Sessions can be done in-person or remotely via Zoom Conference Software
Sessions are conducted in English or Hebrew (Hebrew with Ron).
For sessions in other languages or for sessions other people consider having a Surrogate IQH session.
Remote Sessions:
We have been guided very clearly to offer this work remotely to support those who are awakening. The sessions are just as powerful and transformative as an in-person session. This gives people access to the healing benefits of a session from anywhere in the world.
Minimum Contribution:
Traditional IQH session (4-6 hours) $444 USD
IQH: Focus (2.5-3 hours) $333 USD
IQH: Recalibration (1.5-2 hours) $222 USD
Sessions are conducted in English or Hebrew (Hebrew with Ron).
For sessions in other languages or for sessions other people consider having a Surrogate IQH session.
Remote Sessions:
We have been guided very clearly to offer this work remotely to support those who are awakening. The sessions are just as powerful and transformative as an in-person session. This gives people access to the healing benefits of a session from anywhere in the world.
Minimum Contribution:
Traditional IQH session (4-6 hours) $444 USD
IQH: Focus (2.5-3 hours) $333 USD
IQH: Recalibration (1.5-2 hours) $222 USD
Step 1:
Have more questions? Want to schedule a session? Email Ron or Michael
Step 2:
To receive an update when Ron and Michael are opened dates in there calendar register to their newsletter
or join Source.Energy
or join Source.Energy
Here are some suggestions for you to prepare for having a session.
During the session:
What You Need for Remote Sessions:
- Intend to have an easy and successful session.
- Meditation helps to focus and clear the mind.
- Do a practice journey created by your Practitioner.
- Prepare your list of questions for the Higher Self, or 2 main topics for IQH Express. These can cover any topic you want. Often the Question List is a powerful healing tool for people. Don’t limit yourself. Categorize your questions and list them in order of importance.
- Dress comfortably in clothes that feel good for you to be seated and lying down for the duration of the session.
- Eat a light meal before we meet. Go easy on caffeine or stimulants before the session.
- Do not bring anyone to your session. It is important that the session is private with only the Practitioner and Client present for the work.
During the session:
- Come to the session with an open and curious mind.
- Ask every question you may have. Leave nothing hidden.
- Share honestly and reveal the deepest parts of your life experience. This helps the practitioner understand what questions need to be asked of the Higher Self.
What You Need for Remote Sessions:
- IQH full session - approximately 4-6 / IQH Express approximately 2.5-3 hours in a private, quiet space.
- A solid internet connection
- A comfortable, dimly lit space to lay down.
- Computer, Tablet, or Smart Device that can be plugged into outlet to ensure power
- Corded Headphones with Mic (no Bluetooth)
- List of Questions for the Higher Self for full IQH session (email them to us by the time of the session)
- For IQH Express, prepare two topics you wish to focus on.
- Make sure you won't be distracted by pets or humans. Sometimes pets like to be in the space while the work is happening. Please only allow this if you know the pet will be calm and still for the entire process. Otherwise, please find other solutions. Overall, we prefer no pets in the space.
- Try to avoid being highly caffeinated for better relaxation.