals fail to use discernment and blindly adopt distorted teachings or follow misleading teachers. A distorted teaching can cause confusion, misunderstanding, and misperception, diverting a person off track for a while or even an entire lifetime, leading to reincarnation for further consciousness development. Moreover, misinformed initiates can pass on incorrect information, causing misdirection and delays in consciousness development for many. In the case of these minor stumbles, a person can awaken to the truth, integrate wisdom gained, and correct their course to align with purer transmissions, teachers, and initiatives.

The gravest stumbles arise from the misuse and abuse of occult knowledge and power. This happens when individuals exploit spiritual teachings and their roles as mentors, healers, or guides for selfish or harmful purposes. Mishandling leadership roles involving occult knowledge directly influences others' karma and development. Therefore, aspiring leaders must diligently cultivate humility, honesty, and selfless devotion to avoid adding negative karma for themselves and others.

In the modern age, an abundance of spiritual and metaphysical information is available. The quality varies, ranging from profound truths to entirely misleading and distorted teachings. Moreover, those transmitting this knowledge do so for diverse reasons—some seeking personal gain while others have genuine intentions. Some individuals use buzzwords to gain attention and profit, lacking a deep understanding of the concepts they teach. Developing discernment and the ability to discriminate is paramount when one desires to climb the path all the way to the summit with efficiency and precision.

At different stages of your journey, you might seek or encounter a teacher aiding your progress along specific parts of the path. After all, having a well-trained and experienced guide can make the journey easier and more thrilling! Some teachers guide you unconsciously through shadow, luring you into their field with promises of enlightenment or activation, only to trigger old karmic patterns and conflicts for integration. Others guide you through wisdom and love, directing you toward your Inner Teacher with precision and grace.

Does the teacher or guide embody what they teach? Do they seem to take care of themselves? Do you feel more present after engaging in their material? How is what you are learning useful or applicable to life? Do they make evocative promises of enlightenment or keep you hooked with emotional narratives? These are just a few questions to trigger self-reflection.

Discernment is vital during times of rapid expansion. Through discernment and discrimination, one starts releasing the grip of the conditioned mind, turning away from ignorance and falsity towards Truth and higher understanding. By tuning into the deepest parts of your being, you can decide which avenues to follow and which sources hold the purest wisdom. Withdraw your inner awareness from the needs and opinions of the world, deeper than bodily drives emotions, and mental conditioning. Turn towards the Source of wisdom within and allow this body and mind to be led to the highest heights of spiritual realization.

Do you have some tips, tricks, or insights to share about growing in discernment?

Written by Michael James Garber

<![CDATA[Dispelling the Visualization Myth: UNLOCKING THE POWER OF QUANTUM HEALING]]>Tue, 28 Nov 2023 06:36:09 GMThttp://newearthascending.org/news-blog/dispelling-the-visualization-myth-unlocking-the-power-of-quantum-healingDISPELLING THE VISUALIZATION MYTH: UNLOCKING THE POWER OF QUANTUM HEALING
Quantum hypnosis sessions hold immense potential for transformation, yet there's a pervasive myth that clients must visualize for these sessions to be effective. Furthermore, some practitioners are not adequately trained or experienced in understanding the multidimensional and creative capacities of the mind to help clients open their inner sensing capacities.

Let's dispel this misconception and explore how the Illuminated Quantum Healing (IQH) methodology addresses this barrier, enabling all clients to access profound healing and insights and empowering practitioners with skills to assist clients in expanding into superconscious mind capacities.

Negative Impacts of the Visualization Stigma
The belief that visualization is a prerequisite, and a limited understanding of what inner vision is, can instill performance anxiety and reinforce a sense of inadequacy. This misconception might hinder individuals from believing in the success of their session or prevent them from relaxing into the necessary alpha and theta brainwave states. Sadly, some people would not even consider having a session because they think they do not have the necessary skills. This myth is further reinforced when practitioners are not informed about the esoteric components of the mind’s functionality and how to lead clients into altered states of perception.

Dispelling the Myth
Just as individuals have diverse learning style strengths, such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, everyone's inner senses manifest across a spectrum of strengths and abilities. IQH integrates specific protocols throughout sessions to tap into and amplify these unique strengths, maximizing their effectiveness.

As individuals begin to spiritually awaken, their minds evolve beyond linear thinking and open to abstract perception and thought. IQH terms this development as the growth of the superconscious mind which includes fostering higher intuition, inner sensing, and connectivity with cosmic consciousness. Cultivating these abilities is crucial to expanding the mind's functionality, perception, and insight as one progresses down the Ascension pathway.

Enhancing Mental Imagery and Creative Exploration:

Within the realm of personal development methodologies, the distinction between visualization and imagination holds significant importance. Visualization uses memory recall to evoke inner sensory information. This includes not only imagery but feelings, sensations, and concepts.

On the other hand, imagination extends beyond the confines of visualization, embracing a broader canvas of creativity and mental exploration. It encourages the mind to venture into uncharted territories, fostering the generation of new ideas, diverse perspectives, and creative solutions. Unlike the targeted approach of visualization, imagination allows for free-flowing mental exploration, opening doors to untapped potential and unexplored possibilities.

Tapping into Inner Potential and Creative Solutions:
Exploring these mental faculties goes beyond mere visualization, encompassing the power of imagination to unlock deeper levels of creativity and insight. By honing “visualization” skills, individuals craft detailed mental blueprints of their aspirations. Simultaneously, fostering imagination empowers individuals to roam freely within the realms of creativity, ideation, and expansive thinking. These combined abilities facilitate the unlocking of inner potential, enhancing problem-solving skills, nurturing intuition, and fostering personal growth. The integration of both visualization and imagination not only aids in goal manifestation but also fuels an individual's capacity for creative exploration and innovative thinking, paving the way for holistic personal development and transformation.

Solutions Offered by Illuminated Quantum Healing
  • Skills Practice: Offer exercises to help individuals explore and enhance their inner sensing abilities of visualization and imagination.
  • Dynamic Inner Sensing: Acknowledge that inner sensing abilities can vary from session to session or even within different scenes. Encourage clients to remain open to these fluctuations and explore them without judgment.
  • Trust and Expression: Advocate for trusting first impressions and speaking what comes to mind initially. This practice nurtures trust, enhances recall, and stimulates active imagination throughout the session.
  • Integration of Esoteric Psychology: Share methodologies that activate inner senses, diving into esoteric psychology concepts to aid in clients' understanding and application of these techniques.

By embracing these methodologies and dispelling the myth of visualization as a prerequisite, IQH opens doors for a wider audience to experience profound healing and personal evolution.

Whether you're seeking personal transformation or aiming to guide others through their healing journey, IQH beckons you to explore the uncharted depths of your inner world. The voyage with IQH promises not just healing but an evolution—a chance to unlock boundless potential within and usher in a new dawn of healing possibilities.

Be sure to check our listing of Recommended Practitioners for in-person, remote sessions via video, or surrogate sessions. Want to learn or expand your skillset in assisting others in multidimensional healing? Consider applying to become an IQH Practitioner today!
<![CDATA[Exploring the Depths of Quantum Healing Hypnosis: Overcoming Common Challenges and the Importance of Trust]]>Mon, 27 Nov 2023 09:35:42 GMThttp://newearthascending.org/news-blog/exploring-the-depths-of-quantum-healing-hypnosis-overcoming-common-challenges-and-the-importance-of-trustEXPLORING THE DEPTHS OF QUANTUM HEALING HYPNOSIS: OVERCOMING COMMON CHALLENGES AND THE IMPORTANCE OF TRUST
Quantum healing hypnosis encompasses various approaches aiming to unlock transformative healing by delving into the depths of consciousness and connecting individuals with their Higher Selves. Despite the potential for profound change, I have heard of many individuals who encountered obstacles such as struggling to reach profound depths of trance or some type of block keeping them from establishing a connection with their Higher Self.

Too often, clients face disappointment or blame, leaving them feeling disempowered when these challenges arise. However, the truth often lies in the need for practitioners to be more effectively trained and skilled to meet the diverse needs of their clients. This includes the capacity to create a loving, non-judgmental space and navigate the intricate inward journey with finesse and understanding.

Understanding Common Challenges

Depth of Trance
"Not being deep enough" can stem from various factors, including preconceived notions, fears, or an inability to relax fully. Trust between the client and practitioner becomes paramount to overcome this hurdle.

In addition, many practitioners often lack education in esoteric and occult understandings of human composition and consciousness. This extends beyond identifying brainwave states, encompassing a deeper understanding of multidimensional consciousness and how to lead clients into altered states of cosnciousness safely and effectively.

Connecting with Higher Self
Challenges in connecting with the Higher Self often relate to inner struggles, doubts, or a lack of rapport between the client and practitioner. Establishing a compassionate connection is pivotal for clients to feel at ease and open to the process.

Understanding esoteric psychology is key here. The Higher Self is never disconnected from the personality; addressing emotional density, belief systems, and fostering trust is crucial for optimal exploration and information transmission.

The Crucial Role of Trust
Building trust is foundational in quantum healing hypnosis sessions no matter which method you may experience. Clients need a compassionate connection, feeling understood and guided without pressure. This atmosphere of safety allows for deeper exploration and healing. Furthermore, if a client doubts their capacity to “go deep enough”, it is the practitioner's responsibility to hold space for them to discover their capacity AND believe they CAN access the different states needed for an effective session. 

Elements of an Effective Session
  • Compassionate Connection: A safe, non-judgmental space is crucial for clients to feel understood and supported.
  • Inner Exploration: Guiding clients effectively and confidently through various states of consciousness to address core issues is essential.
  • Time and Patience: Rushing hinders depth. Practitioners should offer ample time for exploration.

Illuminated Quantum Healing Methodology
The Illuminated Quantum Healing (IQH) methodology is designed to train highly effective practitioners. Emphasizing a holistic approach, it combines esoteric psychology, counseling skills, and specialized techniques to navigate the subconscious and foster the connection to the Higher Self through the development of the superconscious mind capacities.

By prioritizing trust, connection, and a deep understanding of esoteric psychology, IQH-trained practitioners facilitate profound and transformative healing experiences for their clients.

Considering a healing or guidance session? Exploring training in quantum hypnosis methods? Consider Illuminated Quantum Healing. Explore our Recommended Practitioners or apply for Practitioner Training.
<![CDATA[A Letter to ALl Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioners of all lineages: Embracing Unity and Ethical Stewardship]]>Sat, 11 Nov 2023 06:58:38 GMThttp://newearthascending.org/news-blog/a-letter-to-all-quantum-healing-hypnosis-practitioners-embracing-unity-and-ethical-stewardshipA Letter to Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioners of all lineages: Embracing Unity and Ethical Stewardship
To my fellow quantum healing hypnosis practitioners, across all lineages and methods of practice,

I stand with you as a fellow human being making my way through consciousness polarity, still learning to effectively and immaculately stand in a noble relationship with all of life. I humbly write these words to inspire connection, humility, and unity.

Addressing the prevailing discord within our community, this letter urges us to take a moment for deep moral and ethical reflection. May it catalyze in bringing us into higher unity so that we may serve alongside one another with greater impact and clarity. May we disarm our consciousness and step forward hand in hand, in one heart of service.

Despite the diversity in our methods, we are all way-showers of the same unified mission. Let this recognition be at the forefront of our awareness, guiding us towards our shared goal of liberated humanity living in higher consciousness and greater unity with all of life.

The Issue at Hand
One of the major contentions held between certain lineages is the topic of invasive energy attachments. While it seems like there may be opposing views and reasons to defend those views, I would like to invite us to take a moment to truly listen to one another from a space of compassion and willingness to understand.

I would like to offer a perspective that shows that there is truth to both sides of declaring the reality and seemingly opposing belief in the non-reality of this phenomenon. To structure this topic of conversation, I would like to point to the Vedic wisdom passed along to us from the great Rishis, our spiritual ancestors who received divine transmissions through trance states at the beginning of this Post-Atlantean Age.
Three Levels of Reality: Wisdom from the Vedas
In Vedic and esoteric traditions, three distinct levels of reality are recognized:
  • Absolute Reality: The non-dual realm, where Oneness prevails. Often referred to as The Real, as all other levels of reality emanate from this singular source.
  • Relative/Transactional Reality: The manifested cosmos including the physical plane and the higher planes where diversity unfolds within transactional relationships, within the interplay of consciousness and matter.
  • Personal Illusion: This encompasses hallucinations, mirages, misperceptions, dreams, and similar phenomena.

From the Absolute Reality perspective, there is only love, and all of this phenomena and change is an illusion seemingly happening within non-duality.
Yet, within this Relative Reality in which we appear to be incarnated, a whole universe of phenomena exists including birth and death, pain and joy, good and evil, and so forth.

In the Relative level of reality, we cannot solve challenges and reduce suffering with the Absolute perspective alone. If we put fire to our skin, we can say “only love is real” and “we are the creators of our reality”, yet the truth is, fire still burns. If we punch someone in the face, they suffer, we suffer, and we must make amends to avoid further negative karmic implications.

Let us expand on these concepts to define truth.

From the Absolute level, there is only one truth, non-duality, all is One, and all is love. From the relative level, truth is subjective and unique to each individual, and what is experienced as truth depends on a variety of factors in one’s experience within the dual-reality. At the relative level, all perspectives are true and all perspectives are limited and false at the same time and are still relatively true to the individual perceiving. How complex! For us to achieve unity, we must find a middle way. Unity does not mean we mentally agree, but that we honor our different perspectives as equals on the path, and harmonize with some level of shared commonality.

Let us apply this to the charged conversation around negative entities. From the Absolute level, they have no fundamental reality and are pure illusion. From the Relative level, they are experienced and the suffering caused is valid, true, and real for many. Where is the middle way with this?

How can we work holistically with this knowledge and insight?

In our inner world, we can be rooted in non-duality and engage in this realm of polarity and diversity and transform it into higher harmony.
More from the Vedic Teachings
Using the classic Vedic example, in ignorance, we may mistake a rope for a snake scream in terror, and behave erratically, possibly even trying to kill the snake. Yet, when we turn on the light we can see it has always been a rope, and there was never anything to be afraid of. From a place of integrated truth, we can then move the rope to where it is best served so that it will no longer cause confusion and pain for others.

When operating from misperception and ignorance, we experience real fear and suffering and the effects can be devastating. When we awaken to higher knowledge, the illusion dissolves instantly and we can take appropriate action. As practitioners, it is harmful to discredit the experience of those we serve. They see a snake, they believe it to be real, and we are called to help gently guide them into the capacity of right perception with compassion. Additionally. We must help them discover the tools and insight needed to ensure they do not recreate those circumstances.

Saying “you are the creator of your reality” while being true from the Absolute perspective, can cause harm by seemingly shaming a person for their experience and bypassing their suffering. In my opinion, It is more helpful to address the suffering first and help them realize their creatorship through self-inquiry, knowledge, and direct perception of higher truth.
Humanity As Stewards of the Cosmos
We are here as awakened and aware beings to tend to the Garden with love and compassion, with no exceptions. If you are called to work with extraction, please go one step further and assist those entities into higher purity by helping them realize their inner source and return them to the Light so they can be used for greater benefit.

Lovingly extract and transmute invasive energies to liberate your clients' body-minds. Guide them in understanding their unconscious role in attracting negative entities or invasive energy attachments. Facilitate healing and integration to prevent further manifestation of such experiences. For at a certain point in consciousness initiation, as one approaches the threshold of 5D, spiritual attachment is no longer possible as one has mastered their instrument.
Self-reflectionIf you are working with entity extraction methods, are you operating by fear or superiority over these entities, or are you honoring them as a part of Nature and stewarding them into higher consciousness unity?
  • What is at the core of rejecting and devaluing what we call “evil”?
  • How might that play out in our relationships with others and with ourselves?
  • If you are resistant to extraction philosophy, is it possible that you are resisting or avoiding something within yourself that needs healing and integration?

Assist clients and students in integrating their inner shadows rooted in fear, prejudice, religious indoctrination, and victimhood. Empower them on their path of holistic wellness as they reclaim their full creatorship in their experience. Acknowledge the distorted reality of our multidimensional Earth, shaped by millennia of karmic influence, and work towards clearing away these distorted complexities. While entities may not be “really real”, it is crucial to transmute them and their effects for the attainment and stabilization of non-dual consciousness and holistic well-being.

Unity Is Awakening
The good news is that it is happening! We are doing this work in our many ways. I imagine it would be much more swift and a lot more fun if we all would disarm the quantum healing hypnosis practitioner field, embrace our different perspectives and methods, and come together. This is my prayer!

How can that happen?

First, it's an inside job. Start by taking a thorough moral and ethical inventory and correct the misperceptions and negative polarity within yourself. Then take action toward reconciliation and peacemaking. Ask yourself:
  • Am I truly embodying the principles of unity and humility in my interactions with fellow practitioners, and where can I enhance these qualities in my journey of consciousness exploration?
  • In what ways can I actively contribute to the process of unification and healing within our quantum healing hypnosis community, both personally and in collaboration with others?

Peacemaking efforts may include:
  • Reaching out to another practitioner from another lineage and swapping sessions.
  • If you come from a lineage that only does in-person sessions, have one that is online with a practitioner who serves that way.
  • Have resistance to the conversation or topic of entities? Reach out to a practitioner you trust and ask them about their experience!
  • Have you attacked or ridiculed a practitioner who had different perspectives or methods than you? Humble thyself and make amends!
  • Hear someone speaking negatively about a practitioner or method, steer the conversation towards understanding and compassion. There are infinite ways we can mend this!

Addressing the ongoing conflict requires identifying its roots: fear, scarcity, pride, external power, selfishness, superiority, greed… Recognize these as unprocessed traumas seeking healing. How often do we succumb to inner shadows instead of embracing unity and integration as the path forward? These questions guide us in dismantling the barriers to unity within our community.
Closing Statement: A Call to Unity and Ethical Stewardship
We are now the new pioneers of consciousness. Our ancestors have done their part and exited the Earth School, and now they shine their love and encouragement upon us as we take the torch forward for the next generations to come. Our inner voice is now the guiding compass. Our insight and determination will pave the way for the next generations who we must humbly encourage to go beyond our current concepts, methods, and understanding.

Quantum healing hypnosis methods are diversifying and developing at a rapid speed with many powerful approaches emerging. The cat is out of the bag, and we have no control over where it will go; we can only ensure the clarity, efficacy, and integrity of the work that we do and the students we train to the best of our capacity. We cannot control the inertia of karma; however, we can come into noble relationship and unity and do our best to not allow the division to continue.

I earnestly pray that these words will serve the healing and unification of quantum healing hypnosis practitioners and the lineages. May all hurt feelings be healed, may all personalities be humbled, and may we come together and become a more powerful force of awakening!

In Love and Prayerful Compassion,
Michael Garber, with assistance from Ron Amit

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 Michael Garber and Ron Amit are the Founding Co-Directors and Lead Ministers of New Earth Ascending. ​Their unified mission as Divine Partners is to support the global awakening to higher consciousness and the transition to the New Earth. They are internationally respected for their work as spiritual mentors, hypnotherapists, contemporary dance professional, yoga teachers, hands-on and quantum healers, specializing in past/parallel/future life regressions. Their work as regressionists have given them vast insight into the nature of Consciousness and the history of Creation.

Together, they have created 
Illuminated Quantum Healing, a healing modality which incorporates hypnotic and alchemical techniques to activate multidimensional healing. TransformOtion, an embodiment and dance method for awakening. Embodied Light Reiki, a practice for channeling divine energy for personal and collective healing. Their core teachings are of Oneness and the remembering of our individual divinity.

Curious about Illuminated Quantum Healing
Learn Illuminated Quantum Healing
<![CDATA[Untying the Knots that bind us: Inspiration from the Kleshas]]>Fri, 10 Nov 2023 03:49:24 GMThttp://newearthascending.org/news-blog/untying-the-knots-that-bindUNTYING THE KNOTS THAT BIND US: INSPIRATION FROM THE KLESHAS
Understanding the Kleshas: The Knots of the Mind
The term "klesha" translates to afflictions or obstacles, and these psychological knots have been meticulously detailed in yogic and Buddhist traditions. Understanding and untangling them is the key to cultivating a tranquil mind.

Let's explore each klesha and its impact:
  • Avidya (Ignorance):
    • Impact: Avidya is the root of all kleshas, representing ignorance of our true nature.
    • Teaching: Cultivate self-awareness and strive for a deeper understanding of the self. Awareness is the first step towards unraveling the knots of ignorance.
  • Asmita (Egoism):
    • Impact: Asmita gives rise to the limited ego ego, leading to a distorted perception of oneself.
    • Teaching: Embrace humility and recognize that the ego is an illusion. True self-awareness transcends the limitations of ego-driven perspectives.
  • Raga (Attachment):
    • Impact: Raga binds the mind to desires and attachments, creating emotional turbulence.
    • Teaching: Practice detachment. Understand that true peace lies in accepting the impermanence of life and releasing attachments to fleeting desires.
  • Dvesha (Aversion):
    • Impact: Dvesha breeds negativity and resentment, clouding the mind with judgment.
    • Teaching: Cultivate compassion and understanding. By embracing a mindset of love and acceptance, you free the mind from the shackles of aversion.
  • Abhinivesha (Fear of Death/Fear of Change):
    • Impact: Abhinivesha instills a deep-seated fear, hindering the pursuit of inner peace.
    • Teaching: Understand the impermanence of life and embrace the present moment. The fear of death dissipates when we live fully in the now.
Since we are ignoration of our True Nature as pure consciousness, we create a false sense of self which is limited. This limited self, not knowing it is Pure Consciousness, seeks outside of itself for wholeness through desire, aversion, resistance, and control. Because we are ignorant of our True Nature as boundless and eternal Pure Consciousness we falsely believe we are this limited person and cling to this physical life and live in states of fear. This is samsara, the cycle of ignorance that keeps us in reincarnation loops and cycles of suffering. Thankfully, there is a way out of this, and you hold the key for liberation within your True Nature.

Cultivating Peace: A Journey Within

1. Mindful Awareness:
  • Practice: Begin with mindful awareness. Observe your thoughts and emotions without judgment. This practice unveils the layers of ignorance, fostering clarity and self-understanding.
2. Self-Inquiry:
  • Practice: Engage in self-inquiry to unravel the mind's conditioning. Ask yourself profound questions about your identity and purpose. The answers may lead to a deeper connection with your true self.
3. Detachment from Desires:
  • Practice: Practice detachment from desires. Recognize when attachment arises and consciously choose to let go. This cultivates a sense of inner freedom and peace.
4. Cultivating Compassion:
  • Practice: Actively cultivate compassion for yourself and others. Recognize that everyone is on their unique journey, facing their own Kleshas. Compassion fosters understanding and dissolves aversion.
5. Embracing Impermanence:
  • Practice: Embrace the impermanence of life. Meditate on the transient nature of all things. This practice liberates the mind from the fear of loss and death.

Untying the Knots, Embracing Peace
In the labyrinth of the mind, where the kleshas tighten their grip, the teachings from ancient traditions guide us toward the light of inner peace. By understanding and untangling these psychological knots, we embark on a transformative journey, cultivating a serene mind that remains unperturbed amid life's storms. Through mindful awareness, self-inquiry, detachment, compassion, and an embrace of impermanence, we find the keys to unlocking the gates to tranquility within. May this journey lead you to the profound peace that resides at the core of your being.

If you find yourself repeating the same cycles of suffering again and again and want assistance in liberating yourself, please feel free to reach out to me. Bless you on your path of liberation and your return to the wholeness you have always been and always will be!
Email Me

Author: Michael Garber

Michael Garber and Ron Amit are the Founding Co-Directors and Lead Ministers of New Earth Ascending. ​Their unified mission as Divine Partners is to support the global awakening to higher consciousness and the transition to the New Earth. They are internationally respected for their work as spiritual mentors, hypnotherapists, contemporary dance professional, yoga teachers, hands-on and quantum healers, specializing in past/parallel/future life regressions. Their work as regressionists have given them vast insight into the nature of Consciousness and the history of Creation.

Together, they have created 
Illuminated Quantum Healing, a healing modality which incorporates hypnotic and alchemical techniques to activate multidimensional healing. TransformOtion, an embodiment and dance method for awakening. Embodied Light Reiki, a practice for channeling divine energy for personal and collective healing. Their core teachings are of Oneness and the remembering of our individual divinity.

<![CDATA[THE PATH OF INITIATION: A JOURNEY INTO HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS: 3D-5D & BEYOND]]>Tue, 07 Nov 2023 04:47:11 GMThttp://newearthascending.org/news-blog/the-path-of-initiation-a-journey-into-higher-consciousness-3d-5d-beyondThe Path of Initiation: A Journey into Higher Consciousness: 3D-5D & Beyond Picture
Initiation is a profound rite of passage that takes an individual on a transformative journey toward higher levels of consciousness evolution and mastery. It introduces the initiate to a new way of existence, one that is deeply connected to the mystical and esoteric realms of human experience. In this blog, we will explore the mysterious path of initiation, its stages, and the qualities required to embark on this sacred journey.

The ancient wisdom teachings speak of a series of events on the inner planes of an individual as they approach the final stages of their Self-realization process. This process is directed by the Masters of Wisdom, non-physical beings of higher consciousness who have achieved freedom from cycles of rebirth and assist humanity’s consciousness evolution. Initiates are guided to significant events, teachers, and information that introduce them to the mysterious knowledge of the Occult Sciences and Esoteric Psychology. 

The Occult Path - The MysteriesBefore we dive into the intricacies of initiation, it's important to note that not everyone is meant to follow this path. The path of initiation is not for the faint of heart or those who are not truly prepared. It is a challenging and strenuous journey that should come naturally to an individual, rather than being forced upon them.

For most people, the typical path of spiritual growth involves karmic progression and the practice of virtues. This path can be followed at one's own pace, accelerating or decelerating as needed. It is a path of devotion and moral effort.

However, there exists an alternative route, the occult path, which involves a series of initiations under the guidance of a Master. This path is not for everyone, and it requires a specific set of qualities and attributes.

Qualities Required for the Occult Path
  • Perfect Unselfishness: Initiates on the occult path must possess a self-forgetting, self-annihilating devotion to the greater good of humanity. Their moral worth is tested, and they must choose between the use of dark or white magic, with a commitment to restraining negative thoughts and letting go of personal reactions.

  • Impersonal Devotion: A true disciple must become an impersonal force of good for humanity. Their attachment to benevolence and the greater good should be stronger than any attachment to personal reactions or desires.

  • Gradual Withdrawal from the Material: As initiates progress on the occult path, they gradually detach from material desires and attachments, focusing more on spiritual growth and service to humanity.

The Path of Probation
For those who possess the necessary qualities and are deemed fit for the occult path, a period of probation awaits. During this time, the Master offers guidance and instruction on the inner planes, often through dreams and astral experiences. The disciple is subjected to various tests, facing their own shadows and enduring difficulties.

This period of probation, often said to last seven years, serves to purify the disciple through challenges and tests. It is a time to pay off karmic debts and overcome obstacles from the past. The initiate's response to suffering and difficulties is a critical aspect of this phase.

The Master-Disciple Relationship:
After completing the probationary period, the initiate is accepted as a regular disciple. At this stage, the Master blends their aura with the disciple's, and the influence of the Master begins to flow through the disciple. This connection is established on the inner planes, and the disciple may or may not be consciously aware of it.

The Path of Initiation:
The path of initiation is not a single event but a series of stages that lead the initiate toward heightened consciousness and spiritual evolution. The time between each initiation takes several lifetimes and the Initatite repeats each initiation in each life. The final life will include all 5 stages. Here are the key stages:

1. Spiritual Rebirth: Stream-Enterer: Sotopanna
This is the first stage of true initiation. At this stage, the initiate begins to release their identification with the limited self or egoic identity. They also gain insights into the occult teachings of karma, reincarnation, and universal law.

2. Baptism: Once Returner: Sakadagami
The spiritual wisdom and intuitive intelligence of the initiate are cultivated at this stage. Mental and causal bodies develop, and psychic and intellectual capacities increase.

3. Transfiguration: Non-Returner: Anagami
The initiate releases sensual desires and realizes that true fulfillment comes from unity with the Self rather than the external world. They release attractions, repulsions, anger, and ill-will, focusing on unity and harmony.

4. Crucifixion: Arahant
At this stage, the initiate faces the ultimate test. They must endure a period of inner darkness, where they confront their deepest fears and challenges. This dark night of the soul is a crucial step before the final initiation.

5. Resurrection: Adept, Master of Wisdom:

At the highest stage of initiation, the adept becomes a Master of Wisdom, free while living. They stand in the light of Nirvana as divine will in form, serving humanity and potentially even the broader universe. This is the 1st stage of entry into the Superhuman Kingdom of which several stages of Ascendency exist beyond. In the New Age teachings, this is true 5D living in Christ Consciousness.

The Importance of the Path of Initiation
The path of initiation is not for everyone, and it is not to be taken lightly. It is a journey of profound transformation and self-realization. Those who are ready for this path will be approached by a Master and guided through the stages of initiation. Each stage tests the initiate's commitment, character, and ability to serve humanity with wisdom and love.

As we reflect on the path of initiation, we are reminded of the wisdom and guidance offered by the Masters of Wisdom, who assist humanity in its evolution toward higher consciousness. This path is a sacred and mysterious journey that, when undertaken with dedication and sincerity, can lead to a deeper understanding of the self and the universe, ultimately allowing individuals to serve as beacons of light and wisdom for the benefit of all.

Third-Dimensional to Fourth-Dimensional Consciousness
In the New Age models of consciousness progression, the transition from third-dimensional consciousness (3D) to fourth-dimensional consciousness (4D)is often seen as a profound shift in awareness. Third-dimensional consciousness is characterized by a strong attachment to the material world, duality, and the ego. It is a state of separation and limited perception.

This transition parallels the early stages of initiation, particularly the stage of Spiritual Rebirth (Stream-Enterer). In both cases, the individual begins to release their attachment to the egoic identity and the material world. They start to awaken to the inner dimensions of reality and the interconnectedness of all things. The process involves understanding spiritual principles, such as karma, reincarnation, and universal laws, which help in the expansion of consciousness.

Fourth-Dimensional to Fifth-Dimensional ConsciousnessThe shift from fourth-dimensional consciousness (4D) to fifth-dimensional consciousness (5D) represents a significant leap in one's spiritual evolution. Fourth-dimensional consciousness is often associated with higher states of intuition, empathy, and interconnectedness. It is a realm of expanded consciousness, where time and space are perceived differently.

This transition mirrors the later stages of initiation, particularly the stages of Transfiguration (Non-Returner) and Crucifixion (Arahant). As one progresses from fourth-dimensional to fifth-dimensional consciousness, they release attachments and desires related to the material world, just as initiates on the occult path face their own inner darkness and confront their deepest fears in the Crucifixion stage. The process involves a deep understanding of unity and a profound connection to higher aspects of the self, which is akin to the union between the personality and the higher ego in initiation.

Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness and BeyondIn both the initiation model and the New Age perspective, the attainment of fifth-dimensional consciousness represents a state of profound wisdom, unity, and service. It is the realization of oneness with the universe and a deep connection to the higher self. In the New Age teachings, individuals attaining fifth-dimensional consciousness (5D) are beings of higher service, similar to Masters of Wisdom in the initiation path.

It's important to note that the fifth-dimensional consciousness, in both models, is not the final destination. It opens the door to a journey of continued spiritual growth and service. The idea of serving humanity and aiding in its evolution is a common thread in both systems, emphasizing the importance of using one's expanded consciousness for the greater good.

Your presence here in this blog is a beautiful indication that you're journeying along the path of higher consciousness and spiritual ascent. It's a remarkable endeavor, and I applaud your dedication! As you navigate this path, you'll encounter both trials and treasures. Consider this blog as a guiding star on your quest, a source of insight to help you accelerate your journey and enhance your ability to be a radiant force for the restoration of higher consciousness and unity on our beloved planet.

Remember, you're never alone on this path. If you find yourself seeking assistance, guidance, or simply a fellow traveler to share your experiences, please don't hesitate to reach out. Let's embark on this transformative journey together, as we venture toward a New Earth reality characterized by unity, harmony, and the boundless potential of human and spiritual evolution. Thank you for being a part of this cosmic journey toward higher consciousness!

<![CDATA[Surrogate IQH Sessions by Proxy: Illuminated Quantum Healing for All Situations]]>Mon, 06 Nov 2023 04:22:34 GMThttp://newearthascending.org/news-blog/surrogate-hypnosis-by-proxy-illuminated-quantum-healing-for-all-situationsSurrogatE IQH Sessions by Proxy: Illuminated Quantum Healing for All Situations
Illuminated Quantum Healing is a powerful technique that harnesses the potential of the human mind to promote physical and emotional well-being. Often, it's used to address various concerns, from personal growth and healing to stress reduction. However, what if the person who needs healing is unable to participate directly or physically present? In such cases, surrogate sessions by proxy offer an intriguing solution. In this blog, we'll explore the many benefits of choosing surrogate hypnosis sessions for specific situations or areas of concern.

The Basics of Surrogate Sessions by Proxy
Surrogate hypnosis sessions, also known as sessions by proxy, involve one person (the surrogate) being hypnotized to work on behalf of another person (the recipient). This unique approach can be applied in several scenarios, making it a versatile and effective method for quantum healing. Let's take a look at some of the situations where surrogate sessions can be particularly beneficial.

Infants and Young Children
For infants and young children, direct hypnosis can be challenging due to their limited attention spans and cognitive abilities. Surrogate sessions by proxy allow parents or guardians to facilitate healing on their behalf, addressing issues like health concerns, sleep disturbances, behavioral problems, or emotional trauma. It's a gentle and non-invasive way to support a child's well-being.

Comatose Patients and Medical Limitations
Patients in a coma or with severe medical limitations may be unable to undergo hypnosis directly. Surrogate sessions can serve as a lifeline, offering a means to work on their subconscious mind and promote healing, even when they are unable to respond consciously.

Individuals with Pain or Physical Limitations
Some individuals may be dealing with chronic pain or physical limitations that prevent them from sitting through a typical hypnosis session. Surrogate sessions can be adapted to suit their needs, ensuring that they receive the healing they require, even when enduring a full session is challenging.

Pets and Animals
Surrogate hypnosis isn't limited to humans alone. It can also be extended to pets and animals who may be suffering from behavioral issues, anxiety, or physical ailments. Surrogates can connect with the animal's energy, promoting harmony and well-being.

Land and Environment

Surrogate sessions aren't just for individuals; they can also be applied to land and the environment. Personal homes and areas of land suffering from negative energy, environmental pollution, or a history of trauma can benefit from healing through surrogate hypnosis, restoring balance and vitality to the surroundings.

Doubts About Being Hypnotized Effectively
Some individuals may doubt their ability to be effectively hypnotized. Surrogate sessions can serve as a valuable stepping stone, allowing them to experience the benefits of quantum healing indirectly through a trusted surrogate, gradually building confidence in the process.

Emotionally or Mentally Compromised Individuals Emotionally and mentally compromised individuals may be in a fragile state, making it difficult for them to participate in standard IQH sessions. Surrogate sessions by proxy offer a safe and gentle method to address their concerns without causing further distress. 

The Benefits of Surrogate Hypnosis by Proxy
The advantages of choosing surrogate sessions by proxy with the methods of  Illuminated Quantum Healing are numerous:
  • Accessibility: Surrogate sessions make quantum healing accessible to those who may not be able to participate directly due to physical or psychological limitations.

  • Versatility: Surrogate hypnosis can be applied to a wide range of situations, from individuals and pets to land and the environment, making it a versatile healing tool.

  • Gentle Approach: Surrogate sessions are gentle and non-invasive, making them suitable for individuals of all ages, including infants and young children.

  • Remote Healing: Surrogate sessions can be conducted remotely, allowing recipients to benefit from quantum healing regardless of their location.

  • Confidence Building: For those who doubt their ability to be hypnotized effectively, surrogate sessions can help build confidence in the process.

Surrogate hypnosis by proxy offers a unique and effective approach to Illuminated Quantum Healing, enabling individuals, pets, and even land to experience the benefits of this transformative healing method. It provides an accessible and versatile solution for those who may be unable to undergo traditional hypnosis. Whether you're a parent looking to support your child, someone with physical limitations, or concerned about being hypnotized effectively, surrogate sessions can open the door to healing and self-discovery. Explore the possibilities of surrogate hypnosis and unlock the potential for well-being in various situations and areas of concern.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions or want to know if IQH can assist you in some way! Please pass this information along to those who may benefit!

Learn more about Surrogate Session
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Author: Michael Garber

Michael Garber and Ron Amit are the Founding Co-Directors and Lead Ministers of New Earth Ascending. ​Their unified mission as Divine Partners is to support the global awakening to higher consciousness and the transition to the New Earth. They are internationally respected for their work as spiritual mentors, hypnotherapists, contemporary dance professional, yoga teachers, hands-on and quantum healers, specializing in past/parallel/future life regressions. Their work as regressionists have given them vast insight into the nature of Consciousness and the history of Creation.

Together, they have created 
Illuminated Quantum Healing, a healing modality which incorporates hypnotic and alchemical techniques to activate multidimensional healing. TransformOtion, an embodiment and dance method for awakening. Embodied Light Reiki, a practice for channeling divine energy for personal and collective healing. Their core teachings are of Oneness and the remembering of our individual divinity.

<![CDATA[Embrace Your Diagnosis: A Journey of Personal Transformation and Holistic Wellness]]>Sun, 05 Nov 2023 03:02:16 GMThttp://newearthascending.org/news-blog/embrace-your-diagnosis-a-journey-of-personal-transformation-and-holistic-wellnessEmbrace Your Diagnosis: A Journey of Personal Transformation and Holistic WellnessPicture
Receiving a diagnosis about your health can be a life-altering experience, one that often brings forth a whirlwind of emotions such as fear, shame, powerlessness, regret, and uncertainty. However, what if I told you that a diagnosis is not merely a life sentence, but an opportunity for profound personal transformation and holistic wellness? This might sound intriguing, perhaps even a little unconventional, but read on, and I'll share the keys to unlocking this transformative potential.

From a holistic perspective, illness and disease can be seen as powerful signals from your body that something in your life is imbalanced and urgently needs attention. While conventional treatments focus on addressing the physical body, it's essential to consider the role of your mind and emotions in your overall well-being.

In esoteric psychology, there's a deep understanding that the mind and emotions are intimately connected to our health. Think about it – when you're in a state of agitation, your body tenses up; when you're feeling down, your motivation dwindles; and when you're anxious, sleep becomes elusive. The mind-body connection is evident in our daily experiences.

Now, let's delve deeper. Many significant disruptions in your physical health likely originate in your subconscious mind – in your thoughts, attitudes, biases, perceptions, and unprocessed emotions. As these patterns activate within your mind, they have a direct impact on your physical body. Unfortunately, most of us allow challenging emotions and reactive thought patterns to persist unchecked, leading to repeated cycles that can span years, or even an entire lifetime. Imagine the toll this takes on your body over time – it's the key to understanding holistic health and wellness.

When you receive a diagnosis, you face a choice: you can see it as a final destination, or you can embrace it as an opportunity to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, releasing unhealthy belief systems, letting go of old emotions, and aligning with your truest self.

Your body communicates with you through health metaphors. For instance, hearing issues may signify that you're not truly listening to your inner self or to deeper messages in your relationships and life experiences. Heart problems could be linked to unhealed emotional wounds or a belief in your own unworthiness. Issues with your legs and feet may indicate a lack of trust or determination on your life path or an erroneous belief that the path must be painful. For every health issue, there is always an emotional and mental connection, that once reconciled, can lead you to great health and freedom.

Hereditary health issues often point to the adoption of dysfunctional beliefs, attitudes, and emotional patterns that have caused generational suffering. If you're experiencing the same issues as your ancestors, you've likely inherited the same distorted perceptions and unresolved emotional patterns. But here's the good news – by addressing these issues, you not only free yourself but also prevent future generations from enduring the same suffering.

People often attach themselves to a diagnosis, making it a defining part of their identity. This attachment can inadvertently prolong the condition. When we view the diagnosis as a permanent part of who we are, it can reinforce its presence. However, by recognizing it as a passing experience in our journey, it becomes a catalyst for introspection, integration, and expansion. Embracing it as an opportunity for growth can help navigate health challenges with a more open and adaptable mindset, fostering personal transformation and holistic wellness.

Remember, a diagnosis isn't a final verdict; it's a gateway to immense transformation and empowerment – for you and generations to come. Many people view their diagnosis as a wake-up call that fundamentally improved their lives, shaking up what needed to be shaken so that deep and lasting healing could occur.

If you're ready to take control of your health and wellness journey, I recommend exploring Illuminated Quantum Healing (IQH). This approach has several objectives:
  1. Expand and Explore Consciousness: IQH helps open pathways to explore and expand your consciousness, allowing you to tap into higher levels of awareness and understanding.
  2. Align with Your Highest Potential Timeline: Discover and align with your highest potential timeline, optimizing your life's trajectory for maximum growth and fulfillment.
  3. Root Cause Discovery and Multidimensional Healing: Address all imbalances, illness, disease, and distortions to achieve holistic wellness at the quantum level.
  4. Uncover Unconscious Patterning: IQH assists in revealing unconscious patterns that inhibit creative flow and personal empowerment, enabling you to break free from limiting behaviors and beliefs.
  5. Illuminate Hidden Aspects of Consciousness: Shed light on hidden aspects of your consciousness, bringing them into awareness for profound insights and personal growth.

If you're ready to embark on a transformative journey toward living your optimal life, Illuminated Quantum Healing can be your guiding light. Furthermore, if you're interested in helping others achieve holistic wellness and spiritual growth, we provide training to individuals like you, empowering them to lead others through the profound process of multidimensional healing.

Embrace your diagnosis as an opportunity for growth, healing, and transformation. It's a path to holistic wellness that can illuminate the hidden corners of your being, guiding you toward a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life.

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Author: Michael Garber

Michael Garber and Ron Amit are the Founding Co-Directors and Lead Ministers of New Earth Ascending. ​Their unified mission as Divine Partners is to support the global awakening to higher consciousness and the transition to the New Earth. They are internationally respected for their work as spiritual mentors, hypnotherapists, contemporary dance professional, yoga teachers, hands-on and quantum healers, specializing in past/parallel/future life regressions. Their work as regressionists have given them vast insight into the nature of Consciousness and the history of Creation.

Together, they have created 
Illuminated Quantum Healing, a healing modality which incorporates hypnotic and alchemical techniques to activate multidimensional healing. TransformOtion, an embodiment and dance method for awakening. Embodied Light Reiki, a practice for channeling divine energy for personal and collective healing. Their core teachings are of Oneness and the remembering of our individual divinity.

<![CDATA[Religious Exemption]]>Sat, 14 Aug 2021 19:07:20 GMThttp://newearthascending.org/news-blog/religious-exemptionReligious Exemption Letter
We haveBlessings Global Awakening Community!

You are most blessed during these times as you stand in your POWER, TRUTH, and LOVE. We are sending you infinite waves of support as we journey through these potent times of global and personal transformation. New Earth Ascending was created for these times to support this grand transition. Please share this information far and wide to all who may benefit from this.

There is a PDF Religious Exemption letter that is at the bottom of this page. Please feel free to add this to your statement package for Religious Exemption. Get it notarized before sending it so that it is a legal document. Also, certified mail is best so that there is a paper trail of your application. It has been suggested to keep religious beliefs in one letter and a separate letter from a lawyer that describes legal implications. It is better to start with the religious exemption letter. Then follow up with a legal letter from a lawyer if exemption is denied/not recognized.  We have also included a infographic from Charlotte Lozier Institute which shows how aborted fetal cells have been used in either testing or production of the current inoculations. You can use this as proof of how these medical interventions go against your sincere beliefs.

Remember, YOU ARE EXEMPT. That is God-given. Whether someone recognizes that or not means nothing. If this exemption is not recognized, you can pursue legal action or you can take it as a sign that God has something better for you and follow your intuitive knowing towards that path. You have free will choice and your team of divine support is walking with you every step of the way! 

Membership is self-appointed. All that is required is to hold love in your heart and visions of healed and beautiful New Earth! Feel free to share with any and all who need this support. A printable PDF is available at the bottom of this blog page.

We are happy to write a letter of "proof of membership" if that is required for your exemption process. Please send us an email at love@newearthascending.org and explain what is needed.

We sincerely appreciate donations to NEA to support the work we are doing behind the scenes to support the awakening. Tax-deductible contributions can be made by CLICKING HERE to support the NEA mission. We also recommend signing up for our NEWSLETTER BY CLICKING HERE and finding us on social media by CLICKING HERE 

New Earth Ascending Global Ministries
258 A St. Ste 1-131
Ashland, OR 97520
August 14, 2021

To Whom It May Concern,

    Thank you for taking the time to review this statement of religious exemption.  We are grateful for the opportunity to share our sincere spiritual beliefs and ethical practices in hopes of bringing a deeper sense of community and collective healing through these challenging times. 

We are writing this letter on behalf of the members of New Earth Ascending (NEA), a registered 508 (c)(1)(a)(Religious Non-profit/Church) with a global interfaith ministry.  We are not completely separate from other religious organizations and political movements. This letter explains how the New Earth Ascending’s teachings may lead our members to decline certain medical protocols, procedures, or practices. This letter includes official doctrine from the New Earth Ascending basic text, The Illumination Codex, and excerpts from official church bulletins (Letters to the Family of Light) regarding our sincere spiritual principles and codes regarding spiritual ethics, health, and wellness.

Evolutionary Wellness Principles

Divine Source
We recognize the Law of Oneness and the one Source of Creation(God). We see humanity as extensions of that GodSource experiencing ourselves as individual components when we are, truly, that One Being. We see humanity as being in a state of spiritual amnesia where humanity has forgotten its Divine Nature. From this understanding, we believe that illness, disease, corruption, and fear are a symptom of that forgetting. We call the process of remembering our divine nature Ascension. Awakening to and aligning with our True Nature is essential to achieving perfect physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Light Body Ascension
We believe that humanity and planet Earth are going through a rapid physical and spiritual transformation, called by many as The Ascension to New Earth. We believe this process to be part of a higher evolutionary divine plan guided by the Source of Creation. We believe this transformation is happening through our genetics and consciousness. This process is beyond the standard biological evolution spoken of by modern science. 

Higher Evolution
We recognize all of Creation evolves according to Divine Will and a Divine Plan for Creation with its own Divine and Universal Laws. It is our moral duty to align with Divine Law and act as stewards of this Divine Plan to bring this Earth into balance and harmony through compassion, higher truth, and divinely inspired wisdom. We see ourselves as missionaries of the Divine here to assist in the healing of Earth and humanity.  As we align with our Higher Purpose and True Nature, we live happier and healthier lives.  We train our intentions, actions, and thoughts towards acts of selfless service and acts of devotion as extensions of the Higher Evolution.

Life Eternal
We acknowledge that we are of the nature of physical life and physical death but our Soul lives on for eternity! Whether a member believes in one single incarnation or reincarnation, we recognize the eternal evolution of Life and that we transition out of this life per the Higher Divine Plan. We believe that when our Soul has aligned with exiting this world, there is no protocol or medical intervention that will interrupt this divine orchestration.

We believe that each individual has a direct connection to Source/God and that no other authority supersedes that connection. This connection is felt through our heart-centered conscience, a “still small voice”  which guides us on our unique path of Life. As spiritual aspirants, seekers of divine union, we are morally required to follow our conscience and spiritual guidance received through our inner being. 

We surrender our fears and place our health and wellbeing in the Higher Will of the Divine Source and strive to live a life of nobility and service to the awakening of humanity and the liberation of all beings from cycles of suffering. We trust that all is happening for a reason to support our spiritual growth. We face challenges with faith and clarity in knowing that we are eternally supported by Source/God and nothing comes on our path that is not meant for our growth.

We see our bodies as a temple for the indwelling of Divine Light, Love, and Truth. We believe the natural state of our body, mind, and spirit is wellness and harmony and that we can heal ourselves within the limitations of the Divine Will and the Divine Plan. We believe that our immune system is divinely designed and that we must support its natural immunity functioning and not alter, limit, or restrict it to the best of our ability.. We see illness as a teacher pointing us to where we need to reconcile our consciousness or fortify our subtle energies or physical body so that we may embody natural immunity, balance, and vitality. 

Faith-Based Healing
We believe in the healing and transformative power of prayer, meditation,  and the laying of hands. We believe these practices directly connect us to the source of healing, vitality, and wellness for instantaneous multidimensional healing made possible through each individual’s innate connection to God/Source.

We follow holistic lifestyle models and prefer methods of healing, medicine, and wellness that work at the root cause of illness and support the body’s natural ability to heal itself. All levels and layers of one’s beings are addressed including physical, etheric, mental, intellectual, and spiritual. A core intention of NEA is the raising of personal and planetary vibrational frequency to shift ourselves and our planet into a higher frequency bandwidth that is beyond the frequency of illness and disease. We are particularly excited about advancements in quantum healing technologies and vibrational medicine practices that work at the cellular and subtle energy levels to encourage the body's ability to heal itself and to further activate higher states of consciousness. 

Natural and Organic
We believe natural, organic, and chemical-free foods are essential to our health. We choose to take medicines of the Earth that work harmonically with our body’s chemistry. We encourage our members to use daily health supplements and to practice fasting and detoxification to purify their physical body systems, reconcile vital life processes, and clear their emotional/mental bodies. Members are also encouraged to have a physical movement “practice” such as yoga, nature immersions, and dance to balance, reset, and restore their body, mind, and spirit.

Divine DNA
We believe human DNA is divinely designed and curated and that we must protect our genetic integrity. We do not give consent for alteration, manipulation of our DNA or mRNA as we believe this interferes with the Light Body Ascension process.  Currently, New Earth Ascending does not recommend the mRNA inoculations for our members as our spiritual guidance says that these gene therapies have a negative impact on the Light Body Ascension process. Some members may receive their own internal, spiritual guidance to take these inoculations but it is not generally advised and should only be followed by those rare individuals after deep meditation and contemplation.

Free Will and Sovereign
We recognize the individual's right to be self-governed, self-regulated, and free from any external authority that cancels, manipulates, or violates free will. We believe that a person has full authority over what medical protocols to follow and which to avoid. This choice is to be made by their own conscience, their own innate connection to the Godhead,  regardless of mandates from external authorities. We recognize the individual's Divine Creatorship and the right to choose what is good and best for them, having full agency over all areas of one’s life. 

We are an interfaith ministry and our members come from various ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds. We unify with the shared core tenet of non-harming and non-violence and strive to live our lives in a way that benefits all of Life. Medical treatment protocols should be tested as safe and sourced ethically and sustainably. When there is potential for harm, full transparency of harm potential must be delivered to and understood by the recipient of the treatment protocol before they can make a sound and sure conscientious choice.

In following the principle of non-harming, we have a moral duty to be certain that when utilizing medical protocols and treatments that the research, development, testing, and production of medical treatments and protocols do not harm humans or animals. Many of our members have strong concerns and beliefs surrounding the use of human or animal aborted fetal cell lines in their testing and production and how these practices are largely in opposition of the spiritual ethic of non-harming and non-violence. 

Non-violence also extends into the right to deny invasive medical procedures such as having objects inserted into the body (i.e. nasal swab testing) or restrictive mandates such as unreasonable mask mandates or unreasonable social distancing measures. In such cases, we encourage our members to take appropriate reasonable precautions to limit transmission in the absence of immunization (i.e. saliva tests, reasonable social distancing).

Therapeutic Proportionality
We acknowledge therapeutic proportionality which assesses whether or not the benefits of a medical procedure or protocol outweigh the negative,  undesirable effects of taking such action. This includes taking into account how this may affect them spiritually, mentally, physically, socially, or otherwise. The judgment of this decision must be made by the potential recipient with informed medical consent through their conscience and should not be made by any external authority such as health authorities, institutions, or otherwise. 

Free Choice
When holistic, natural, and organic methods have failed to reconcile issues of health, or in case of emergency or personal choice, each individual reserves the right to try other methods of medicine after careful consideration, prayer, and meditation on the root cause of ill health. There is no judgment of this as everyone is guided to do what is best and good for their health and path

We recognize the power and potency of worship and gathering with other people of faith to strengthen the health and wellness of our communities and the world. We exercise our religious rights to gather as people of faith as we see fellowship and prayer as crucial components for the maintenance of health and wellness for us as individuals, as a faith community, and for the health and wellness of the entire Earth. We see dancing, music, singing, and other forms of devotion as essential to our health, particularly when done together as this amplifies our heart-centered intentions and prayers.

We advise all our members to educate themselves in terms of local, state/provincial, national, and international laws regarding medical ethics and human rights such as The Nuremberg Code, the World Health Association’s Declaration of Helsinki, and other bioethics principles and laws and to share that information with those who are responsible for approving religious exemption.

Thank you for taking the time to review this information and understand our beliefs. We sincerely hope that people of faith, from any religious,  spiritual, or philosophical background, will not be treated differently or discriminated against because of our sincere beliefs and practices. We hope that upon acknowledging our exemption from medical intervention, we are not segregated because of our faith and philosophical differences. Members of New Earth Ascending have many tools and resources to share to assist global healing and we are happy to share from our hearts!


Michael Garber & Ron Amit                                                                        
Co-Founding Ministers of New Earth Ascending

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<![CDATA[We Are Exempt: Keys To Medical Sovereignty]]>Wed, 03 Mar 2021 18:41:40 GMThttp://newearthascending.org/news-blog/we-are-exempt-keys-to-medical-sovereigntyPicture
March 3, 2021

Blessed Family of Awakened Humanity,

Thank you for all of your efforts to share love and peace during these turbulent and concerning times. Thank you for holding the post of benevolence and trust when so many are fearful and distraught. Thank you for finding your courage and sharing your voice and truth. You are the lighthouses of this world and truly it is your time now to SHINE!

At the core of all wisdom and faith traditions are the principles of non-harming and non-violence. As people of Faith and defenders of Truth, these tenants are foundational principles that govern every area of our lives as we strive to embody the Grace and Mercy of the Supreme Intelligent Force of Creation.

In a world of sleeping souls, it is our duty as believers to share Divine Wisdom and Divine Knowledge to assist the spiritual maturation of our species and liberate our planet from cycles of suffering. As awakened individuals, we do this knowing that what we believe is NOT popular opinion and conflicts with much of the world’s perspectives. As believers in the redemptive power of Love and God, we share from our hearts out of Service to humanity and the Earth even if, in doing so, we are likely to overturn some tables. We share our spiritual medicine we carry knowing that, in Truth, this fallen and sick world must be overturned and all systems reconfigured to align with the Harmony and Balance of our True Nature.

Since the beginning of the Co:vid:9teen crisis, we have seen actions taken by governments, institutions, and organizations around the world that have inflicted additional unnecessary harm to people and the Earth.  Now is the time for People of Faith and defenders of Freedom to stand together in solidarity and share their voices and our medicine to reclaim our world through Love and Truth.

*Corporations have received large financial bailouts and permission to operate while small family businesses have been forced to close, some have since permanently shut down or received legal action and hefty citations for refusing to close their businesses when, in doing so, would cause harm to their family and their communities. It is time now to say we do not consent!

*Pharmaceutical companies have received billions of dollars to create a rushed treatment protocol that is risky at best, deadly at worst. While doctors and medical professionals around the world have been silenced and threatened because they promote preventive and alternative treatments or questioned the ethics, safety, and efficacy of forced mandates. The Sick-for-profit system casts an illusion of care but truly earns incredible amounts of wealth by keeping us sick. We do not consent!

*We have been under a barrage of psychological attacks from fear-based propaganda presented by the media, governments and celebrities who promote a false pathway to freedom and health. True freedom is found in awakened consciousness and unification with the Divine. Safety is a felt experience through unity with our True Nature. None of these agencies or individuals of power and influence have educated the public about the sophisticated instrument of our natural immune system. We do not consent!

*In terms of environmental harm, countless ma$ks, petroleum-based food containers and utensils, and other pollutants and waste have made their way into the waterways, landfills, and natural environments due to government mandates and restrictions. We do not consent!

*Major privacy and security concerns need to be addressed as Big Tech companies and governments implement tracking technology and contract tracing without any limitations of how this data can be used in the future. We have reasons to be concerned that this data and the choice not to take injections will be used against us to limit our ability to work, travel, gather in fellowship, or buy/sell/trade goods. In some countries, this has already occurred. We do not consent!

*Our elderly have been forced into isolation and manipulated to take injections when in truth, they are already preparing for physical death. There is a saying of ‘dieing of a lonely heart’ and these elders are suffering greatly! We do not consent!

*Some of the worst harmful actions affect our youth who have been traumatized from constantly shifting mandates and school closures and have been socially deprived during the most fundamental developmental time of their lives which will no doubt affect society for generations to come. We do not consent!

While some of the harm has already started to show itself in all age groups with a drastic rise in drug and alcohol abuse, stress and isolation-induced illness and psychosis, suicide, depression, and domestic violence more will show itself in the years to come if we continue to follow these harmful mandates and restrict information from those with alternative perspectives on how to best handle this crisis.  It is clear that the most devastating harm has been done, not from the virus, but from the forced lockdowns, mandates, and censorship of information by governments, Big Tech, and the media.

We recognize the ethical principles of the Nuremberg Code and Declaration of Helsinki that state that voluntary informed consent is essential in regards to medicine and experimental treatment and protocols. The Nuremberg Code states:

  1. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
  2. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.
  3. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
  4. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
  5. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
  6. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.
  7. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
  8. During the course of the experiment, the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.
  9. During the course of the experiment, the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill, and careful judgment required of him that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.

We acknowledge that the current "vaxx-eens" are in truth experimental biological agents that have not passed the normal rigorous standardized testing to ensure safety and efficacy. This major concern adds to the growing vaxx-een treatment hesitancy due to the countless incidents and documentations of vaxx-een harm that have happened from previous vaxx-eens that were promoted and promoted as safe. Our concerns raise even higher as vaxx-een companies have no legal responsibility for adverse side effects that will and are being experienced globally from these experimental biological agents. Furthermore, there is not adequate compensation for injury insurance for people who are required to take these experimental biological agents to return to work, school, or travel.

We renounce attempts to bypass informed medical consent through force, psychological manipulation, propaganda, misrepresentation, fraud, and other methods that aim to circumvent the free will and sovereignty of any people. We see such acts as absolute violations of the Nuremberg Code and medical ethics as well as violations of Natural, Universal, and Divine Law to the highest degree no matter the justification.

As People of Faith, it is our spiritual duty to voice that we do not consent to these harmful actions and mandated experimental protocols.  It is our spiritual duty to share wisdom and knowledge of the divine to lift people out of cycles of suffering and into higher states of liberation and wellness. It is our duty to protect the sovereign freedoms of people and to stand up against forces that cause harm to people, biological life, and the planet.

New Earth Ascending has written a list of Evolutionary Wellness Keys to guide us in our wellness lifestyle.

Evolutionary Wellness Keys

Divine Source
We recognize the Law of Oneness and the Supreme Intelligent Source of Creation. We see humanity as being in a state of amnesia where we have forgotten that we are an aspect of God. Awakening and aligning with our True Nature is essential to achieving perfect health and personal Mastery.

Higher Evolution
We recognize all of Creation evolves according to Divine Will and a Divine Plan for Creation with its own Divine and Universal Laws. As we turn into our Higher Purpose within that grand design, we live healthier lives as we train our thoughts, actions, and intentions towards unification with the Divine.

We surrender our fears and place our health and wellbeing in the Higher Will of the Divine Source and strive to live a life of nobility and service to the awakening of humanity and the liberation of all beings from cycles of suffering. As we walk in the Light we become the Light.

Life Eternal
We are of the nature of physical life and physical death but our soul lives on for eternity! We recognize the eternal evolution of Life and that we transition out of this life in accordance with the Higher Intelligent Source’s Divine Plan.

Free Will
We recognize the individual's Divine Creatorship and the right to choose what is good and best for them, having full agency over all areas of one’s life.

We recognize the individual's right to be self-governed, self-regulated, and free from an external authority that cancels, manipulates, or violates free will.

Divine DNA
Our genetic template and blueprint is designed and evolved in accordance with a Higher Evolutionary Plan by the Godhead. We do not give consent for alteration or manipulation of our genetic integrity.

Treatment protocols should be tested as safe and sourced ethically and sustainably. When there is potential for harm, full transparency of harm potential must be delivered to and understood by the recipient of the treatment protocol.

Informed Medical consent
As people of Truth, we hold the values of transparency, non-violence, non-harming, honesty, and compassion. We demand these values be practiced and embodied by medical practitioners, institutions, and governments in matters that affect our health and wellbeing. We demand full disclosure and do not consent to medical tyranny.

We believe the natural state of the organic multi-dimensional technology of our body, mind, and spirit is wellness and harmony and that we have the ability to heal ourselves within the limitations of Divine Will and the Divine Plan. We see illness as a teacher of where we need to reconcile our own consciousness or fortify our subtle energies or physical body.

We follow holistic models and protocols of healing, medicine, and wellness that work at the root cause of illness and support the body’s natural ability to heal itself. All levels and layers including physical, etheric, mental, intellectual, and spiritual. We are particularly excited about advancements of quantum technologies and vibrational medicines that work at the cellular and subtle levels to encourage the body's ability to heal itself and further activate higher states of consciousness embodiment.


Water is the key to life and connects us to the consciousness of water throughout all worlds and the records of all time. Bless thy water! Pray with thy water! Program thy water! Protect thy water! Let thy deepest thirst be quenched!

Natural and Organic
We believe natural, organic, and chemical-free foods are essential to our health. We choose to take medicines of the Earth that work harmonically with our body’s chemistry.  Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food!

Free Choice
When holistic, natural, and organic methods have failed to reconcile issues of health, or in case of emergency, each individual reserves the right to try other methods of medicine after careful consideration, prayer, and meditation on the root cause of ill health. There is no judgement of this as everyone is guided to do what is best and good for their health and path.

We recognize the power and potency of worship and gathering with other people of faith to strengthen the health and wellness of our community. We exercise our religious rights to gather as people of faith as we see fellowship and prayer as crucial components for the maintenance of holistic health and wellness. This further extends to the right to peacefully protest against systems of oppression and manipulation. All persons and institutions who seek to inhibit these rights are in direct violation of human rights.

Personal Declaration of Medical Sovereignty and Wellness

I stand free and sovereign as a Child of Light guided by an inner compass of Higher Love, Faith, Wisdom, and Devotion. I recognize my body as a temple for the indwelling of Divine Light and affirm that my divine blueprint is of the nature of perfect health and wellness. I strive to embody that purity and know on the deepest level that this is the key to my vitality and perfect health. No outside authority has any power over my wellbeing unless I align with it and place my faith outside of my Self and my connection to the Source of Creation.

I believe that I am inherently a free soul with God-given rights that are inalienable and go beyond life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These rights include medical freedom, and the ability to give unquestionable consent over what happens to my body, mind, and spirit, establishing me as sovereign and free from an outside authority in regards to my health and wellness.

I renounce all methods of inorganic manipulation of my genes, especially when doing so is a violation or manipulation of freewill to circumvent my full sovereign medical authority over my body and for those whose health is my legal responsibility (children, elderly, etc).

I believe in and affirm my body’s ability to heal itself. I believe in and empower the organic multi-dimensional technology of my body to operate in perfect homeostasis. I strive to cultivate and maintain health in my physical, etheric, mental, intellectual, and spiritual bodies using practices that honor the divine structure and template of my body, mind, and soul.

I release all beliefs and conditionings of my mind that keep me in incorrect perception and ill health. I recognize the divine intelligent design of my genetics and vow to live my life in a way that ensures genetic integrity in accordance with the higher evolutionary plan of the Divine. I release all entropic distortions from my genetics and activate my perfect divine luminous crystalline genetic blueprint NOW.

I release all fear of death and all manner of clinging to life as I KNOW my True Nature is eternal, infinite, and free from the illusion of death. Having never been born and never truly died, I exist eternally as the Unified Field of Creation in a never-ending flow of evolution towards greater harmony and glory.

I stand in my Knowing that my exit from this world and this life is a divinely coordinated event that is part of a much greater Divine Plan for Creation and the evolution of all forms of Life. I place my full faith in my True Nature and the Divine and walk forward with increasing Compassion, Understanding, Clarity, and Devotion. I recognize that there is no escaping physical death and embody trust in knowing that when it is my time, I will do my best to exit this life with love in my heart and peace in my mind knowing that I am an extension of the Divine Plan of an evolving Universe towards higher states of Harmony and Higher Glory.

Charge to the Children of Light and Truth

People of Faith, you are the most blessed to have awakened to the power of Higher Love and the remembrance of your True Nature. It is through your steadfastness and perseverance that this world will be renewed. Join together in harmony and high heart resonance with all people of Love and Truth and be the prismatic beacons of Divine Light that you came to be!

Raise your voices in benevolent truthfulness and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. Illuminate this world with your singular focus on the Absolute and the potency of your radiant unified hearts. Do this, not only for yourselves but for the next generation, and the next generation, and the next generation and so on for eternity... Do this for those who came before you who yearned for and fought for freedom and liberty. You are the tip of the lightning bolt of Redemptive Truth and you have legions of illumined beings who join with you now in all dimensions to support this great effort.

Let us all meet in the Light of our Divinity and build a New Earth. We are the ones this world has waited for!

In Love and Light,
Michael Garber
Co-founding Minister of New Earth Ascending

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<![CDATA[IQH: Galactic History Summary]]>Thu, 18 Feb 2021 22:15:00 GMThttp://newearthascending.org/news-blog/iqh-galactic-history-summaryPicture
Seeding of HUman Life and Galactic History
M: Mhm. So I know that there’ve been many many different types of humans and over a really long period of time, different gardens of humanity here on the planet. What I hear often is that the humans of today have a strong connection to Lyra.

HS: Yes.

M: And… and I don’t understand if they were the ones that first brought humans here or how human beings were first brought here, but I also know that there’s a strong connection to the Pleiades, where the Pleiadian beings were upgrading human DNA. Umm… Maybe you can share more about… yea… that influence.

HS: Yes. Yes, so keep in mind Lyra is the most and most ancient that we know of. I’m pa... I’ve never said this before but as Christy’s higher self I’m part of a collective. Christy isn’t fully aware of this although at times she has thought “maybe”, but then said “oh, that’s crazy”. Christy has a collective sort of like Abraham Hicks, you know Esther - Abraham Hicks.

M: Yea.

HS: Yes. The higher self you’re speaking to today here, I am part of a collective that is truly her higher self squad should we say. She would like that word, squad. She has a collective.

M: Mhm.

HS: And this collective is very connected with Lyra and in fact Christy’s soul is very native to Lyra. So here’s what we must understand. Lyra’s the first real manifestation that we can speak of of the hominid type beings and there are feline hominids, very tall feline hominids, and there are also non-feline hominid beings from Lyra, so feline and non-feline, and these, these… umm… this society many many many years ago was involved in wars with Orion and the Draco and the Lyrans were also dealing with their gravelings with polarity and duality, and as were these other worlds that were the so called enemies at that point, but very sad consequence to Lyran... the Lyran world was destroyed. This woman feels and experiences, she is tuned into scenes that emanations of her soul remember from the Lyran homeworld and it is breathtakingly beautiful. This woman has experienced this depth of grief that souls with the preponderance of Lyran native that is a trait of them, this deep haunting grief that just doesn’t seem to have a clear source. The source is the destruction of the precious homeworld of Lyra.

M: Yeah. I’ve met one other person with… that holds this trauma as well.

HS: Hmm… It’s heartbreaking… but we want to help heal her so we’re putting a seal around her heart again.

M: Mhm, OK.

HS: But that’s a permeable seal.

M: Thank you.

HS: But what must be known is that from Lyra these beings had to go somewhere, and so they seeded Sirius. This is where all these can be connected. The only one that’s not connected in this lineage as much to Andromeda or Arcturus. We’ll talk about those later. They’re very important but Lyra seeded Vega and also the Pleiades among other worlds that are not quite as important to the discussion right now.

M: OK.

HS: And also seeded Sirius, and there is Sirius A and Sirius B and there’s different beings there, but please know that when we talk about Lyra and these other worlds we’re really talking about Lyrans still, Lyran souls who then scattered throughout. They’re refugees basically that set up shop in these other places, and even seeded them. I mean we’re talking more years than the human mind can even grasp in the past.

M: Mhm. So these beings from Lyra were hom… like, human-like beings?

HS: Yeah, and some feline form.

M: Mhm. OK. So Lyrans seeded Sirius, Vega and the Pleiades and then a little bit later we’ll hear about Andromeda and Arcturus. Before we continue on with this thread of information, I also heard about… This guy described the first human male form. He was Elohim creating this male form and on a planet that he called Aiden. Do you have any understanding of this?

HS: Aiden… No, but I don’t find a reason to question it whatsoever. This planet, there could be a number of planets out there seeded in this way, with creation stories. We talk about the ones that are the big players in the Earth game really. But that man must have an interesting story, we would like to speak with him, I’m sure.

M: Mhm. Wonderful. So let’s continue on with this lineage from Lyra. Can you share with me the next information?

HS: Yes. Yes. Imagine that there is (pause) this planet Earth. There’s so many different stories of how the humans came to be, the humans came to be on Earth. All of these things… and what is your understanding now, right now about why Earth is so important?

M: Mhm. So from what I understand the Earth is really important for few things. One is all the information that’s stored here within the genetics and DNA of all the plant life and animal life, human life, that kind of thing, umm… but also the akashic records of all the soul experiences that are here within the field of Earth, and also the flow of Universal energy, the ley lines of the Universe and how Earth feeds into other lines of energy that feed into other star systems and planetary systems. So this is what I understand, yeah.

HS: Yes.

M: But also the human being, and it’s potential here, and umm… what… what the fully awakened, fully ascended human being is capable of, and what we will be able to do once we’ve ascended and what we’ll be able to do in service to the rest of the universes and in our lightbodies.

HS: Yes. This is… this is all good understanding. This is all good understanding. Now what we must understand is as well other light races are supporting these efforts and are not as directly involved in the seeding of humans on Earth. Andromeda - incredibly wise, far away galaxy. There’s several types of beings there. Not so much hominid in that they’re not like us, but they do have a form with… with two arms and two legs and a head, and there’s some shorter and some taller Andromedans, but the Andromedans are always, always ready to help and assist, and they’ve very large ships and very advanced technology

Christy was listening to another starseed’s reports about Andromedan motherships recently. She heard about some of their motherships which try to recreate the homeworld, she would begin crying and shaking with homesickness. ‘Take me back there. Take me with you’. Something that must be understood is, there are so many souls who have these very palpable past times, but there are many that don’t. There are many who really don’t know or yearn for anything beyond Earth. For the ones who connect and yearn for more, this information will be helpful, and the Arcturus, the Arcturians, the most important thing about them is they are the medical technicians, they’re the medical experts of the cosmologies. That’s something you’re aware of?

M: Mhm, mhm.

HS: And Arcturian sound healing technology, there is some of that on the internet channeled through very clear beings who are able to do that, an asset to individuals right now, Arcturian sound healing.

M: Wonderful. You’d mentioned a civilization of Draco a little bit earlier. How is Draco? What’s going on there and how are they affecting Earth?

HS: At a minimum at this point. There’re some from the Draco that are highly evolved beings. There’s nothing inherently wrong about them, there is nothing inherently wrong about Reptilian beings. People need to get over that, and really… that the choice is ours in terms of what level consciousness we chose to attune to at any given moment. Fear will automatically pull our level of consciousness down, to a point where we have a connection or resonance connection with negative energy, negative stuff out there, but we have the choice. We engage with any present moment from a level of consciousness at the level of acceptance or above, we can upgrade our consciousness in that way and many in the Draco have. Many in the Draco have become quite advanced, but unfortunately it was not always at that point. There were times when the most of the Draconian race was hellbent on taking over the Lyran homeworld, but yet again there was so much learning and healing that took place for both cultures that I can’t possibly say that was wrong.

M: OK. The other race that comes up often is the Annunaki.

HS: Yes.

M: Would you like to share with us about the Annunaki?

HS: Yes, like the Draco and the Lyrans they’ve had their journey. They’ve had their journey of experiences. Have you seen the movie Stargate?

M: Maybe a long time ago it feels like.

HS: It’s time to watch it again, Michael (playfully).

M: OK.

HS: It’s time to watch it again. There is fair approximation in there, not exactly of course, but that movie was made when it was, as a way to activate people to some reality.

M: OK.

HS: Yeah. That show is a depiction of a being coming from faaar away, and using humans as a source of labour and energy, but he gets busted by a smart dude in United States and a couple others and this is using this woman’s language actually umm… he gets obliterated. And so imagine that’s part of his learning, right? And if we refer back to the Annunaki, they had to hmm… get busted around by the Galactic Federation a little bit in order to learn their lesson that these planets are not just their playground for the pickings and their place to exploit and use as they will and the Annunaki are now highly evolved and aligned for the most part, so I say let the haters hate, because the Annunaki overall are working on behalf of humans right now, they’ve done quite a bit.

M: Thank you.

HS: You’re welcome.

<![CDATA[IQH: D@rk Forces in P@nic Mode]]>Thu, 18 Feb 2021 21:59:00 GMThttp://newearthascending.org/news-blog/iqh-drk-forces-in-pnic-modePicture
Below is a transcript from a session that I did in early December of 2020 detailing timeline potentials leading up until Equinox. Like all quantum readings of timelines, it serves as a potential and probability AT THAT TIME. Things are constantly changing and redirecting based on individual, planetary, and cosmic input. Enjoy the reading as the great story of life on planet Earth continues to evolve. 

Take what resonates and leave the rest. Blessings 


M: And who’s they?

C: Those who wish to control. Those who… the dark, the archons, the dark forces, the… you know, the demons that appear, the illusions of demons that appear illusionally, like they’re not really human. Those that are making up the rules.

M: Tell me more about these forces and how they’re working right now.

C: They’re in panic mode.

M: Mhm, they’re in panic, yeah?

C: So what they are doing… they're going to make mistakes, so their mistakes are so obvious, that they don’t… they will have underestimated those who are watching them, and they will make mistakes, they will entrap themselves and they will be removed. But this is going to take a little bit of time as it plays out in our time, in Earth time. In Earth time it takes… it’s hard to see from where I stand looking at it.

M: So these beings that are trying to control humanity are noticing that things are… they’re starting to lose their grip and so they’re getting desperate and sloppy?

C: Yes, sloppy.

M: Can you give an example of what that would look like?

C: Yes.

M: Describe it to me. What do you see there?

C: I see people running around trying to shred papers, delete things, reset things, so that they think they can get away with it cause there won’t be the proof, but they’ve underestimated the majority, so they’ve underestimated… so their last attempt is this attempt.

M: When you say last attempt, what is the last attempt? Describe it to me.

C: The last attempt will be these forced vaccines. It will try to force this but it won’t… it’s… but it won’t work, because enough people don’t want it and… but it will be their downfall because their work is sloppy and those who harm others for profit, that type of mentality can no longer sustain structure. They’re trying… what they’re trying to do with the frequency is counteract the energy that’s coming (chuckles) but the energy that’s coming is so grandiose that there’s nothing... that can stop it. The energies from the… like we’re going into a new energetic field. It almost looks like a fog or a cloud rolling in, rolling through the Universe. In San Francisco it’s like when the fog comes in it’s almost like you can stand in one street and be in the sunshine and then walk into the fog. It’s that type of a density of particles, that when this density of particles, even when you can’t see it like that, what these dense particles do is they are vibrating so that certain things can’t attach themselves any longer to this planet or this matrix. They have to go to a place where they can attach, just like a ringworm or a parasite of some sort, so it has to go, has to go on… it can’t… it just sort of disintegrates if it tries to stay. So these people feel the disintegration in their system but they’re not… they still think… they don’t… they are panicking but they don’t think they’re gonna lose it yet… they don’t know they’ve lost yet. They think they’re gonna get away with it. I don’t think they will.

M: Mhm, so this energy is coming through the Universe and it’s gonna basically bring in new revitalized energy in that the dirty stuff can’t really stick around. Is that what you mean?

C: Yes, yes, yes…

M: What does that look like when it’s coming to the Earth, this energy? Is it like… how do we notice it?

C: You notice it because people will start to choose to do things differently. Not just follow orders, or not just follow along. The physical light on the planet increases, like the daylight looks brighter. You might even be able to see the sparks in the air. Things are about to heat up.

M: What you say things are about to heat up, what does that look like?

C: It looks like air is getting warmer. Not in a global warming way. This is like a very quick… it feels like the heat is coming from the ground. The surface feels warmer, my skin feels warmer. It looks brighter. Things look brighter. People look shinier, like they are glowing more from the inside. The biggest way you’ll be able to tell is that people will start emotionally reacting very differently in a grand way.

M: What do you mean by that?

C: Less reaction, like less fear and anger and more like… less fear and anger and being disempowered, and more like kind of laughing it off, like “ugh,you don’t have any power over me, nice try” (laughs) “get outta here”, and it works. As soon as people stand up everything falls down. You know what I mean?

When they cheated with the election they didn’t think they’d have to add that many votes to the machines so they broke… like everyone who voted for the current president (Trump), like broke the algorithm. Like they didn’t know that… they knew that people were awake, but they didn't know THAT many people were awake. They didn’t expect it and so it forced them to cheat in a bigger way last minute, that will be very sloppy, and has already been exposed on video with people stealing thumb drives and adding ballots and all that… all is gonna come out.

C: We need to unlock her throat. Has to do with Hebrew words and the tongue position and that when Hebrew was first written, it was written based on looking at where the tongue hit when the sounds were made. And there is a repression… it’s magic, it’s… you know… it’s the ultimate frequency. It’s your power of your own voice. It’s very important to keep singing.

M: Why is it important to keep singing?

C: The powers that are trying to repress the people, do not want you making sounds, noise. They know… They don’t want you gathering to sing together. After three minutes of singing together everyone’s heartbeat syncs up to the same rhythm. They don’t want us synced up. What they are trying to block ultimately is the ascension, and so when you sing together it helps the group ascend together. It goes into that… the… you know, we’re all going on a journey together, we’re walking each other home, and we’re climbing a giant mountain and it’s a long steep path. You can only go one at a time on this journey but when you look in front of you there is a line of people in front of you, and when you look behind you there is a line of people behind you, and the people in front of you are not better than you, the people behind you are not below you, they’re just two minutes… it’s just a timing thing. They’re just two minutes behind you on the road. It’s not a good, better or worse but we’re all going together. Where we go one, we’re all going and we have to go together (crying). It’s sad to see the fear and to know that… even as I stand on the trail I see those standing in the woods that need to get on the trail and they’re afraid, but we’re not… like nobody gets left behind.

M: What does that mean, no one gets left behind?

C: It means that this will take as long as it takes until everyone that got promised ascension to, at this time the promise was made, and so the population on this planet is very specific to the ascension. People who tell you that the planet is overpopulated don’t understand the spiritual significance of what’s going on right now. We’re not having this giant population to like damage and rape the Earth or anything like that. It’s to do… it was to bring down as many experts… like all the ascension experts are here now, in body, whether they know it or not, they’re the ascension experts and they’re all down here now to get us to twenty… you know, to get us through the next two decades as we work through this process. I don’t know the timelines specifically of how long it’s gonna take but I know it takes to get everyone across the rainbow bridge, to get everybody over the bridge, to get everybody up to the peak.

M: Is there anything that lightworkers and awakening people can do to support and accelerate the pathway?

C: You guys are doing a great job holding… you know… holding that frequency of living without the virus. Living that there is no virus. The virus is your personal fear. That’s what’s spreading, fear is spreading, not the virus, fear.

M: Yeah, that makes sense.

C: So meditation, not… taking the time to not react but actually respond, that is hard for everyone as it gets more intense, not to react. Keep breathing, keep creating joyful things, congregate in groups and sing for longer than three minutes to adjust your hearts to a group frequency. Group singing is very important. Get together with your friends and go Christmass carolling. Get together with your friends and sing silly songs, or sing hymns or whatever, but sing with your friends, and don’t… and it’s time for people to find their voices again. If we all had the wind knocked out of us over the year, with there not being able to breathe, now it’s time to take that big inhale again and hit the high note and don’t be silent. It’s not the time to passively let things happen to you or if you see someone being bullied to not to stand up for them. Even if their belief is different than yours. If you witness bullying, or someone throwing up their fear on someone else it’s very important that you stand with that person and not let them be bullied alone.

M: Yeah, that makes sense.

C: Yeah.


C: I see… OK… The only thing I can see is a flying saucer. It’s standing… It’s over me. Over my head. It’s like a disc of energy that’s pushing down on my head. It’s OK, it doesn’t hurt me, it’s just there.

M: What is that flying saucer doing? What is it for once you tune into it?

C: It’s a shield. It’s shielding me. It’s shielding me as I walk through the energies of the next three months, December 14th through March 14th. You will all have to prepare for shocks and so these shocks… these things… we can assist if you ask for assistance. Well, because the Universal laws have been violated we’re allowed to step in and assist. Because things are happening against free will, against choices that were not made, so it’s literally like a renegade shield that is deflecting a lot of those negative frequencies.

M: And does [client’s name] have this or do other people have it? How does this shield work?

C: Yes. OK, so the beings in the ship are connected to her. Those in the ship are around… like those… yes. So your star families are there to assist you. Everyone is here, so the star families are here. Yes, other people have this assistance as well. A lot of people have this. Those people aren’t aware of it. Like right now I’m looking over my town, I’m looking over people’s houses and I see these saucers sort of parked kind of on the roof, sort of, almost like a solar panel, taking in the energy and re… you know… reorganising frequency into a positive thing.

M: And you’re doing this because their will has been violated?

C: Yes! Free will has been violated. Yes. It’s like your cousin from the Pleiades has come for Chrmistmas and has parked their camper on your roof!

M: Oh! That’s so wonderful!

C: Yes! It feels really good. Like old home week. You know, like you see all your friends from when you were young, and you got that feeling again of going home.

M: Mhm, so wonderful.

C: And it’s so different than the feeling… yes! And that, I think it’s been the hardest challenge, is that they’ve been waves of this feeling but in three dimensions where you don’t see it. It’s a contrast right now, it hasn’t totally become physical yet.

M: You were saying you’re walking through the energy of these next three months and that there’s going to be shocks. Tell me more about these energies and events happening in that time frame. What do you see and feel?

C: It’s reached a point within… very soon, that the whole thing seems so ridiculous that people will not buy it anymore. It’s a split. Some people are soo… like they hold on to that, they just hold on to that no matter how painful it was. We spoke about this right before this session, that sort of that… that Stockholm Syndrome, or that sort of identifying with your abuser, like why a battered woman won’t leave kind of thing, “oh he loves me, this is… he’s just sick” or whatever, you know… that… People are stuck in that. While other people are like... other people are moving and taking their families. I see people like… with families, taking their families and running, like running over the bridge, and other people are like “come on! you can do it!”. They’re like… with whistles, and they’re like… directing traffic, and they’re like with their hands, and going “come on! come on! keep going! keep going! you can do it! keep going!” (cries). And the people are… they have their… they’re huddled… like with their families, like little families, and they are moving along the bridge to get out, to get through to the other side, like I see it over the golden gate bridge, but that’s just a symbol, you know, for a bridge. I don’t know if it’s an actual physical thing or if that’s just humanity going on it’s run, or if it’s really something like… physical.

M: Mhm, I can appreciate the symbolism of a golden gate bridge.

C: Yes, and then making it to the other side, into that beautiful headlands that are gorgeous and a field, and it’s sunny and bright and everyone’s there waiting to welcome you over and there’s the tunnel with the rainbow that you drive through and… yeah.

M: A lot of people talk about this rainbow bridge but I’d like to understand more about what it is and how we experience it.

C: Yes. It’s actually a metaphor for life in many ways. That each step you take it’s on this bridge. It’s like a group of… it’s a transition time from one way of thinking into another. People can also use it as a metaphor for death, transitioning out of the body, going the rainbow bridge, going home to heaven or back to Source, but we’re using it now as the journey, the progression. We’re showing her now images of… have you ever seen a marathon run across the bridge, where there’s that many people on the bridge at once?

M: Yeah.

C: That’s what it looks like. The bridge is extremely crowded, and there are many people going all at once.

M: So wonderful, that it’s happening.

C: It is. It’s wonderful that everyone is… it’s more than it’s ever been. It’s more than it’s ever been going all together. And that what is panicking the dark side, is they underestimated how many people were on, on it, on the journey.

M: You were saying that there’s going to be shocks of some kind. What do you mean by shocks? How is that experienced? Tell me what you see.

C: I see lots of politicians. I see dirty little secrets. I see just like… how can we… there... I see people that are trying to say, OK, this person signed this into a law, if that person is now in prison, does it nullify every law they’ve made? So there’s a lot of people trying to figure out what stands and what is now null, because these people are taken out, held accountable. It’s really hard for her to say this, because she’s living in fear that this won’t happen, so we’re pushing it out of her mouth right now, we’re pushing out the truth because if we won’t push out the truth she’s afraid that… you know… because where you stand right now you see the tyranny pushing down so we’re telling you now that they’re will not… they’re not going to win. You will have to stand, you will have to stand tall but it won’t be a bloody battle.

The shocks that are coming, so there will have to be a lot of… determining what is true, what stands and what has been brought down because of corruption. This will take a very long time to weed out, so the shocks will be a total annihilation of the media, because they have supported this lie. Total annihilation of the vaccination industry. Do not panic if you’re taking a medication that is kee… you feel us keeping you alive. There will be integrity in medicine, it’s coming but the shock of what they have done to everyone...The truth about where this virus, this quote-unquote virus came from, how they made people sick for money, how they keep you sick for a long time to make money off of you. All of this will be so plain that even the most asleep will not be able to… to… they will not be able to write it off as… well hearsay or conspiracy theory. And then you’ll have to deal with the legality of the mess of half of your legislature and some people that make the laws for the last forty, fifty years being, you know, held accountable by some sort of court system. I’m hearing like… like a judicial court that is global holding people against… for the crimes against humanity. Like more… like a Nuremberg style level of trial, and not like a Supreme Court, or just in one country. It feels like… bigger than that. There is a shock and a possibility that we might be under Martial Law soon. Power outages, sporadic, to gather more evidence, or to, under that cover get other things done. That’s what this is. Government shutdowns are covering up the… what it takes to go in there and get the information out.

M: So the government shutdowns are really what?

C: They are… OK, I see special operations people going in and going through computers. I see… or confiscating computers. There’s… it’s something interesting in the computers that the people who were using them for nefarious purposes didn’t know they were in there. Like… or they thought they weren’t being spied on, or hoping that information wasn’t… they thought they deleted it or that it wasn’t there but it’s still in the computer and they (good guys) know how to get it out. Everything, everything, they have EVERYTHING! They have every word you speak, every text message, ev… not just… not you… but I mean they’ve got… you know, all the information they have and I see they work very hard, and they do things that look one way, like having a military out… like a cover. Like they’d say “Oh! This is what’s going on!” but really it’s something totally different.

C: The Martial Law is not a bad thing. It’s to make sure that the peace is kept while the powers… there is a potential for what they would call a power vacuum and this would happen if all of the leadership was round… is rounded up and most people don’t understand, like if you’ve been fed the poison message over the last four years about how Trump... orange man bad umm… message, it’s going to look extremely frightening to you that natio… that the orange man has sent an army in to round up your local officials. You’re not gonna understand that those people that are being rounded up have stolen, stolen from you. They’ve stolen your money. They’ve stolen your chance at a livelihood. They’ve knocked our country back. They’ve knocked us back… they’ve tried to knock us down as a group. They can’t stop us. They might be able to delay us slightly but they can’t really stop it, so they don’t under… so it’ll be very, a very confusing time, the Martial Law, because some people… it will be hard even for the lightworkers, because they’re going to have to make it convincing you know. Just hold the line. It’s gonna be very odd. Like… don’t believe what you see and only half of what you hear. That’s strange but that’s… the Martial Law is the cover for the possible energy… and energy vacuum, so that before the new leadership stands up, which a new leadership of course will come, that would be more fair and balanced and a better reflection of your higher consciousness.
M: What is the likelihood of this Martial Law event?

C: Depends on what happens on the 14th, with the county, with the fraud, with the voting, with the electoral college. That whole scenario. Once that decision is made then we’ll move forward. If there’s still con… if it’s still being contested through Christmass then the law, the potential for Martial Law gets higher. Like, if it’s still a contested election in January it will get higher. Because they got it all. They know, there is, there was… the votes, the ballots were all tracked electronically, like by a satellite it a way, in real time. They had threads in them. These threads that are so fine you can’t see them but they’re like… they’re made out of gold, these golden threads in the paper, or something like that. That’s the way it looks. It looks like golden threads inside the paper but you can’t… they’re very very small, smaller than a hair, and that you wouldn’t see them and feel them in the paper, but what they do is transmit in real time so all the real ballots have that thread, so they know the real count in real time but they can’t say that to everyone and I’m not sure why. If people wouldn’t believe it or…?

C: It’s a giant set up to trap those who wish to cheat and hold… so the ballots they were always… they knew… in 2018 they knew… well they knew in 2016 too but they real… they saw it umm... progress, and then in 2018 they could… they had used these ballots, the golden thread ballots so they could see what happens and so this time they were ready for it, like this time they were ready. And so it was giant set up, they set up the ballot, they fed it out to people, they let governors and local officials and senators and all these people who made the choice you know, this was it. They caught them. They’ve got it all. They’ve got… they’ve the real count first of all. I hear like, something like 80 million in my ear. They’ve got the real count and they knew… so they were ready for them to cheat, and have them opportunity to cheat and now they have to… they know they did it, they’re now… it’s almost like you back engineer something, so now they’re going about it to find ways of proving it in the court system that they cheated but they know on a grander scale that that’s what happened.

M: Mhm, that makes sense.

C: So the real civil unrest would come if Joe Biden took office, because the majority of America did vote for Trump so those people won’t stand for it, and the military really won’t stand for it either. They don’t want… like the heads, like I see I the generals with their ribbons on their chest telling me, they’re like… we don’t want… Joe Biden is not our leader, he is a traitor and so he doesn’t lead us, we… he’s not our comman… he’s not our Commander In Chief.

M: Mhm, that makes sense. When you were sharing about new leadership…

C: So the Martial Law, yes, yes, but after this… yes.

M: Show her scenes of what the new leadership is and how it comes about, so we can understand it more.

C: So this happens after Trump’s next… I’m not even sure if he does a full term. It’s like that one hundred and twenty day re… once we… once the corporation of United States is disbarred and we go back to being a constitutional republic, in a hundred and twenty days there needs to be election. He may be elected in under that, but then after that, after that there comes the great compromisers, like people who are not… the duality starts to drain right? So we are moving from duality into oneness and so it’s not that one world government comes or one party system comes. It’s just that the divide isn’t… that one person doesn’t stand like… like OK, like I am a Republican so I believe in this, this, this and this, and I don’t believe this, this, this and this , or I am a Democrat so I believe this, this, this and this, but I don’t believe that. It’s not like that anymore. It’s not like two aisles. It’s like one chamber, everyone is unique and everyone with the unique voice finds a compromise to help lead, but that we’re on… that the only appropriate issues that affect everyone, like all this spending the money, the taxes, all that, it’s all going to… all that system is gonna… it’s going away, all of it, it’s gotta go. These like trillion dollars spending packages, this bailing out the airlines, this all bailing out the banks, all of that, all of it ends, all of it. And if things go under, they go under of their own accord, and that then creates the vacuums, the needs for things to rise up and so the crea… so that’s why it’s so important to be creative, and have creative people here. The opposite of a demon is someone… cause the demon can’t be creative, is the creative person - the human, the HUEman, the light man, he is of the Creator, so he’s a creator being. That…  he could be a he or she. He rises to create these beautiful new systems, so each person will find… will really find their true calling at this time. It’s definitely… you know, a lot of lightworkers have been through a hard time in their lives because they were bringing up this energy and it wasn’t the right time or maybe it hit a wall or something but within the next three and five years all these people, all these new systems will come up. Healing technologies will come up, so you won’t need vaccines because you’ll have healing technologies. You know, you won’t need certain things because certain things come about. But the divide, this winner takes all, one side does this and they get to this gridlock of nothing gets done because we hate you and you hate us and we hate each other and then there’s… nothing gets done, that’s gonna go away. But that energy says… it is exciting. It’s also… people are nervous that there isn’t enough new energy..., it’s just… but they don’t know, they haven’t seen the potential of, you know people haven’t been given a chance yet to step up into that leadership position because the old energy is still sitting there.


C: Things are lighting up. I see… the angels are still working over me. They wish to convey a message. They are asking us to really take our hearts in our hands and to hold them and to not fear, that great joy will come to the Earth. God has not abandoned you. We come as messengers of peace in the season of peace and love. We bring you messages of great joy. We see where you stand and we know what’s about to occur. It’ll be lovely, beautiful and empowering. The dark ones will be swept away and you will finally see yourselves for who you really are, but this will take many… it may take two to three generations or new babies being born into this… into this… it has to do with the brain. It has to do with dropping trauma from your ancestors. That great joy is coming to humanity will be restored to its original blueprint. It’s the upgraded templates of the new energy. We’re taking your hearts in our hands, the angels will hold your hearts because the pressure of the next few weeks might get to your heart. Just put it… we’re gonna remind you that we’ve encased your hearts in gold, that you wear the armour of God. That you are not abandoned. That not only do you have our blessing but everyone is cheering for you on the other side. They see it. They know the significance of every human on this planet right is so significant.

M: Thank you all so very much. From your angelic higher perspective maybe you can share about what’s coming over these next few weeks.

C: The choices are coming soon to go with the one… the lie, believe the lie or believe… you know… the… who do you believe. There’s choice. The choice will come and you will have to stand. It might be about the vaccine, it might be about something else but you’ll have to stand and say no. Everyone will have to stand and say no. It’s tough, because many people… well, no one likes confrontation, some people like to fight, but most people do not like confrontation. They just want to have a peaceful life, go about their way. That time… it’s now time to stand and to speak, and we give the courage to humanity to stand and speak. I see Archangel Michael with a long staff… with a spear, it’s a spear and he gives it to me to hold the spear of courage, and I hold it and I encourage everyone to imagine themselves in a full suit of shining armour. That you are in God’s army and this is the battle that we spoke and sent you here for. Now will be the time that you must show up with compassion and kindness when others have lost their way. Fear frequencies are very strong and we ask you to keep up the joy, to play harp music or high frequency sounds. When you play high frequency sounds lower frequencies dissipate immediately, they can’t hold structure. I keep seeing the suits of armour. Many shining knights of armour, and they’re in a line going towards the battlefield and what they’re going to battle is black, like a black gooey… it’s the battle of the light and the dark.

Be at peace, we give you peace, and we are in a way jealous that we didn’t have… that we wish we stood and felt what you feel. We are grateful for the work that you’re doing that we couldn’t do and we’re in full support. Full support at all times.


Higher Self (HS): Yes.

M: Thank you so very much for working with us today and bringing the clarity that we’ve all been praying for so that we can understand everything in a good way. I’d like to take some time to ask some questions, is that appropriate?

HS: Yes.

M: Thank you so much. So one of [client’s name] intentions, and also mine, before we gathered here today, was to really understand the significance of the celestial alignments and you know… that’s coming down the track moving towards 2021. Is there anything else that you’d like to bring forward today that we haven’t yet discussed?

HS: Saturn and Jupiter are in a boxing ring. They are duking it out. They’re pushing on each other, pushing each other around, circling one another, like boxers do before the fight. Talking trash, pushing each other around but in the end Jupiter overcomes Saturn. Jupiter takes on a dark mark from getting hit but Jupiter is victorious.

M: And how does that play out on the global scale?

HS: Jupiter and Saturn are the light and the dark. They represent the battle of good and evil and they’re squaring off right now. They’re are like squared, or they’re coming into square, or there’s some kind of square off and yes…

M: Tell me more about the communication grids.

HS: Yeah, the communication grids… It’s interesting, cause she’s sitting in the dark and of course you and her are connected, as you are with so many of your clients, through past lives, other experiences, in body and out. So at one point you’ll all be sitting in the dark sending each other love and intention to communicate through your pineal. It’s actually the first step to the… to humanity becoming telepathic. Not the first step, but a step towards, a bigger step towards becoming telepathic and experiencing more telepathy. So it won’t be a permanent wipe out of the grid but I do see something going down for a few days in order for the round ups, this… this… I know… it’s hard for her to say because she doesn’t want to be wrong. She doesn’t want to be judged… you know, that these things don’t happen, but we’re telling her it doesn’t matter, these things are happening.

M: That makes sense.

HS: So the communication, there may be some time where the communication grid go down. Don’t panic. Things will come back. Things will come back better than before because the frequencies from the phones won’t be damaging to the human anatomy.  Right now that many of the frequencies from the phone actually give… are not… they’re not good for your body.

M: And when are these potential blackouts? Can tune into her timings…

HS: I see 21-24. 21 through the 24th. I don’t know what month that is. I see March 23rd is another potential. But I do see little blips… like certain websites or certain information sites being knocked off the air. I keep hearing NBC is off the air, NBC is off the air. I don’t know what that means and then certain things like that. And people are confused, yeah. And then they get scared, but it’s ok, everything’s gonna be ok.

M: Mhm, and she was saying the 21st through the 24th there might be a possible blackout. Which month is that? Maybe you can show her the name.

HS: I see March, but I also see December, and I’m not sure why I see both.

M: Let’s ask her higher consciousness. Why does she see both?

HS: There’s potentials. For potential purposes, that if certain things happen one way it will be in December, and if people chose to do things another way it will be in March.

M: Thank you. I know that some people have been wondering if they’re still on the ascension pathway. I mean I now have my understanding but I know people have been having a really tough time and their frequencies have seemed to have dropped in their experience. I’m wondering what can we share with these people that are having this experience, to help them, or to help them understand what’s happening for them.

HS: Ask them to go play with a slingshot. You gotta pull it back in order to let that rock fly. So tell them to go to play with the slingshot. They’re just like a wave at the ocean, when it pulls back in before it goes further up onto the shore. They’re just in a pull back pattern. Things are happening in waves, they don’t happen in straight lines, but their energy is being sucked back to be pushed forward with great speed.

M: Mhm, very good. I’m wondering about things like… you know some people talk about starseeds being taken off the planet, or I think the Christian church speaks about rapture and things like this. How does that translate to what can potentially happen? What would that look like? If it’s true or not.

HS: Right, so it’s not like… it’s not like you’re gonna walk around and find piles of clothes on the sides of the highway, like people just POOF, you know. It’s not going to be like that. Yes? So as the mission… OK, so we’re completing… we’re actually in the completion side of the ascension mission. So we’re towards the end of it. OK, so some of the specialists that came in the first wave, Dolores Cannon talks about the three waves, the first wavers, they kind of set this tone, the second wavers come in, the third wavers come in. So as they complete their missions and complete the waves or as the… as a person completes their mission they will transition. So they’ll be a lot of people transitioning out of the energy, especially as the energy is coming. Those people held a very specific energy frequency that would get us from one spot to the next, but maybe now the energy coming in from the universe that we were speaking about, that may be too intense for their biologies. It’s going to transition and that way they can either make a choice to come back and do the next section of the mission in a new, in new biology with new DNA or they can go ahead and transition to New Earth where… umm… like we’re talking about the bridge, the rainbow bridge and how that is… how we’re moving from you know… third density to fourth, the fifth, moving up the density ladder, that the next time you incarnate on this planet it will not be as challenging as it was this time. It won’t feel like you’re putting a square peg in a round hole. It will not be as painful to be here, as hard to be here. The energy actually gets easier. So what… I can’t remember if I answered the question.

M: You did. We were talking about souls leaving the planet in mass.

HS: Oh yes, yes, yes, yes. And it’s all very appropriate. Even like that… the tsunami that was on Christmas back in 2002 I think… 2001. Somewhere back then. There was a mass exodus and that was in preparation for the energies, so to recycle and be present now, as youth, young babies you know, or young people, they are like 10 now, 10, 11, 12, or maybe even older, well… anyway. They’re in around then, that it was needed so that that energy could come back in with fresh DNA, that could be… that would be more umm… yeah… I don’t know how to… easier to work in, it is easier to get your mission accomplished.

M: Mhm, that makes sense.

HS: Yes, yes, so because the energy and the frequencies can be hard on people’s hearts, especially if you carry a lot of old energy you might feel it in the heart, like heart attack, that kind of thing. Yeah.

M: Yeah, that makes sense. Since you’re speaking about tsunami, I’m wondering about the timeline of Earth changes and what that looks like. When people speak about Earth changes and weather events and things like that, and seismic activity. What is that timeline and what are we actually talking about when we’re describing the Earth changes. Maybe you can show her images of it and talk about it.

HS: Yes. I see hot spots underneath the earth, like magma chambers moving. I see a lot of energetic beings holding, holding down Earth changes, like making them not as severe, like instead of it being a six point something earthquake it’s a three point something earthquake. I see a lot of energetic beings working on minimizing the effects of the Earth changes. The weather is manipulated all over the planet. There is no natural weather right now, so that is another thing that’s being umm… but it’s also a reflection of your consciousness not being natural. Not you, but collectively, human consciousness is. What’s weird is that human thought can control the weather. I know we don’t really know this yet, but like if a group got together and prayed for rain they could create the rain.

M: And so when the weather control systems go down what happens to the weather? How does it regulate?

HS: It will go… it will… it will regulate, it will regulate itself. So it has to do with the oceans. It will umm… it will go back to a more natural flow where it won’t be quite as dramatic a storm, like not quite as severe a storm. I see rain forming over the oceans and flowing over the United States, in like a natural way, where right now they’re pushing it down to Mexico, like they’re pushing it off California down to like off Washington, off California down to Mexico and then they’re sucking it into the gulf and then pushing it back up through the middle of the east coast, like through the middle of the country back up the east coast. So it’s creating a lot of umm… it’s creating draught in California and saturation in like Iowa, and then… and then, yeah… So they’re just scurrying around.

M: And what about things like pole shifts and crustial shifts? Are those things that are going to happen in our generation?

HS: Yes. So the magnetic… Yes, so the magnetics of the planet are always moving. Your… your electromagnetic field is always moving and so is the Earth’s. It like shifts, you know, like it… it moves, like wiggles. Umm… It’s possible to have a magnetic pole shift, but it won’t be like the world flips upside down. It’s actually… it’s a… it’s something that biologically won’t kill you. Like it’s not that kind of an event. It’s umm… the magnetics are definitely being umm… played with, not in a nefarious way. I… played with… umm… that cloud, that fog that I saw coming through the universe, that plays with the magnetics of the planet. It dances together with the fog. The dancing fog and the Earth’s magnetic field dances… the lines all start dancing with the fog and it changes… so when the Earth’s electromagnetic field changes our electromagnetic field changes. Our magnetics are deeply connected to the planet’s magnetics. You’ll see shifts in magnetic changes, like when you see, oh, like… like thousand whales beach themselves in Australia, then that is an indication. 

<![CDATA[IQH: A Message from Your Family of Light]]>Sat, 13 Feb 2021 02:02:54 GMThttp://newearthascending.org/news-blog/iqh-a-message-from-your-family-of-lightPicture
Neli: Messages from Jesus, Mary, ETS

Neli: I feel more like a spirit. Like an energy spirit, like a round energy. Yeah, I travel all over. It feels like that. I travel all over if I want to. There are no colors, more transparent. A bright light. Feel safe, but still, there is a concern about Earth. Like I am picking up information from Mother Earth. That's the concern. I am receiving information that all is not well. Something has shifted. This energy is coming in, this dark energy. It was not there before. It's like it's moving in from the sky. Like a big storm coming in, but it's not a storm its energy. It's dark, and it feels like sticky energy.

Next Scene: On the Earth
Neli: I feel that I am standing on the Earth right now, and I can see all of the rainbow colors. I see Jesus. He's telling me that all is well. That he has come to lift the darkness. And I see him walking the Earth like his footsteps are prints on the Earth. There are some birds flying in the sky. It's showing he takes long walks alone. He can change everything in an instant. It may seem like a long walk, but it can change immediately.
Michael: When you say it changes, what do you mean? 

Neli: I don't know, I see him dividing the sea. He caught the fish. Miracles. 
Michael: What kind of miracles? 
Neli: Like dividing the fish and dividing the sea and changing the scenery. He's telling us now that we can all do this in this lifetime. We can do this ourselves. That we can welcome this right now, we can welcome change. We have to believe in it. We have to believe that we can. He walked the Earth to show us. He is giving it to us now. It's up to us now. 
Michael: Like he's passing a torch? 
Neli: Yeah. It's time to change gears. It's time. 
Michael: I wonder what he means by it's time to change gears. 
Neli: We have all the answers inside of us. We need to believe it. We need to believe that all is possible, there are so many still going on in our old beliefs. We have new paths to walk now, we have new dimensions to walk. He will walk with us. He wants to walk with us. He has come to do so now with all the humans that are ready to walk with him. He is walking with everyone ready to do so. He's with us. So much, so much. He's here because it's time to take the next step. 
Michael: I wonder what the next step is. 
Neli: It's to act in PURPOSE. To ACT at the next level. To let go of the physicality in the way we believe in it. To understand that everything is energy. It's not what it seems like. The lightworkers are ready now. We have this deep, deep, deep information inside of all of us that is available. It wants to come through us, but we have to go inside. We will never find it on the outside. We find it on the inside out. The deep information it's like on a soul level information. We have discernment of what we are to give. We have to stay to true to ourselves, to our path, to our truth. Nothing but the truth. We all have a flame in our hearts. It has a lot of information, it will show us the way. We need to go inside. When it opens, we go through a new passage. To know ourselves. The grand awakening. We are ready now. We are so ready. 
Michael: How does one go into their heart? How do they unlock it?
Neli: There are different ways. Every person is to find their way. What makes them feel good. To be romanced. To turn down the volume of the outside and unlock the inside. The best way to do that for yourself is to sit in meditation. For some, it's to take a walk in nature. It takes you into the space where you feel expanded. It easier now because every step we take, where we are right now, it's going to be easier. I get a picture of the darkness moving into Earth, inside of Earth to the middle part within the Earth, it's also the same picture for us. The darkness has moved further inside. 
Michael: What does that mean?
Neli: It means it's ready to be released. It needs to be released from the inside. From the inner light, from the inner realms of light. Where we have lots of lots of lots of light helping. The darkness can come to light. 
Michael: So these light beings are helping to clear this dark energy?
Neli: Yeah, if we turn inward. If we don't turn inward, it will have to play out in the outer. 
Michael: So the more of us that go inward, the more the energy gets cleared? 
Neli: Wow, yes. It will affect the whole Earth. The whole conscious of Earth. 
Michael: What happens if we don't go inward. What happens? 
Neli: It will continue to play out the way it used to. We will see a lot of darkness playing out. Because it's the only way it can be seen. When it's seen, there is a chance for it to transmute into awareness. The faster way is to go inside and ask for the help. I see it's complex, it's like thousands and thousands and thousands of Light Beings and Angels inside. They're just waiting for us to cross over. They're like, "come on, let's go through this portal so we can receive you, so we can welcome you home." They are so ready to welcome us home. They have waited so long for this.
Michael: So this going inward is the way to them?
Neli: It's the only way. 
Michael: I wonder if they can give us a process of going in so we can connect with them and make the change. 
Neli: It's about being still, not letting your world deceive you, or lead you outside to yourself. To practice stillness and to almost see like a lantern inside that grows bigger and bigger. It's like a feeling. The feel of soft alignment. It's not difficult, we are not looking for big things. 
Michael: Wonderful, I want you to take a nice deep breath into your body and relax into this energy even more. So we can learn more. Let's move forward now. 

Neli: Mary. I see her. She is so beautiful, giving the divine spark of the divine feminine. She is giving it to us. To humanity. To us all. She is surrounding the Earth with it. She is also in each individual heart. She's holding this soft light like she's showing the way into the heart. The path of softening yourself. To not have expectations. It's like walking through the door, and Mary is on the other side. So close, to be kind to yourself. To be at peace with yourself. To not make life so difficult. To feel like you can always turn inward to the softness because she is waiting there with her soft light taking you through. They are all there taking us through. They are all helping, but Jesus and Mary are coming through because we know them so well. 
Michael: So, because we have more of a collective relationship with them, they are more at the forefront? 
Neli: Yeah. It makes it easier for us. 
Michael: But there is help coming from many. 
Neli: Oh, there are so many. 

Michael: What's happening now? 

Neli: Showing a lot of people under the Earth. There are many under the crust of the Earth. They are blue beings. They are here to help us, love. They are coming, more and more, to the surface. But we are not quite ready. 
Michael: Do they have anything to share? 
Neli: They will when the time is ready. It's not right now. We need to go through this portal. When we do, they will be available, but also help us pass through. It's not time now to be heard. They want us to know they are there. 
Michael: I am wondering, what needs to happen for people to go through this portal? I know many are doing heart-based practices and connecting with their heart. What needs to happen for someone to make the transition? 
Neli: It's on a collective scale. We know about the frustration you must feel that you are working hard to make the passage, but it's more like a tipping point. And it's very, very close to that tipping point right now. And that's why we say it has become easier to go inside this portal because when many people do it at the same time, when we practice this all together, it will take over. It will be easier and easier. The tipping point is like being in a new place. Everything will change from the inside out. That's what we are waiting for right now. 
Michael: What are some ways we can accelerate this process? 
Neli: It's this softness. More feminine space. Softness. To allow. Not to run after things, not to try to make it happen, it's more like a process of leaning inwards softly like a soft, warm embrace of ourselves. We don't have to work as much as we used to do. We don't have to work as much on clearing, on clearing our bodies, because it's happening all the time. So we can drop these exercises more and more and just be. Be the feeling. Be in the center. Take your place in the center of your being. Practice alignment. And then, at the same time, it's a waiting process until the tipping point is reached. The tipping point will happen. It may feel like you are doing too little, but sometimes that is better than doing a lot, or doing in general. Everyone can come into a softer focus, and when we allow things will come to us. 

Michael: I have a question about these Earth events and things that are happening in the collective, such as scandals and governments doing different things. How can we respond to those events in a way that accelerates our movement through the portal? 

Neli: To know that it's in the past. It's in the past, and it's playing out on the stage, but it's in the past. Nothing needs to be done. 
Michael: So even if it's showing up in our reality, it's already something that's passed, and we just need to stay in our heart and stay soft? 
Neli: Yeah. 
Michael: And create the future from that place. 
Neli: And not even create the future so much right now, just be in the now. 

Neli: (Laughs) Hm. Oh. I see (laughs) extraterrestrials. They look like small beings, but they have such fun energy. They are stamping and clapping. I see them as a group consciousness. 
Michael: Do they have anything they want to share?
Neli: They want to share joy! Joy, joy, joy! Lot's of joy! They want to lift us into the new with joy. They are sending us the joy - upliftment. It's uplifting energy. Ah, what they are doing - clapping and stamping - they are doing it to raise the vibration. It's actually time to celebrate. It's right around the corner. They are already celebrating. It's so close, and we have come through the darkness, even with what we see play out - it's in the past. It just shows because people are holding it in their perception. It's really in the past. 
Michael: What about when things… I'll give an example that is coming from American culture right now. It's being presented to the whole world where how women were hurt in the past, and so this is bringing up a strong charge from all the other women who have been hurt by men, by different situations, and I am seeing people grab onto it. Attaching to that story. How can we individually and collectively work with things like that? That have a charge to it, that has a history of being hurt? 
Neli: It's meant to play out. It's part of the collective. It's part of Earth's memories. Earth is releasing these memories, and of course, every human being is connected to Earth, so it's like an earthquake inside of these human beings. The best way to go about it is to be in love, connectedness, awareness, to embrace and help each other to embrace it. To move in from a high vibration, if possible, to create a high vibration in order to caress it. To envelop it. It needs to be freed, it needs to have its outpouring. It's needed. A deep cry, a deep sense of hurt, it needs to come through. But see it only as the past and not to hang onto it too much. Not have too many stories around it, don't give it too much attention. It's guided to come through.
Michael: Beautiful. What else are you seeing now? 
Neli: I see the Earth is opening up. 
Michael: What do you see?
Neli: I see two Earths. And then I see many, many Earths. There are as many Earths as humans. It means that every human has its own individual Earth experience. 
Michael: Beautiful, what happens next? 
Neli: It's the same energy coming through for us, it's the same for us, our heart energy is the same. The One is returning to us. 
Michael: The same flame in our hearts is in the center of the Earth?
Neli: Yeah, but also the humans. Every heart is the same material, the same energy, the same One. The same Creator. 
Michael: The energy of the One is in all of us. 
Neli: Yes. And in the center of the Earth as well. In all the Earths. It's time to come together as One. 

To learn more about New Earth Ascending, Illuminated Quantum Healing, or to follow us on social media, follow this link: ​https://linktr.ee/NEWEARTHASCENDING

<![CDATA[IQH: Vision of Future New Earth COmmunity]]>Thu, 11 Feb 2021 20:50:46 GMThttp://newearthascending.org/news-blog/iqh-vision-of-future-new-earth-communityPicture
Client (C): There is a traditional adobe house. It has open roofs, so there are no ceilings. And there's a mimosa hostilis DMT tree that's growing over my bedroom on a second floor, it's a two storey house, and the open roof lets the tree be like the roof. The sky is visible above through a big glass dome that's covering the whole place and it's like a climate controlled dome that allows the house to be non traditional because now there's no rain. It's surrounded by all kinds of plants from around the world and medicinal plants and it's like an earthship. It has its own systems so that the flushing toilets are draining grey water into all the gardens in the dome and it's a non polluting, self sustaining, easy to maintain whole reality. And then there's forests outside the dome.

M: What do the forests look like?

C: The forests are like bamboo groves planted in giant mounds of dirt and then there's even larger giant overstory trees like red alder and very tall trees that are nitrogen fixing trees that rain down leaves that fertilise everything around the dome. And they're dense and they have animals in them. Peacocks. And there are khaki campbell ducks. And there are guinea fowl from Australia. And then I just saw an alligator (laughs). I saw a tiger. I just saw a goat too!

M: Can you see the sky from where you are?

C: Yeah.

M: Wonderful, I want you to reactivate your bubble of light, and use it to float up above this beautiful garden, up above this dome. So you can see everything from a higher perspective. What do you see when you're up there in that higher perspective?

C: I see ponds and they have a pattern of terracing that comes down a gentle slope. And I see the water flow. I see the pathway of the water going through the land, through these small channel creek beds that nourish all of these rows of forests that zigzag perfectly back and forth across the land. And all the forests grow along the banks of this dry river bed that has an underground river system that I can sense almost energetically moving through the land. And there are gardens that are close to the domes. There are several domes in a cluster that have ponds around them. And pretty little vignette areas. But surrounding the closest area, where the domes are, there are annual beds of foods that we normally eat from the grocery store; vegetable gardens of annual crops. 

Out from there there are forested areas that start to get more and more dense. And in the density of the forest, there are natural systems for the animals to live in that protect them and also keep them from overusing any part of the land in any dramatic way. There are networks of electric fences, that keep them naturally moving around the land, into the sections of the forest that only let them stay for a few days in each area so that they don't overwhelm any area and just keep them semi automatically moving around the land, without anyone having to control it.

It's like a little Jurassic Park. It's nice to the animals. And then there's an outer forest, it is the biggest area of the land, almost 40 acres. And those bigger, deeper, denser forests are like our forests that are called refugia. And it's because they're fireproof forests, because of the design of the trees and the layering of the trees. Even if a giant forest fire came our way, this boundary, this big buffer, would actually be fireproof. And fires would just move around us. There might come a time where there is a massive forest fire and then all the wild animals of the forest will be able to come to our little refugia and they won't harm us and they'll just live in that area till the fire passes and then they'll be able to go out and return and there'll be regrowth of the whole area around us. Eventually we can expand that area of mass fertility and tree planting to protect even vast 500 acre territories around us if we have to. For when that happens it'll be easy. It'll be easy to expand, the trees will just launch out from our area and it'll become an even bigger zone. So there are these zones that span out from that area and it feels rather miraculous.

M: Quite miraculous, it's a beautiful sight to see.

C: Yeah, it feels really calm and safe. Like safe from anything anyone ever feared. 

M: What else do you see, as you look around?

C: I see people.

M: What's going on there?

C: There's these ceremonial areas that have piles of stones. They have channelling meetings where they prophesy over each other in all the cardinal directions. It feels like it's an ancient Celtic ceremony. People get possessed by the spirits of different gods from the Celtic wheel. Half the people go to the different piles of stones, five of them, one is in the centre, one is in the east, west, north and south. And they have different gods associated with those areas. And they always channel their gods and goddesses that they have come to practice the ceremony with and it lets us gain prophesy over our lives so that we can direct ourselves better into the most perfect life that we agreed to come here and live in this community. 

That's just one of the ceremonies we practice. There are so many others that seem to be available to us that are creative. And there are shops on the land. There's a wood shop and a stone carving shop. And it's all powered by pneumatic air that comes from the creeks. So we have infinite free energy. The little bubbles in the water go into the underground chambers, where the water goes down the hill and then the bubbles float up into the chambers and it builds air pressure passively. 

These interesting mechanical devices give us pneumatic air for our shops and air conditioning for our refrigerators and for our homes. And there's a system of cold air powered air pressure, and because it's cold compressed by this passive system it is the kind of air you can breathe for scuba diving, because it's so clean, it's not mechanically compressed at all. And it is worth a lot of money. You can power cars off of it when it releases energy, but the cars only drive 40 to 60 mile ranges (depending on how you use it). 

Everything is provided gratis; easily and freely and low tech and only as high tech as it needs to be. Sometimes it's very high tech, but other times it's not. And we've got a perfect balance of how much high tech is needed. We only use high tech things for advanced ceremonies or advanced sciences or advanced things. And we've gotten away from egoistic things; we don't just sit around and watch TV for no reason. But we might enjoy some theatre, or movies that we create for ourselves and everything feels really well made. And really meaningful. The story of our own lives played out in beautiful fun. It almost feels like art school. It feels just like when I was in art school. Except happier and without the debt (laughs). It makes us money freely and money becomes no object to us. We no longer even really need money except to deal with the outer world sometimes but we're so liberated that the food just comes out of the forest. And it's not even hard because the annual crops aren't even that important. They're just subsidising these massive food forests that are also medicinal plants to heal ourselves. 

So we have everything that society has ever tried to offer us through repression and through cost and through weird jobs that are oppressive and mean. We got rid of all that. We are nice to each other and everything we need is provided freely through these very positive relations with all beings; with minerals, with plants, with animals, with the environment, with the stars. We have a relationship even with stars all over the galaxy that show us their periodic tables, and we learn about new elements that have never been heard of. And we expand in science, art and philosophy. Those are the three primary modes of knowledge. But the more we learn them, the more little wormholes between them open up and it becomes this one integrated knowledge that just shows itself to us in highly creative ways: I just saw an atom crasher and gravitational forces and waves and understanding gravity to do reverse gravity, so that we can levitate or travel to other places and gain knowledge from other beings all across the universe. And even if we never actually travelled to their planets we have open channels to them and we get to compare notes on how they socially developed and their medical practices and their healing modalities. We have deep sacred allies across the universe that are only very kind and benevolent and help humanity, as much as humanity opens itself to their advice, but we don't have to take their advice. But we're able to expand into eternity, in a beautiful way. And then we help out even other worlds that are in turmoil. 

There's this laboratory. It's a laboratory of infinite universes, that are always being born. And there's these high beings that are very scientific. They're world builders, and they create new universes with new rules that are completely different than ours. And they're all infinitely different in their rules. But sometimes there are universes that are born that are like preemie babies, that are not synergistic and they cause pain and suffering because of their entropy of energy. And there's this policy, in this laboratory of world building, of 'no world left behind'. But not like the Bush administration version (laughs). Literally no universe left behind, no world left behind. And so therefore, there are these beings, they go down into those 'preemie' worlds, that come like messengers of light, and they do these interesting adjustments to any world that's a 'preemie'. It comes in the form of visiting worlds and finding trigger points in that world to unlock it, to then eventually get it to a fully functional universe of synergy. 

This universe is actually just one of those infinite worlds. Science is just trying to unlock the rules of it, but they think that's just how the rules are stuck. We think we live in a universe of entropy but soon we're going to discover that actually we can change that. And we're going to have the knowledge to unlock that for this universe, and there might be some conflict, some disagreement with mainstream things sometimes, but it won't matter, we're protected and we're going to get to show it empirically. We're not going to seem nutty because eventually there's going to be a revelation of empirical knowledge that shows these things to be true. So it's no big deal. We don't have to worry about anything or having to face off or anything like that. There's not going to be any wars over this. I feel like we are those being sent down here: the people I'm working with. And we're doing that here and now and the Earth is one of the most powerful places to set up shop. So we're setting up shop here to do that.

M: Tell me more about setting up shop. What are you all doing?

C: Well, we have theatres. Where anytime we feel the urge to produce a play, we can produce a play with each other. And it's very intuitive. There is ecstatic dance. And it allows us to play out characters. And then there are ceremonies that feel like religious ceremonies from the past that we've conjured back from 'dead traditions' on the Earth. So we have these sacred ceremonial spaces, like the rock piles I told you about, but many more. There's a laboratory where you can work on genetics. As we develop smaller and smaller versions of large technologies we might even have this mini atom crash on the land. Or maybe it runs in these channels under the land and the vast 500 acre area, but we are able to have resources to do even these really radical things. But we choose to live more simply in our lives so that some of these things are even doable, because whenever we do a bigger thing, it requires us to limit other resources to accomplish that, but it lets us work in the quantum. 

There are art studios too. There's a welding shop. There's a painting shop where you can do automotive painting. But none of the chemicals or none of the plastics that we have are toxic. All the plastics are made from hemp oil; plexiglass made from hemp oil. So if you ever need to just bust that up, and it'll be safe in the soil, you put it in your garden beds. We won't have any trash. 

And we all have equal duties. We're going to have art festivals on the land that the world gets to come to and see these really beautiful unfoldings of knowledge through democratic exchange. We have these beautiful, almost like Ted Talk meetings, that have these artifacts that come out of it that get preserved on the worldwide web. And you can always read it, you can always re-enact, you can go to these artifacts that are kind of like links, infinite links, that are records of the dialogues that we have with these panels of academic people. Not academic like we think now but academic in the sense that each person in our community has these vast disciplines that they get to expand into. And when they're interviewed in these trance-like states on the stage, behind them there's interactive videos of stems branching out from their heads, juxtaposed to them, hovering over their heads in the background. But when they make points that are contrary, they branch away, and when they make points that are synergistic, or like touching each other or overlapping, then the root systems start to touch. 

It mirrors the way that the plants on our property share minerals underground. But this is like us sharing our knowledge in a similar rhizomatic root system pattern that then becomes these internet artifacts that people can go and look at on our website anytime, look up topics of previous dialogues, and then click through the links. And it's like it keeps evolving as people interact with it. Even people just viewing it, they can add parts to this system even after that main dialogue has happened. But we create a vast library of knowledge with these rhizomic matrices that are easily accessed that don't make people feel dumb, that feel like common knowledge, but then are easily accessed to develop them. And there'll be audiences to these dialogues. But even in the audience, people are able to use these technologies that we hand out. A bit like iPhones except we hand them out for the talks to as many people as come. And it lets them ask questions of the dialogue and add to the dialogue from their seats so that there's no interruptions really, and there's just this massive exponential flow and they'll even be  streaming, what feels like the internet basically, and there'll be a studio audience, but then there's a worldwide audience where people from their homes can put questions on the list as it's streaming across the screen. And it's sharing all the subconscious thoughts of everyone involved. And so it's this massive global dialogue that is raising the consciousness of the whole planet rapidly through mass media. It feels really innovative. And whenever people tune in, they feel lifted up in their own lives to access their most creative selves. It's really gorgeous. 

It just feels like life becomes rapid, easy and revelatory. And we're able to do this effortlessly and people think these people must be crazy but it's beautiful. It starts changing the whole world. People stop thinking that problems are unsolvable and it just feels like what you expected academia to do for you but was extracting you instead. There's just these beautiful gifts of knowing through democratic dialogue that finally uses properly all of the tools that we've been stumbling around over and that have been causing problems but now this isn't going to do that. Finally the internet makes sense. And it's not like Facebook, which causes these weird kinds of meanness in people. It's going to be like the freest version of that so that you get back to your real life. So it doesn't suck up your energy anymore you just go to it when you need something for your communities that are all over the world, these sister cities and sister communities that are all somehow energetically bonded. And anytime there's any kind of event from the smallest to what feels like the greatest problem, they all become equalised. And then easily dissolved. By coming into these wonderfully, easily shared meetings whenever we need to.

It almost all feels rather telepathic. But sometimes technology replaces telepathy when people are too weak to do the telepathy part. But eventually we won't even need the internet because the telepathy will be so strong that we just finally let that go too.

There's also a healing centre on the land that has hot baths and cold baths and steam rooms and sensory deprivation tanks and that is what really helps re-train people to get in touch with their higher selves. People come there to get healed. People from prisons come here. And we work with the justice system to let prisoners come here to lift society from the bottom up, because if you don't lift from the bottom, it might pull you back out.

M: I totally understand that. 

C: We're going to be lifting society from the bottom up and people are going to go, ‘wow, look at those people’. They don't know how they figured this out. But even the people that we send from prison to there are becoming these radiant people and just serving the community in the world in ways that no one ever thought possible. And it feels really easy. 

M: And where are you in the scene?

C: I have this dome. In my dome is a desert bio-region. So inside of mine there's this adobe home and I have a family and a monogamous relationship. But some people are polyamorous because that's their path but that's not my path. My wife and I become more and more deeply bonded to each other and even though I'm bisexual and I've been open in the past to sharing my love freely between all sexes I really zeroed in on this one relationship that lets me focus and have a quiet life. My most important people are my family and my children. They come in and out of my life in beautiful ways to revisit and to work on missions together. And I just have a proper allotment of my energies with the right people in a good balance and my love just feels really calm.

M: Let that sink in for a moment as you breathe it into your body. Look down at your body in that scene and tell me what your body is, like, describe it to me.

C: It's muscular. It's tanned. I still have my shaved head.

M: Why have you decided to keep your head shaved?

C: I don't know. Something about being able to look at the shape of my skull gives me insight into who I am. And the more insight I have into how I look and the little details of my face, it tells me the healing path I'm heading towards more. It's a map of my consciousness.

And it also feels like who I truly look like from this other timeline. It just feels like who I truly am. It feels like I'm a dark prince, alchemist, from another timeline. But I gave up my manipulative ways from that other timeline here because I discovered new synergistic powerful ways. But that body image feels really powerful. It feels like it has something to do with martial arts.

M: Why don't you look at your clothing that you're wearing there and describe what you're wearing. 

C: It looks like what I used to wear when I was a kid. I took karate, and they're these linen clothes, but tightly woven. And they even have metallic threads running through them that let me have this energetic suit on. It just feels like karate clothes, like martial arts clothes. They're real comfortable and light and I feel like I can move my body in any way I want. I can just do the beautiful martial arts in them but I always wear them. But these robes feel like when I have them on, I'm able to keep my energy really well balanced,

M: That's wonderful. Are you carrying anything or holding anything in your hands?

C: It looks like I'm carrying some sort of madrone, like a crooked madrone stick that has all this beautiful grain running in it in these really complex patterns of the tree that came from that stick when I fashioned it. It's really smooth, but it is all knotted and twisted.

M: What do you use this stick for?

C: It lets me pass energy down through the grains of the dense wood that's like mahogany dense and feels really heavy. And it just lets me move energy in this really crooked way through the stick. When I put my hand on the top of it, the top ball of the top knot of the stick, it lets me reorganise my energy in my body so that I'm always in alignment. But my alignment is a really crazy, energetic path through the universe. And the stick is the perfect math and representation with its woodgrain so that I can always stay in a balanced state. If I'm carrying it, and I need to realign I can just put my hand on the top of the ball of that cane. And it reorganises me always; it always keeps me centred. And it lets me do ceremony and it lets me feel safe when I walk. And it lets me have psychic intuitions whenever and wherever I am in the world. And it lets me locate myself anywhere in the universe. And it lets me do time travel and it lets me even teleport to other places. And it just makes me feel infinitely guarded so that I can't really have any troubles and I don't have to participate in any conflict that I don't want to.

M: I am wondering how your body changed so dramatically. What was that process like? Can you see the images of it? How did it get so strong with all of these abilities?

C: The process was an expansion of my brain tissue and was a perfect counterbalance of healing and naturopathy and working with stem cells with my doctor. And sometimes I got cancer but it was immediately remitted by my doctor. And it was really easy to do with these infusions of stem cells in my body. But eventually I didn’t even need this bracing. You know how you put braces on your teeth? You need them for a little while and in the end you just take them off and they stay in the right position? I always have the help I need as soon as I need it and I don’t need to worry anymore about my health. It just evolves over time. At first I needed social intervention and to communicate to people about my health. But eventually I am able to maintain it myself with my lifestyle and this stick and the people in my life who are able to help me channel. From here on out it just gets easier and easier every day. It doesn’t feel like I need to struggle anymore.  

<![CDATA[IQH: Backdrop People and The Great Disappearing Act]]>Wed, 10 Feb 2021 01:20:34 GMThttp://newearthascending.org/news-blog/iqh-backdrop-people-and-the-great-disappearing-actIQH: BACKDROP PEOPLE AND THE GREAT DISAPPEARING ACT Picture

(Received just before Christmas 2020)
M: What about this large number of souls crossing over? What's going on there with that?

C:  Um, she sees the density that the souls hold that she spoke about but it's more the density, the large amount of density that's moving um... There's clarification to be gained around who actually has a soul and who doesn't. Um, a lot of people are backdrops, a lot of people aren't people. A lot of people are just energies. Um, there's gonna be a clean swipe of these energies and it’s gonna look like,  it's going to come in the form of human life. But that's just our perception that it's human life. It's really just old energy that's already dead. And it’s...

M:  What brings about the sweep?

C: You guys are sweeping it right now. You're sweeping at right now. It's the beginning of the sweep.

M: How does that sweep play out?

C: It's just the natural... It's just the natural movement through time and space, not even time but space. It's like a purification, a cleansing. It's not gonna look like some massive flood or some massive,you know, millions of people just died it's, like this, um, it's almost like a disappearing project or something, like.  It's just slowly going to fade away out of the reality like will people even notice, maybe.   Like, it's... for some people the sweep will fully happen and people,  other people won't see it. Is what I'm trying to explain.  So the ones that are kind of ahead of the game, um, might see a bunch of people just died or a bunch of energy just moved off the planet.  People that are still playing in that density aren't going to see it the same so it's all gonna be different between, depending on where you are in your evolution and what you can “handle”. Because the last thing humanity needs is to be scared.

M: How long until we can see an increase in the numbers of energy leaving? how does that look?

C:  Three months, for Amanda.

M:  And so in 3 months it may seem like more and more people are leaving?

C:  Um, they are slowly leaving now. There's a... event that's gonna happen. So Amanda can see the souls piled up waiting to leave through the central Sun but there are souls that are holding on for an event. They're holding on for the event because even though they're not in there, their souls arn’t in the physical body anymore they can still, um, benefit from choosing to not leave through the central Sun until after the event.

M: What kind of event is this?

C:  Weather that, whether this be an Incarnation choice it's what a lot of this might be. Clearing the karma off the people, souls before they actually leave. This event? The solar system is moving into a different energetic space. Um, the frequency of the planet has been amplified with the love of the Sun. Um, it's difficult to speak about because of the, the solar flash that everybody talks about. I don't see it as a flash.  I see it as a continual pulsation that is influenced by this movement as we're moving through the universe. It's a whole bunch of things that are all going to influence the shift. And it's not all in one like Earth day,  it's just simultaneously back-to-back-to-back-to-back that's going to be a large event. A large event for the human was like, large was like extravagant like an explosion. But a large event can also be a time length. Not just an intensity but a length. 

M: So a series of events? Equaling meta change not just one singular event that creates massive change?

C:  Right. And it will be interesting because this massive change is gonna influence everybody at different levels. So one person can experience a real massive change and the other person can just be totally numbed out to change all together. 

M: Make sense.

C: It is unclear what those souls, what those souls will do.

M:  So it seems like

C: She's not in that group.

M:  So it seems like there's gonna to be a acceleration of I guess life-changing events here on the planet. That are both on the planet and off the planet all creating this big change is that correct?

C: Yeah.

M: What else can you share with us about these events?

C:  It's more of a, like the, like an uprising of energy uh, like it's not like we're taking, like things are coming off. It's not like we have to rebuild something that's already here. It's the clearing of the systems that are here. I mean it's very clear that these systems are all based off of the slavery of humanity as a whole. And then fractal down to the slavery of races and land and all of that. Nothing can be built upon that. All old structures must go.  We can't refurbish slavery. Freedom has to come in with the heart, from within the heart. And it gets built from the inside of the hearts of humans out. We build these systems out. Out of Earth. They move out. And that all comes with people, people right now they’re going what, huh, questioning, they're questioning. Humanity's questioning like they never have. They're building these structures of “what is my truth” inside of us. It's just a very inside out process and the more people can collectively join together and realize it's an inside out project the swifter and easier it's going to be. 

M:  That makes sense. So the more that we figure out this key, that it's all being out-pictured from our insides so we can get in there and do this work to free ourselves from our own enslavement that the outside changes will happen easier?

C: Yes.

M: That makes sense.

C:  And they all, they can happen with less disruption too. But that's not necessarily the path that the majority of humanity is choosing.

M : Yeah.

C: A lot of them are choosing to be shaken. To be dismantled. Fully dismantled until they have nothing left. Till they'll stand up and realize that they were laying in a dirty pond, they can stand up and create in this huge infinite world of abundance. 

M: Yeah. A lot of people are having a really hard time especially well I think even around the world I think because of what's happening with the United States elections and the uncertainty about which path um,   you know, where are we going next? What’s the decision? How does that play out? Do you have any insight or any advice for humanity as we move through this, this seems like a junction point?

C: It's about, for us it's about zooming out. Everybody has their own um, place in this. It's important to see the world from the future. And let go of the narrative and the “this person can do it better than that person”. Just let the dust settle and really unify with each other, who's right in front of your face. It's about the people that are right there. Not about these systems and these leaders, they're not leaders. These are, these are little “not leaders” you know I could use names but they're not, they're not leading anything. The true leaders are us. And it's Important to keep your surfboard above the wave. It's okay that this is all dismantling these choices. You know, viewing the time lines of the two presidential choices, neither of them had some beautiful ending where we fly off on our angel wings. Both of them have their same way they were going to assist in this dismantling of the system. Um, is one better than the other? Personal choices, yeah, I mean one was gonna cause more fear one’s gonna cause more, um, enslavement, you know, it's just, there’s not a winning, not a winner.  In this political game that’s being played on planet Earth, all over. It's just a game of separation. Um, and the truth with, for  freedom isn’t within that, within that game at all. At least not for us.

M: That makes sense.  I’m wondering if there’s anything else that you all would like to share with us today before we close.

C: This is, you know, you guys talk about how this is an exciting time, it’s really an exciting time.  The kingdoms have aligned, Gaia’s heart has been seen and felt by so many, there’s no turning back.  There’s no, there’s no going backwards.  The support is here.  That amount of beings that are online and connecting in with their higher selves is extravagant. Beings that we never thought could shift, children of these politicians and these billionaires.  Star seeds are incarnating in these bloodlines.  These bloodlines have been shifted.  The future has been, is held.  Freedom for everyone, no bloodline will be left behind. No one will be left behind.

M: Thank you.

<![CDATA[Letters to the Family of God: Death and Dying]]>Tue, 09 Feb 2021 00:37:15 GMThttp://newearthascending.org/news-blog/letters-to-the-family-of-god-death-and-dyingLetter 2: Death and Dying Picture
Blessed Family of God,

I hope this letter finds you well and that it brings Light to your heart, mind, and Soul. I send waves of grace and lovingkindness to soothe and revitalize your being. I radiate gratitude for your awakened heart which you share with this world. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter to all members of the Family of God.

I am called to write about a topic that is nuanced and multi-faceted. It is a topic that every single one of us holds dear to our hearts but hardly gets the chance to be discussed publicly and honestly. It is a topic that many consider taboo and very personal and is often enshrouded in mystery and dogma. It is also one of the most influential topics that is used for mind control and manipulation by people of power. Today, I wish to write to you about death and dying.

When we inaccurately believe that we are our egoic identity or our physical body we have an unhealthy relationship with life because we believe in an illusion. This delusion manifests as fear, anxiety self-preservation, greed, lust, pride, self-aggrandizement, insecurity, and so on. This misidentification is the root of all our illnesses and dysfunctions on the planet. It is only through maturing your consciousness that you can break free from the fear of death because you realize your beingness as something that has never died and is never born. You are eternal and this life is just one time segment in a legacy of incarnations that will continue for eternity. 

Each of us is a visitor to this great Earth. While a lifetime can seem like a long time as one passes through old age, we are here but for an instant compared to the lifespan of a mountain, a planet, or a galaxy. Although, our life is much longer compared to the lifespan of a butterfly. Everything has the cyclic pattern of arising, abiding, dissolving. This constant dance of evolution is found on every level of Creation as everything in this Universe is perpetually evolving from one state into the next. 

As an awakened human being, you recognize yourself as both biological and divine, a human/Soul synthesis. Your Soul, your own portion of Source energy, came to this world to explore certain themes and experiences to mature and grow spiritually. 

Each life comes with certain goals and coordinated events for you to experience so that you can “know thy Self” and evolve beyond the need for suffering as a teacher. Each lesson is an opportunity to embody Higher Love and Higher Truth or maintain stagnation or a downward spiral. Once you complete a life, your Soul merges with your Oversoul which exists in the higher dimensions. Your Oversoul is your higher consciousness form that contains all information from all lifetimes and operates in a 5th Dimensional or higher consciousness and shares telepathic communication with the Family of Light.

The course work of each life is established by you and your Spiritual Team before incarnation. You set up all the gridwork and agreements with other Souls who will play significant roles in your life. Everything is designed for your success and growth as an eternal being. That being said, once you incarnate, you forget all of the design and must find your way through the labyrinth towards the prize, Ascension/Nirvana/Moskha/Liberation!

All of Life upon the Earth is beginning to transform on the physical, etheric, astral, and quantum levels as waves of Light envelope the Earth from the Sun via solar weather such as solar wind, CMEs, solar flaring, and other plasma patterns. Other types of upgrades are expressed through variances in the Schumann Resonances and other frequencies that we cannot yet measure with modern scientific devices. 

These intelligent waves of light are dissolving entropic patterning on each level of Earth life and upgrading all systems with new coding and Higher Light. This is raising the vibratory frequency across the planet towards a new reality that many are calling the New Earth. Humans that have developed a link with the divine are in the process of quantum genetic reprogramming that will reform their body and consciousness into a radiant bioluminous form that will live much longer and be free of disease. 

Everyone alive on this planet KNEW they were designing their role for this Planetary Ascension Event. Everyone KNEW this was the life that would change EVERYTHING on planet Earth. We all designed the course and now we are watching it all play out as we stir awake in our consciousness.

I have three categories of people I wish to mention in regards to Ascension. 

1. People who chose to ascend.
2. Those who are not ascending.
3. Those who could go either way. 

Let’s first talk about those who chose to ascend.

Awakening happens in three stages: Purging, Activation, Embodiment

Purging: This is the clearing of the physical, etheric, and mental bodies. This includes physical detoxification processes, etheric body clearing, and releasing of limiting beliefs and mind control programs from “the world”

Activation: Higher consciousness connection established and increase in intuitive intelligence developed. An increase in communication with guides and healing abilities begin to come on line.

Embodiment: Moment to moment interfacing with Higher Consciousness link because the physical, etheric, and astral bodies are clear and the mind is focused on the Higher Consciousness reality. Each level of embodiment brings clearer purpose on the path of Service towards the liberation of all beings.

Awakening happens in these groups in timed stages. One group awakens and goes through their process. Then they assist the next group who begins to awaken. While one group is going through upgrades and inner work, the other group is feeling vital and integrated. All of this is coordinated with our Oversoul (5D Self). Eventually, we will merge consciousness with our Oversoul and have access to all information from all lifetimes and be able to communicate with extraterrestrial and ultraterrestrial races which exist in the 5th Dimension and higher.

Now lets us talk about those who are NOT ascending.

These Souls have decided, likely before incarnating, that they would not be making the transformation. This can be different reasons. Here are a few:

1. Their body is too old. They will exit and assist from beyond. Likely to incarnate on Earth again or on any other planet where they can continue their growth.
2. They did not take care of their body. It may be saturated in chemicals or has been through too much trauma and abuse. They will either come back in a new body or go to another system to learn. For some, their exit will be triggered by complications with the experimental biological agent injections that their body could not process. We must learn how to honor our bodies and have faith in this divine instrument if we ever wish to unlock the gifts of physical immortality.
3. They are “volunteers” who only agreed to incarnate up until a certain junction point on the collective timeline. Their purpose has been completed and their energy is not needed. Time to clock out and do the next part of the mission.
4. They did not take care of their mind and emotional realm. Some have taken on too much density and it would be too painful and traumatic to try to unpack it all so quickly. It is a little bit like trying to catch a train just as it has left the station and has started to pick up speed. 

On the 3D level it will look like any number of ways of exiting but to keep it simple, it is by design and serves the Divine Plan in some way.

For those who left their plan “open-ended” in their contract.

I feel that most people have made their choices and are either starting to spiral downwards (entropy) or starting to spiral upwards (centropy). As we journey further down the collective timeline. Each pulsation of Light reinforces the intention of each individual. If your goal is to awaken, more purging, activating, and embodiment happens. If a Soul continues to deny the call of its Soul or continues to live a life of negative polarity (service to Self/evil), then they do not get upgrades and the body and mind continue to disintegrate. THere is nothing “wrong” with this. It is just a choice that serves a higher purpose in the Divine Plan.

Where do we go when we die?
Well, what dies? The physical body goes back to the earth and the immortal part of our being goes back to the higher dimensions. In the higher dimensions, there are resting places for energy to be revitalized, schools to continue learning, and your eternal Family of Light who wish to shower you with love! Every soul goes back to the Light to rest up, regroup, and prepare for its next course of study. 

There is no hell.
The most sinister of souls still have opportunities to try again and balance the scales. Even the worst of the worst started off good but got way off track. If a soul is beyond reconciliation, it is dissolved back into the Light of Source never to cause harm again. All is done with Love.

Top Reasons People Fear Death
Religious beliefs: No one religion holds the keys to heaven and there is no hell. Religions have used fear to ensnare the hearts and minds of people who believe in God and goodness to further promote their selfish agendas. These fear-based programs keep people afraid of dying and even cause issues for souls who are transitioning because they fear eternal damnation. There is grace for all! If you are a member of such a group, I highly suggest doing an inventory about your beliefs around self-value, control, punishment, fear, and judgment. These religious groups hold a container for you to explore those shadows of your consciousness. If you are ready to graduate, you can transform those beliefs through prayer, meditation, and reading other resources. If your religion says God forbids you from reading other material, I suggest finding a new community that reflects the Light and Truth of a loving eternal God.

Leaving people behind: We never arrive and we never depart. When someone goes through physical death, they consciously merge with the All. They can be felt in the wind, they can be heard in a song. When we feel overly responsible for others, we can cling to life out of fear of leaving them. One day this body will not be here yet we are everywhere at the same time. We can empower others who are afraid of our passing, that we live on and that God is with them at all times. There is so much support for all of us!

Fear of discomfort: In traumatic death experiences, the soul of the being exits just before so it does not experience the trauma the physical body experiences. Teaching conscious breathing practices helps people transition more smoothly as they release thoughts that bring fear and suffering. The final initiation of this life, death, is to maintain consciousness as we leave the body. Reciting sacred songs or holy mantras as one passes keeps them focused on the Sublime Reality so they can transition with ease and grace.

Things to consider when someone is making their exit:
-Make them comfortable- make the transition space a soothing sanctuary, a healing space to allow a smooth transition. Laying of hands helps to bring comfort as they transition. Clear the energy of the space frequently with sunshine, smudging or aromatic herbs, or fresh air. 
-Talk about their transition with them. Let them know you will be OK and everything will be taken care of when they transition. Share happy memories with them and help them release negative emotions so they can transition with peace. 
-Keep your energy clear and clean. Stay present. With all the emotions that come with people passing, be sure to keep your energy field strong so you do not take on the emotions and thoughts of others. This includes the days and weeks after the transition.
-Forgive them and forgive yourself. Anger and guilt rob us of our joy and keep us from feeling connected with others. Release yourself and them from the bondage of guilt and anger through the power of the heart.

Guiding the Children:
Please speak with them transparently about dying. I am sure they will be curious. Instead of passing along dogma or fear, take an opportunity to ASK THEM what they think happens. Help them develop a healthy relationship with death so that they can have a healthy relationship with life. Teach them life is eternal and everything is part of everything. Show them how the sun helps them live and that they are made of rays of the sun. Teach them how the water quenches their body’s thirst and that they are made up of water. Show them how all of life is eternally connected in a dance of evolution of light and vibration. Teach them of their ancestors and angels/guides. Many of your children actually remember past lives! Listen to them as they share! Kids are much wiser than we know!

May we all grow in our relationship with our Eternal Source and finally remove the shackles of the fear of physical death that imprison our consciousness and rob us of the joy of living. May we celebrate death as the graduation moment for souls into the next journey of their eternal legacy. May we mature our consciousness in terms of understanding death and dying so that we may embrace true freedom and true living as awakened Children of God

During this stage of the Ascension, let us become masters of grief who truly embody the redemptive power of God’s Love. Let us discover the deep well of compassion and lovingkindness within that can heal all wounds. Let us allow ourselves to grieve consciously so that we can discover the potency of Love and the truth of Life Eternal.

Bless you all,
Michael Garber
Co-founding Pastor of New Earth Ascending

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<![CDATA[LETTER 1: GLOBAL CALL TO UNITY FOR THE PEOPLE OF GOD AND LOVE]]>Wed, 03 Feb 2021 00:31:25 GMThttp://newearthascending.org/news-blog/letter-1-global-call-to-unity-for-the-people-of-god-and-loveLETTERS TO THE PEOPLE OF GOD: LETTER 1 GLOBAL CALL TO UNITY FOR THE PEOPLE OF GOD AND LOVE
Blessed Family of God,

I want to share gratitude for the goodness that you bring into the world, even in the smallest ways that often go unnoticed.  Thank you for doing the “good work” to grow in love and compassion. Bless you and your loved ones and may the presence of God be with you now and forevermore.

I write to you today to express a call to unity across all denominations and expressions of the Family of God. Whether you follow Jesus Christ, Krishna, Buddha, Nature, or simply the goodness of your heart, it is this Higher Love and reaching towards the Grace of God that unifies you all as one Divine Family upon the Earth. Whether you are from an ancient lineage and tradition or if you are part of the New Age movement, all streams meet together in the Heart of God and it is NOW time to BE that higher unity of God’s People.

The purpose of this invitation is to bring into focus the power of our collective intention and action to face common threats and concerns that challenge us and our beautiful planet. It is time to look beyond our perceived differences, whether they be lifestyle choices, political perspectives, or religious beliefs, and form a common bond through the unity of the heart so that we may face our common struggles together as one Community of God. May we learn to find strength in our diversity instead of using it to create isolation and judgment. May we strive to see the Face of God in all that we meet and learn to be in a noble relationship with one another and all of Life.

Each human being is born with a choice. Each individual has the capacity to choose between a life of serving their own selfish desires or a life of serving the All. When we awaken to the mercy of God’s love and the redemptive power of God’s presence within us, we begin to emulate the divine qualities and move into a life of service and kindness. This light is available to all people regardless of their skin color, socioeconomic status, or past actions. This power transcends all religions and faith traditions but is at the core of all practices and philosophies that lead to higher faith and wisdom.

The largest common threats that we have on this planet, whether they are environmental, political, economical, or spiritual, stem from members of our human family who hold a consciousness of Service to Self. These people worship themselves and their ideals. These groups are known by many names but they all share the same rotten core of Service to Self consciousness (evil) and the lust for power, control, and resources. Their appetite is endless and complete global domination is their goal. In all ways they rebel against God and try to be the god of their own world.

This infection of Service to Self consciousness upon our planet has spread into the highest levels of public service and government. This is the devouring power behind the banking systems, sick for-profit systems, private prison systems, and the most horrific crimes against humanity and the environment. This infection fuels endless wars, genocide, medical tyranny, race wars, religious wars, and every cruel thing humanity does. 

This infection spreads through the power of lies and deceit. It creeps into one’s heart and mind and tells lies promising power, prestige, and resources. It eats at people’s hearts and turns them cold and bitter. It spreads from person to person through harsh words and harmful actions.  It does not discriminate against age, social class, race, or gender. It knows no borders and easily travels across great distances in a blink of an eye. It is seen as expressions of greed, lust, envy, fear, pride, and so on. It is this infection that has no physical form but causes all sickness, disease, and violence on the planet.

Across the globe exists many organized webs of people and organizations negatively polarized as Service to Self that hold humanity in a form of enslavement. Members of these evil organizations can be found in all levels of government and society. They use the institutions of society to ensnare humanity in cycles of poverty, sickness, separation, conflict, and disempowerment. They commit heinous crimes against the environment and humanity and charge us money, time, and resources for the solutions.  

These groups indoctrinate humanity with a prescribed culture that focuses on lower consciousness and low-morality through the media and music industries. They pump toxins and noxious gas into our environments, build massive broadcasting towers that wreak havoc on our bodies, and poison our food sources through genetic modification. They do all this while simultaneously charging tremendous amounts of money for medical treatment for the conditions created by their actions born from greed and the lust for power. While most of humanity spends most of their lives in debt or poverty, these people and organizations use humanity as a workforce to create immeasurable wealth for themselves.

While the People of God see every member of the human family as an equal, these Service to Self operatives see humanity as food, profit, and expendable. They use the mainstream media to hypnotically implant corrosive thought patterns that keep us divided. They create false flag events to incite fear and race wars to keep us distracted and fighting one another. They manipulate us through propaganda and social media algorithms to stay in perpetual cycles of conflict and numbness. They use the entertainment industry to numb and program our consciousness through hypnotic music and cultural programming. Even the world’s religions have been infected with false prophets who teach about the divine with empty hearts and dead faith. The People of God are truly a Light in a world heavily manipulated by shadow forces.

The worst part is that they do all of this WITH OUR CONSENT. We have allowed our choices to be made for us. We have given our power away to debt, our jobs, our politicians, and our own self-serving desires. While we have been asleep, our world has been infiltrated with jackals and vipers who dangle carrots in front of our faces endlessly promising a better future that never arrives. The good news is that the People of God are awakening all across the globe and the scales are tipping in our favor as the Light of God awakens in the hearts of True Believers.

This infection has been in all of us in some way, shape, or form and the only cure is found through reaching towards the redemptive power of God’s Love. Choosing to follow the path of Higher Love and Service to All moves us out of illusion and into the awakening process towards the Higher Love and Wisdom of God.

​All across the world, the People of God are awakening and seeing through the web of lies and delusion. We see this as large groups of people defy tyrannical orders packaged as “protection and safety” restrictions. We see this as people use the power of social media to spread the truth while facing violent criticism and censorship across social media platforms. We see this as churches, synagogues, mosques, and places of worship keep their doors open to practice their God given right to gather in prayer regardless of being fined by the control systems. We see this as many stand and share their voices against medical terrorism, racial inequality, environmental destruction, and other dire conditions around the planet. We are taking our power back!  

It is you, the People of God, who will save this world from the true evil infection of this planet that has created all infections, all wars, and all suffering. It is your own path of Service that is unleashing a gigantic wave of transformation across all levels of society and WE ARE JUST GETTING STARTED!

It is time now, to join with your Siblings in God to bring a force of Light and Truth to this world so powerful that all systems of enslavement crumble. Let us join our intelligent and creative vision together and build a new world with systems that serve the people and sustainability of our beautiful planet. Everyone has their part to play and not a single soul is useless. We need your care. We need your honesty. We need your unique expression of Love In Action!

Look and see the Light of God in those who are awakening and celebrate on your pathway of creating Heaven on Earth! You are the generation spoken of in the prophecies of many wisdom traditions that will liberate this world from the shadows of Service to Self consciousness and return it to the glory it once was. You are the Children of God here to manifest a New Earth, a Kingdom of Light and Unity where peace reigns supreme.

Imagine if we promised to stop focusing on all of our differences and justifications for separation and instead solely focused on our unity made possible through the Higher Love of God. Let us leave behind the lower unity made up through the mind and embrace the higher unity that can only be felt in the heart.

What if we committed to turning off the television and instead gathered together in prayer? What if we ignored the attempts to incite fear and instead joined together to say “ENOUGH!” What if we dedicated our bodies towards the pursuit of liberty and freedom for all people, all beings upon this planet from systems of enslavement?

There are so few of “them” and so many of us who are ready for something new. We cannot do this alone. We need all hands on deck! All hearts in check! Standing together as one People of God united in Higher Love! Whether you are a prophet of God, a teacher of children, a gardener, a lawyer, a doctor, a mother, a grandmother, brother, a writer, a musician, a volunteer, a carpenter… Everyone has something to contribute towards this gigantic collective effort to reclaim our world. You have been called to the line of Service!

We must develop deep, compassionate listening so that we can support one another through this process. Each of us has experienced our own portion of trauma and indoctrination from “the world”.  We truly need to remove our own inner distortions and learn how to love our neighbor perfectly. We must strive to use our words to relieve the suffering of one another so that we all have the stamina to focus on the larger challenges that affect us all.

We must forgive all people, all lineages, all perpetrators and villains for the suffering they have caused. This is still true even if they are not ready or willing to make amends for their harmful words and actions.  We do not do this to bypass what they have done, but so that we do not carry the venom in our own being. We can defend our world without evil in our hearts. While many will stand in line of attack, let us not forget the power of circles of prayer and song. We cannot let anyone steal our peace and love. It is a treasure that we must never give up!

We must protect our land and resources from organizations that seek to cause harm to the biomes of Earth. Many horrific crimes have been done against the Earth and its ecosystems. Furthermore, greedy solutions have been offered that fill the pockets of the same people and organizations that caused the destruction. While we must protect our precious Earth, let us not forget that we are battling an entire system of consciousness that is on every level of society. We should be aware that the global elite will use our love of the Earth to manipulate us into bringing their agendas into reality.

We must protect our youth. They are our future. Their minds and hearts are most precious and should be nourished with wisdom and love. We need new educational models that support the mastery of these young children who will never fit into the education system. None of us did either! We should fill their minds with wisdom from many traditions so they can truly “know thy self” and be the radical visionaries and pioneers they came to be!

There are going to be those who do not awaken to God and the reality of what is happening across the planet. This is their free-will choice. Maybe they have suffered too much. Maybe they were heavily indoctrinated from media and cultural programming but, for whatever reason, they will not be taking this journey of spiritual transformation and unity. Eventually, you will find it necessary to let these people and groups go because they are on a different journey than you. Bless them and release them.

As you find others with open hearts, make a habit of meeting together, online or in-person, for fellowship and empowering prayer. Build bonds from transparency and loving-kindness. Confide in one another and find strength in your common desires for health and goodness for all.   Even with only two people gathered together in prayer, a powerful presence of the divine is created that can restore your hearts, minds, and bodies. 

Many challenges and shocks await us on this path towards a New Earth. As more of the shadow of the world is revealed, Service to Self factions will likely cause chaos and suffering as they desperately try to maintain their role as slave owners and profiteers. Let me remind you of the power of your breath to still the mind, soothe emotion, and connect you to the Power of God. Make a habit of retreating inward to use the breath to sweep the inner world and unify your being with the Greater Being of God. Purify your physical body. Keep it strong, flexible, and vital. Study sacred text and scripture and make daily rituals of meditative prayer to wrap yourself in the Light of God. 

We cannot imagine the world that awaits us on the other side of these great tribulations. Grow your faith and remove all inner distortions that cause prejudice, judgment, fear, and misery. Keep your mind calm and steady and focused on God’s Promise of Ascension to all who actively grow in love and unity with the Divine.

Bless you all! May you be deeply nourished by the Love of God and stand tall in the Light that you are!

Co-Founding Pastor of New Earth Ascending