Religious Exemption LetterWe haveBlessings Global Awakening Community! You are most blessed during these times as you stand in your POWER, TRUTH, and LOVE. We are sending you infinite waves of support as we journey through these potent times of global and personal transformation. New Earth Ascending was created for these times to support this grand transition. Please share this information far and wide to all who may benefit from this. There is a PDF Religious Exemption letter that is at the bottom of this page. Please feel free to add this to your statement package for Religious Exemption. Get it notarized before sending it so that it is a legal document. Also, certified mail is best so that there is a paper trail of your application. It has been suggested to keep religious beliefs in one letter and a separate letter from a lawyer that describes legal implications. It is better to start with the religious exemption letter. Then follow up with a legal letter from a lawyer if exemption is denied/not recognized. We have also included a infographic from Charlotte Lozier Institute which shows how aborted fetal cells have been used in either testing or production of the current inoculations. You can use this as proof of how these medical interventions go against your sincere beliefs. Remember, YOU ARE EXEMPT. That is God-given. Whether someone recognizes that or not means nothing. If this exemption is not recognized, you can pursue legal action or you can take it as a sign that God has something better for you and follow your intuitive knowing towards that path. You have free will choice and your team of divine support is walking with you every step of the way! Membership is self-appointed. All that is required is to hold love in your heart and visions of healed and beautiful New Earth! Feel free to share with any and all who need this support. A printable PDF is available at the bottom of this blog page. We are happy to write a letter of "proof of membership" if that is required for your exemption process. Please send us an email at [email protected] and explain what is needed. We sincerely appreciate donations to NEA to support the work we are doing behind the scenes to support the awakening. Tax-deductible contributions can be made by CLICKING HERE to support the NEA mission. We also recommend signing up for our NEWSLETTER BY CLICKING HERE and finding us on social media by CLICKING HERE New Earth Ascending Global Ministries 258 A St. Ste 1-131 Ashland, OR 97520 [email protected] August 14, 2021 To Whom It May Concern, Thank you for taking the time to review this statement of religious exemption. We are grateful for the opportunity to share our sincere spiritual beliefs and ethical practices in hopes of bringing a deeper sense of community and collective healing through these challenging times. We are writing this letter on behalf of the members of New Earth Ascending (NEA), a registered 508 (c)(1)(a)(Religious Non-profit/Church) with a global interfaith ministry. We are not completely separate from other religious organizations and political movements. This letter explains how the New Earth Ascending’s teachings may lead our members to decline certain medical protocols, procedures, or practices. This letter includes official doctrine from the New Earth Ascending basic text, The Illumination Codex, and excerpts from official church bulletins (Letters to the Family of Light) regarding our sincere spiritual principles and codes regarding spiritual ethics, health, and wellness. Evolutionary Wellness Principles Divine Source We recognize the Law of Oneness and the one Source of Creation(God). We see humanity as extensions of that GodSource experiencing ourselves as individual components when we are, truly, that One Being. We see humanity as being in a state of spiritual amnesia where humanity has forgotten its Divine Nature. From this understanding, we believe that illness, disease, corruption, and fear are a symptom of that forgetting. We call the process of remembering our divine nature Ascension. Awakening to and aligning with our True Nature is essential to achieving perfect physical, mental, and spiritual health. Light Body Ascension We believe that humanity and planet Earth are going through a rapid physical and spiritual transformation, called by many as The Ascension to New Earth. We believe this process to be part of a higher evolutionary divine plan guided by the Source of Creation. We believe this transformation is happening through our genetics and consciousness. This process is beyond the standard biological evolution spoken of by modern science. Higher Evolution We recognize all of Creation evolves according to Divine Will and a Divine Plan for Creation with its own Divine and Universal Laws. It is our moral duty to align with Divine Law and act as stewards of this Divine Plan to bring this Earth into balance and harmony through compassion, higher truth, and divinely inspired wisdom. We see ourselves as missionaries of the Divine here to assist in the healing of Earth and humanity. As we align with our Higher Purpose and True Nature, we live happier and healthier lives. We train our intentions, actions, and thoughts towards acts of selfless service and acts of devotion as extensions of the Higher Evolution. Life Eternal We acknowledge that we are of the nature of physical life and physical death but our Soul lives on for eternity! Whether a member believes in one single incarnation or reincarnation, we recognize the eternal evolution of Life and that we transition out of this life per the Higher Divine Plan. We believe that when our Soul has aligned with exiting this world, there is no protocol or medical intervention that will interrupt this divine orchestration. Conscience We believe that each individual has a direct connection to Source/God and that no other authority supersedes that connection. This connection is felt through our heart-centered conscience, a “still small voice” which guides us on our unique path of Life. As spiritual aspirants, seekers of divine union, we are morally required to follow our conscience and spiritual guidance received through our inner being. Faith We surrender our fears and place our health and wellbeing in the Higher Will of the Divine Source and strive to live a life of nobility and service to the awakening of humanity and the liberation of all beings from cycles of suffering. We trust that all is happening for a reason to support our spiritual growth. We face challenges with faith and clarity in knowing that we are eternally supported by Source/God and nothing comes on our path that is not meant for our growth. Homeostasis We see our bodies as a temple for the indwelling of Divine Light, Love, and Truth. We believe the natural state of our body, mind, and spirit is wellness and harmony and that we can heal ourselves within the limitations of the Divine Will and the Divine Plan. We believe that our immune system is divinely designed and that we must support its natural immunity functioning and not alter, limit, or restrict it to the best of our ability.. We see illness as a teacher pointing us to where we need to reconcile our consciousness or fortify our subtle energies or physical body so that we may embody natural immunity, balance, and vitality. Faith-Based Healing We believe in the healing and transformative power of prayer, meditation, and the laying of hands. We believe these practices directly connect us to the source of healing, vitality, and wellness for instantaneous multidimensional healing made possible through each individual’s innate connection to God/Source. Holistic We follow holistic lifestyle models and prefer methods of healing, medicine, and wellness that work at the root cause of illness and support the body’s natural ability to heal itself. All levels and layers of one’s beings are addressed including physical, etheric, mental, intellectual, and spiritual. A core intention of NEA is the raising of personal and planetary vibrational frequency to shift ourselves and our planet into a higher frequency bandwidth that is beyond the frequency of illness and disease. We are particularly excited about advancements in quantum healing technologies and vibrational medicine practices that work at the cellular and subtle energy levels to encourage the body's ability to heal itself and to further activate higher states of consciousness. Natural and Organic We believe natural, organic, and chemical-free foods are essential to our health. We choose to take medicines of the Earth that work harmonically with our body’s chemistry. We encourage our members to use daily health supplements and to practice fasting and detoxification to purify their physical body systems, reconcile vital life processes, and clear their emotional/mental bodies. Members are also encouraged to have a physical movement “practice” such as yoga, nature immersions, and dance to balance, reset, and restore their body, mind, and spirit. Divine DNA We believe human DNA is divinely designed and curated and that we must protect our genetic integrity. We do not give consent for alteration, manipulation of our DNA or mRNA as we believe this interferes with the Light Body Ascension process. Currently, New Earth Ascending does not recommend the mRNA inoculations for our members as our spiritual guidance says that these gene therapies have a negative impact on the Light Body Ascension process. Some members may receive their own internal, spiritual guidance to take these inoculations but it is not generally advised and should only be followed by those rare individuals after deep meditation and contemplation. Free Will and Sovereign We recognize the individual's right to be self-governed, self-regulated, and free from any external authority that cancels, manipulates, or violates free will. We believe that a person has full authority over what medical protocols to follow and which to avoid. This choice is to be made by their own conscience, their own innate connection to the Godhead, regardless of mandates from external authorities. We recognize the individual's Divine Creatorship and the right to choose what is good and best for them, having full agency over all areas of one’s life. Non-violence/Non-harming We are an interfaith ministry and our members come from various ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds. We unify with the shared core tenet of non-harming and non-violence and strive to live our lives in a way that benefits all of Life. Medical treatment protocols should be tested as safe and sourced ethically and sustainably. When there is potential for harm, full transparency of harm potential must be delivered to and understood by the recipient of the treatment protocol before they can make a sound and sure conscientious choice. In following the principle of non-harming, we have a moral duty to be certain that when utilizing medical protocols and treatments that the research, development, testing, and production of medical treatments and protocols do not harm humans or animals. Many of our members have strong concerns and beliefs surrounding the use of human or animal aborted fetal cell lines in their testing and production and how these practices are largely in opposition of the spiritual ethic of non-harming and non-violence. Non-violence also extends into the right to deny invasive medical procedures such as having objects inserted into the body (i.e. nasal swab testing) or restrictive mandates such as unreasonable mask mandates or unreasonable social distancing measures. In such cases, we encourage our members to take appropriate reasonable precautions to limit transmission in the absence of immunization (i.e. saliva tests, reasonable social distancing). Therapeutic Proportionality We acknowledge therapeutic proportionality which assesses whether or not the benefits of a medical procedure or protocol outweigh the negative, undesirable effects of taking such action. This includes taking into account how this may affect them spiritually, mentally, physically, socially, or otherwise. The judgment of this decision must be made by the potential recipient with informed medical consent through their conscience and should not be made by any external authority such as health authorities, institutions, or otherwise. Free Choice When holistic, natural, and organic methods have failed to reconcile issues of health, or in case of emergency or personal choice, each individual reserves the right to try other methods of medicine after careful consideration, prayer, and meditation on the root cause of ill health. There is no judgment of this as everyone is guided to do what is best and good for their health and path Fellowship We recognize the power and potency of worship and gathering with other people of faith to strengthen the health and wellness of our communities and the world. We exercise our religious rights to gather as people of faith as we see fellowship and prayer as crucial components for the maintenance of health and wellness for us as individuals, as a faith community, and for the health and wellness of the entire Earth. We see dancing, music, singing, and other forms of devotion as essential to our health, particularly when done together as this amplifies our heart-centered intentions and prayers. We advise all our members to educate themselves in terms of local, state/provincial, national, and international laws regarding medical ethics and human rights such as The Nuremberg Code, the World Health Association’s Declaration of Helsinki, and other bioethics principles and laws and to share that information with those who are responsible for approving religious exemption. Thank you for taking the time to review this information and understand our beliefs. We sincerely hope that people of faith, from any religious, spiritual, or philosophical background, will not be treated differently or discriminated against because of our sincere beliefs and practices. We hope that upon acknowledging our exemption from medical intervention, we are not segregated because of our faith and philosophical differences. Members of New Earth Ascending have many tools and resources to share to assist global healing and we are happy to share from our hearts! Sincerely, Michael Garber & Ron Amit Co-Founding Ministers of New Earth Ascending ![]()
Michael Garber: AuthorI offer these letters to the awakened hearts of humanity, the Community of God across the planet. This message is for all people. All races. All genders. All sexes. All bodies. All backgrounds. All religions. All beliefs. All who unify in the redemptive power of Love. Archives
December 2023