DISPELLING THE VISUALIZATION MYTH: UNLOCKING THE POWER OF QUANTUM HEALINGQuantum hypnosis sessions hold immense potential for transformation, yet there's a pervasive myth that clients must visualize for these sessions to be effective. Furthermore, some practitioners are not adequately trained or experienced in understanding the multidimensional and creative capacities of the mind to help clients open their inner sensing capacities.
Let's dispel this misconception and explore how the Illuminated Quantum Healing (IQH) methodology addresses this barrier, enabling all clients to access profound healing and insights and empowering practitioners with skills to assist clients in expanding into superconscious mind capacities. Negative Impacts of the Visualization Stigma The belief that visualization is a prerequisite, and a limited understanding of what inner vision is, can instill performance anxiety and reinforce a sense of inadequacy. This misconception might hinder individuals from believing in the success of their session or prevent them from relaxing into the necessary alpha and theta brainwave states. Sadly, some people would not even consider having a session because they think they do not have the necessary skills. This myth is further reinforced when practitioners are not informed about the esoteric components of the mind’s functionality and how to lead clients into altered states of perception. Dispelling the Myth Just as individuals have diverse learning style strengths, such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, everyone's inner senses manifest across a spectrum of strengths and abilities. IQH integrates specific protocols throughout sessions to tap into and amplify these unique strengths, maximizing their effectiveness. As individuals begin to spiritually awaken, their minds evolve beyond linear thinking and open to abstract perception and thought. IQH terms this development as the growth of the superconscious mind which includes fostering higher intuition, inner sensing, and connectivity with cosmic consciousness. Cultivating these abilities is crucial to expanding the mind's functionality, perception, and insight as one progresses down the Ascension pathway. Enhancing Mental Imagery and Creative Exploration: Within the realm of personal development methodologies, the distinction between visualization and imagination holds significant importance. Visualization uses memory recall to evoke inner sensory information. This includes not only imagery but feelings, sensations, and concepts. On the other hand, imagination extends beyond the confines of visualization, embracing a broader canvas of creativity and mental exploration. It encourages the mind to venture into uncharted territories, fostering the generation of new ideas, diverse perspectives, and creative solutions. Unlike the targeted approach of visualization, imagination allows for free-flowing mental exploration, opening doors to untapped potential and unexplored possibilities. Tapping into Inner Potential and Creative Solutions: Exploring these mental faculties goes beyond mere visualization, encompassing the power of imagination to unlock deeper levels of creativity and insight. By honing “visualization” skills, individuals craft detailed mental blueprints of their aspirations. Simultaneously, fostering imagination empowers individuals to roam freely within the realms of creativity, ideation, and expansive thinking. These combined abilities facilitate the unlocking of inner potential, enhancing problem-solving skills, nurturing intuition, and fostering personal growth. The integration of both visualization and imagination not only aids in goal manifestation but also fuels an individual's capacity for creative exploration and innovative thinking, paving the way for holistic personal development and transformation. Solutions Offered by Illuminated Quantum Healing
By embracing these methodologies and dispelling the myth of visualization as a prerequisite, IQH opens doors for a wider audience to experience profound healing and personal evolution. Whether you're seeking personal transformation or aiming to guide others through their healing journey, IQH beckons you to explore the uncharted depths of your inner world. The voyage with IQH promises not just healing but an evolution—a chance to unlock boundless potential within and usher in a new dawn of healing possibilities. Be sure to check our listing of Recommended Practitioners for in-person, remote sessions via video, or surrogate sessions. Want to learn or expand your skillset in assisting others in multidimensional healing? Consider applying to become an IQH Practitioner today! 11/27/2023 Exploring the Depths of Quantum Healing Hypnosis: Overcoming Common Challenges and the Importance of TrustRead Now EXPLORING THE DEPTHS OF QUANTUM HEALING HYPNOSIS: OVERCOMING COMMON CHALLENGES AND THE IMPORTANCE OF TRUSTQuantum healing hypnosis encompasses various approaches aiming to unlock transformative healing by delving into the depths of consciousness and connecting individuals with their Higher Selves. Despite the potential for profound change, I have heard of many individuals who encountered obstacles such as struggling to reach profound depths of trance or some type of block keeping them from establishing a connection with their Higher Self.
Too often, clients face disappointment or blame, leaving them feeling disempowered when these challenges arise. However, the truth often lies in the need for practitioners to be more effectively trained and skilled to meet the diverse needs of their clients. This includes the capacity to create a loving, non-judgmental space and navigate the intricate inward journey with finesse and understanding. Understanding Common Challenges Depth of Trance "Not being deep enough" can stem from various factors, including preconceived notions, fears, or an inability to relax fully. Trust between the client and practitioner becomes paramount to overcome this hurdle. In addition, many practitioners often lack education in esoteric and occult understandings of human composition and consciousness. This extends beyond identifying brainwave states, encompassing a deeper understanding of multidimensional consciousness and how to lead clients into altered states of cosnciousness safely and effectively. Connecting with Higher Self Challenges in connecting with the Higher Self often relate to inner struggles, doubts, or a lack of rapport between the client and practitioner. Establishing a compassionate connection is pivotal for clients to feel at ease and open to the process. Understanding esoteric psychology is key here. The Higher Self is never disconnected from the personality; addressing emotional density, belief systems, and fostering trust is crucial for optimal exploration and information transmission. The Crucial Role of Trust Building trust is foundational in quantum healing hypnosis sessions no matter which method you may experience. Clients need a compassionate connection, feeling understood and guided without pressure. This atmosphere of safety allows for deeper exploration and healing. Furthermore, if a client doubts their capacity to “go deep enough”, it is the practitioner's responsibility to hold space for them to discover their capacity AND believe they CAN access the different states needed for an effective session. Elements of an Effective Session
The Illuminated Quantum Healing (IQH) methodology is designed to train highly effective practitioners. Emphasizing a holistic approach, it combines esoteric psychology, counseling skills, and specialized techniques to navigate the subconscious and foster the connection to the Higher Self through the development of the superconscious mind capacities. By prioritizing trust, connection, and a deep understanding of esoteric psychology, IQH-trained practitioners facilitate profound and transformative healing experiences for their clients. Considering a healing or guidance session? Exploring training in quantum hypnosis methods? Consider Illuminated Quantum Healing. Explore our Recommended Practitioners or apply for Practitioner Training. 11/10/2023 A Letter to ALl Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioners of all lineages: Embracing Unity and Ethical StewardshipRead NowA Letter to Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioners of all lineages: Embracing Unity and Ethical StewardshipTo my fellow quantum healing hypnosis practitioners, across all lineages and methods of practice, I stand with you as a fellow human being making my way through consciousness polarity, still learning to effectively and immaculately stand in a noble relationship with all of life. I humbly write these words to inspire connection, humility, and unity. Addressing the prevailing discord within our community, this letter urges us to take a moment for deep moral and ethical reflection. May it catalyze in bringing us into higher unity so that we may serve alongside one another with greater impact and clarity. May we disarm our consciousness and step forward hand in hand, in one heart of service. Despite the diversity in our methods, we are all way-showers of the same unified mission. Let this recognition be at the forefront of our awareness, guiding us towards our shared goal of liberated humanity living in higher consciousness and greater unity with all of life. The Issue at Hand One of the major contentions held between certain lineages is the topic of invasive energy attachments. While it seems like there may be opposing views and reasons to defend those views, I would like to invite us to take a moment to truly listen to one another from a space of compassion and willingness to understand. I would like to offer a perspective that shows that there is truth to both sides of declaring the reality and seemingly opposing belief in the non-reality of this phenomenon. To structure this topic of conversation, I would like to point to the Vedic wisdom passed along to us from the great Rishis, our spiritual ancestors who received divine transmissions through trance states at the beginning of this Post-Atlantean Age. Three Levels of Reality: Wisdom from the Vedas In Vedic and esoteric traditions, three distinct levels of reality are recognized:
Yet, within this Relative Reality in which we appear to be incarnated, a whole universe of phenomena exists including birth and death, pain and joy, good and evil, and so forth. In the Relative level of reality, we cannot solve challenges and reduce suffering with the Absolute perspective alone. If we put fire to our skin, we can say “only love is real” and “we are the creators of our reality”, yet the truth is, fire still burns. If we punch someone in the face, they suffer, we suffer, and we must make amends to avoid further negative karmic implications. Let us expand on these concepts to define truth. From the Absolute level, there is only one truth, non-duality, all is One, and all is love. From the relative level, truth is subjective and unique to each individual, and what is experienced as truth depends on a variety of factors in one’s experience within the dual-reality. At the relative level, all perspectives are true and all perspectives are limited and false at the same time and are still relatively true to the individual perceiving. How complex! For us to achieve unity, we must find a middle way. Unity does not mean we mentally agree, but that we honor our different perspectives as equals on the path, and harmonize with some level of shared commonality. Let us apply this to the charged conversation around negative entities. From the Absolute level, they have no fundamental reality and are pure illusion. From the Relative level, they are experienced and the suffering caused is valid, true, and real for many. Where is the middle way with this? How can we work holistically with this knowledge and insight? In our inner world, we can be rooted in non-duality and engage in this realm of polarity and diversity and transform it into higher harmony. More from the Vedic Teachings Using the classic Vedic example, in ignorance, we may mistake a rope for a snake scream in terror, and behave erratically, possibly even trying to kill the snake. Yet, when we turn on the light we can see it has always been a rope, and there was never anything to be afraid of. From a place of integrated truth, we can then move the rope to where it is best served so that it will no longer cause confusion and pain for others. When operating from misperception and ignorance, we experience real fear and suffering and the effects can be devastating. When we awaken to higher knowledge, the illusion dissolves instantly and we can take appropriate action. As practitioners, it is harmful to discredit the experience of those we serve. They see a snake, they believe it to be real, and we are called to help gently guide them into the capacity of right perception with compassion. Additionally. We must help them discover the tools and insight needed to ensure they do not recreate those circumstances. Saying “you are the creator of your reality” while being true from the Absolute perspective, can cause harm by seemingly shaming a person for their experience and bypassing their suffering. In my opinion, It is more helpful to address the suffering first and help them realize their creatorship through self-inquiry, knowledge, and direct perception of higher truth. Humanity As Stewards of the Cosmos We are here as awakened and aware beings to tend to the Garden with love and compassion, with no exceptions. If you are called to work with extraction, please go one step further and assist those entities into higher purity by helping them realize their inner source and return them to the Light so they can be used for greater benefit. Lovingly extract and transmute invasive energies to liberate your clients' body-minds. Guide them in understanding their unconscious role in attracting negative entities or invasive energy attachments. Facilitate healing and integration to prevent further manifestation of such experiences. For at a certain point in consciousness initiation, as one approaches the threshold of 5D, spiritual attachment is no longer possible as one has mastered their instrument. Self-reflectionIf you are working with entity extraction methods, are you operating by fear or superiority over these entities, or are you honoring them as a part of Nature and stewarding them into higher consciousness unity?
Unity Is Awakening The good news is that it is happening! We are doing this work in our many ways. I imagine it would be much more swift and a lot more fun if we all would disarm the quantum healing hypnosis practitioner field, embrace our different perspectives and methods, and come together. This is my prayer! How can that happen? First, it's an inside job. Start by taking a thorough moral and ethical inventory and correct the misperceptions and negative polarity within yourself. Then take action toward reconciliation and peacemaking. Ask yourself:
Closing Statement: A Call to Unity and Ethical Stewardship We are now the new pioneers of consciousness. Our ancestors have done their part and exited the Earth School, and now they shine their love and encouragement upon us as we take the torch forward for the next generations to come. Our inner voice is now the guiding compass. Our insight and determination will pave the way for the next generations who we must humbly encourage to go beyond our current concepts, methods, and understanding. Quantum healing hypnosis methods are diversifying and developing at a rapid speed with many powerful approaches emerging. The cat is out of the bag, and we have no control over where it will go; we can only ensure the clarity, efficacy, and integrity of the work that we do and the students we train to the best of our capacity. We cannot control the inertia of karma; however, we can come into noble relationship and unity and do our best to not allow the division to continue. I earnestly pray that these words will serve the healing and unification of quantum healing hypnosis practitioners and the lineages. May all hurt feelings be healed, may all personalities be humbled, and may we come together and become a more powerful force of awakening! In Love and Prayerful Compassion, Michael Garber, with assistance from Ron Amit Please share this message with your fellow colleagues and heart-centered community. AUTHOR: MICHAEL GARBER Michael Garber and Ron Amit are the Founding Co-Directors and Lead Ministers of New Earth Ascending. Their unified mission as Divine Partners is to support the global awakening to higher consciousness and the transition to the New Earth. They are internationally respected for their work as spiritual mentors, hypnotherapists, contemporary dance professional, yoga teachers, hands-on and quantum healers, specializing in past/parallel/future life regressions. Their work as regressionists have given them vast insight into the nature of Consciousness and the history of Creation. UNTYING THE KNOTS THAT BIND US: INSPIRATION FROM THE KLESHASUnderstanding the Kleshas: The Knots of the Mind The term "klesha" translates to afflictions or obstacles, and these psychological knots have been meticulously detailed in yogic and Buddhist traditions. Understanding and untangling them is the key to cultivating a tranquil mind. Let's explore each klesha and its impact:
Cultivating Peace: A Journey Within 1. Mindful Awareness:
In the labyrinth of the mind, where the kleshas tighten their grip, the teachings from ancient traditions guide us toward the light of inner peace. By understanding and untangling these psychological knots, we embark on a transformative journey, cultivating a serene mind that remains unperturbed amid life's storms. Through mindful awareness, self-inquiry, detachment, compassion, and an embrace of impermanence, we find the keys to unlocking the gates to tranquility within. May this journey lead you to the profound peace that resides at the core of your being. If you find yourself repeating the same cycles of suffering again and again and want assistance in liberating yourself, please feel free to reach out to me. Bless you on your path of liberation and your return to the wholeness you have always been and always will be! Author: Michael GarberMichael Garber and Ron Amit are the Founding Co-Directors and Lead Ministers of New Earth Ascending. Their unified mission as Divine Partners is to support the global awakening to higher consciousness and the transition to the New Earth. They are internationally respected for their work as spiritual mentors, hypnotherapists, contemporary dance professional, yoga teachers, hands-on and quantum healers, specializing in past/parallel/future life regressions. Their work as regressionists have given them vast insight into the nature of Consciousness and the history of Creation. The Path of Initiation: A Journey into Higher Consciousness: 3D-5D & Beyond![]() Initiation is a profound rite of passage that takes an individual on a transformative journey toward higher levels of consciousness evolution and mastery. It introduces the initiate to a new way of existence, one that is deeply connected to the mystical and esoteric realms of human experience. In this blog, we will explore the mysterious path of initiation, its stages, and the qualities required to embark on this sacred journey. The ancient wisdom teachings speak of a series of events on the inner planes of an individual as they approach the final stages of their Self-realization process. This process is directed by the Masters of Wisdom, non-physical beings of higher consciousness who have achieved freedom from cycles of rebirth and assist humanity’s consciousness evolution. Initiates are guided to significant events, teachers, and information that introduce them to the mysterious knowledge of the Occult Sciences and Esoteric Psychology. The Occult Path - The MysteriesBefore we dive into the intricacies of initiation, it's important to note that not everyone is meant to follow this path. The path of initiation is not for the faint of heart or those who are not truly prepared. It is a challenging and strenuous journey that should come naturally to an individual, rather than being forced upon them. For most people, the typical path of spiritual growth involves karmic progression and the practice of virtues. This path can be followed at one's own pace, accelerating or decelerating as needed. It is a path of devotion and moral effort. However, there exists an alternative route, the occult path, which involves a series of initiations under the guidance of a Master. This path is not for everyone, and it requires a specific set of qualities and attributes. Qualities Required for the Occult Path
For those who possess the necessary qualities and are deemed fit for the occult path, a period of probation awaits. During this time, the Master offers guidance and instruction on the inner planes, often through dreams and astral experiences. The disciple is subjected to various tests, facing their own shadows and enduring difficulties. This period of probation, often said to last seven years, serves to purify the disciple through challenges and tests. It is a time to pay off karmic debts and overcome obstacles from the past. The initiate's response to suffering and difficulties is a critical aspect of this phase. The Master-Disciple Relationship: After completing the probationary period, the initiate is accepted as a regular disciple. At this stage, the Master blends their aura with the disciple's, and the influence of the Master begins to flow through the disciple. This connection is established on the inner planes, and the disciple may or may not be consciously aware of it. The Path of Initiation: The path of initiation is not a single event but a series of stages that lead the initiate toward heightened consciousness and spiritual evolution. The time between each initiation takes several lifetimes and the Initatite repeats each initiation in each life. The final life will include all 5 stages. Here are the key stages: 1. Spiritual Rebirth: Stream-Enterer: Sotopanna This is the first stage of true initiation. At this stage, the initiate begins to release their identification with the limited self or egoic identity. They also gain insights into the occult teachings of karma, reincarnation, and universal law. 2. Baptism: Once Returner: Sakadagami The spiritual wisdom and intuitive intelligence of the initiate are cultivated at this stage. Mental and causal bodies develop, and psychic and intellectual capacities increase. 3. Transfiguration: Non-Returner: Anagami The initiate releases sensual desires and realizes that true fulfillment comes from unity with the Self rather than the external world. They release attractions, repulsions, anger, and ill-will, focusing on unity and harmony. 4. Crucifixion: Arahant At this stage, the initiate faces the ultimate test. They must endure a period of inner darkness, where they confront their deepest fears and challenges. This dark night of the soul is a crucial step before the final initiation. 5. Resurrection: Adept, Master of Wisdom: At the highest stage of initiation, the adept becomes a Master of Wisdom, free while living. They stand in the light of Nirvana as divine will in form, serving humanity and potentially even the broader universe. This is the 1st stage of entry into the Superhuman Kingdom of which several stages of Ascendency exist beyond. In the New Age teachings, this is true 5D living in Christ Consciousness. The Importance of the Path of Initiation The path of initiation is not for everyone, and it is not to be taken lightly. It is a journey of profound transformation and self-realization. Those who are ready for this path will be approached by a Master and guided through the stages of initiation. Each stage tests the initiate's commitment, character, and ability to serve humanity with wisdom and love. As we reflect on the path of initiation, we are reminded of the wisdom and guidance offered by the Masters of Wisdom, who assist humanity in its evolution toward higher consciousness. This path is a sacred and mysterious journey that, when undertaken with dedication and sincerity, can lead to a deeper understanding of the self and the universe, ultimately allowing individuals to serve as beacons of light and wisdom for the benefit of all. Third-Dimensional to Fourth-Dimensional Consciousness In the New Age models of consciousness progression, the transition from third-dimensional consciousness (3D) to fourth-dimensional consciousness (4D)is often seen as a profound shift in awareness. Third-dimensional consciousness is characterized by a strong attachment to the material world, duality, and the ego. It is a state of separation and limited perception. This transition parallels the early stages of initiation, particularly the stage of Spiritual Rebirth (Stream-Enterer). In both cases, the individual begins to release their attachment to the egoic identity and the material world. They start to awaken to the inner dimensions of reality and the interconnectedness of all things. The process involves understanding spiritual principles, such as karma, reincarnation, and universal laws, which help in the expansion of consciousness. Fourth-Dimensional to Fifth-Dimensional ConsciousnessThe shift from fourth-dimensional consciousness (4D) to fifth-dimensional consciousness (5D) represents a significant leap in one's spiritual evolution. Fourth-dimensional consciousness is often associated with higher states of intuition, empathy, and interconnectedness. It is a realm of expanded consciousness, where time and space are perceived differently. This transition mirrors the later stages of initiation, particularly the stages of Transfiguration (Non-Returner) and Crucifixion (Arahant). As one progresses from fourth-dimensional to fifth-dimensional consciousness, they release attachments and desires related to the material world, just as initiates on the occult path face their own inner darkness and confront their deepest fears in the Crucifixion stage. The process involves a deep understanding of unity and a profound connection to higher aspects of the self, which is akin to the union between the personality and the higher ego in initiation. Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness and BeyondIn both the initiation model and the New Age perspective, the attainment of fifth-dimensional consciousness represents a state of profound wisdom, unity, and service. It is the realization of oneness with the universe and a deep connection to the higher self. In the New Age teachings, individuals attaining fifth-dimensional consciousness (5D) are beings of higher service, similar to Masters of Wisdom in the initiation path. It's important to note that the fifth-dimensional consciousness, in both models, is not the final destination. It opens the door to a journey of continued spiritual growth and service. The idea of serving humanity and aiding in its evolution is a common thread in both systems, emphasizing the importance of using one's expanded consciousness for the greater good. Your presence here in this blog is a beautiful indication that you're journeying along the path of higher consciousness and spiritual ascent. It's a remarkable endeavor, and I applaud your dedication! As you navigate this path, you'll encounter both trials and treasures. Consider this blog as a guiding star on your quest, a source of insight to help you accelerate your journey and enhance your ability to be a radiant force for the restoration of higher consciousness and unity on our beloved planet. Remember, you're never alone on this path. If you find yourself seeking assistance, guidance, or simply a fellow traveler to share your experiences, please don't hesitate to reach out. Let's embark on this transformative journey together, as we venture toward a New Earth reality characterized by unity, harmony, and the boundless potential of human and spiritual evolution. Thank you for being a part of this cosmic journey toward higher consciousness! SurrogatE IQH Sessions by Proxy: Illuminated Quantum Healing for All SituationsIlluminated Quantum Healing is a powerful technique that harnesses the potential of the human mind to promote physical and emotional well-being. Often, it's used to address various concerns, from personal growth and healing to stress reduction. However, what if the person who needs healing is unable to participate directly or physically present? In such cases, surrogate sessions by proxy offer an intriguing solution. In this blog, we'll explore the many benefits of choosing surrogate hypnosis sessions for specific situations or areas of concern. The Basics of Surrogate Sessions by Proxy Surrogate hypnosis sessions, also known as sessions by proxy, involve one person (the surrogate) being hypnotized to work on behalf of another person (the recipient). This unique approach can be applied in several scenarios, making it a versatile and effective method for quantum healing. Let's take a look at some of the situations where surrogate sessions can be particularly beneficial. Infants and Young Children For infants and young children, direct hypnosis can be challenging due to their limited attention spans and cognitive abilities. Surrogate sessions by proxy allow parents or guardians to facilitate healing on their behalf, addressing issues like health concerns, sleep disturbances, behavioral problems, or emotional trauma. It's a gentle and non-invasive way to support a child's well-being. Comatose Patients and Medical Limitations Patients in a coma or with severe medical limitations may be unable to undergo hypnosis directly. Surrogate sessions can serve as a lifeline, offering a means to work on their subconscious mind and promote healing, even when they are unable to respond consciously. Individuals with Pain or Physical Limitations Some individuals may be dealing with chronic pain or physical limitations that prevent them from sitting through a typical hypnosis session. Surrogate sessions can be adapted to suit their needs, ensuring that they receive the healing they require, even when enduring a full session is challenging. Pets and Animals Surrogate hypnosis isn't limited to humans alone. It can also be extended to pets and animals who may be suffering from behavioral issues, anxiety, or physical ailments. Surrogates can connect with the animal's energy, promoting harmony and well-being. Land and Environment Surrogate sessions aren't just for individuals; they can also be applied to land and the environment. Personal homes and areas of land suffering from negative energy, environmental pollution, or a history of trauma can benefit from healing through surrogate hypnosis, restoring balance and vitality to the surroundings. Doubts About Being Hypnotized Effectively Some individuals may doubt their ability to be effectively hypnotized. Surrogate sessions can serve as a valuable stepping stone, allowing them to experience the benefits of quantum healing indirectly through a trusted surrogate, gradually building confidence in the process. Emotionally or Mentally Compromised Individuals Emotionally and mentally compromised individuals may be in a fragile state, making it difficult for them to participate in standard IQH sessions. Surrogate sessions by proxy offer a safe and gentle method to address their concerns without causing further distress. The Benefits of Surrogate Hypnosis by Proxy The advantages of choosing surrogate sessions by proxy with the methods of Illuminated Quantum Healing are numerous:
Surrogate hypnosis by proxy offers a unique and effective approach to Illuminated Quantum Healing, enabling individuals, pets, and even land to experience the benefits of this transformative healing method. It provides an accessible and versatile solution for those who may be unable to undergo traditional hypnosis. Whether you're a parent looking to support your child, someone with physical limitations, or concerned about being hypnotized effectively, surrogate sessions can open the door to healing and self-discovery. Explore the possibilities of surrogate hypnosis and unlock the potential for well-being in various situations and areas of concern. Please reach out to us if you have any questions or want to know if IQH can assist you in some way! Please pass this information along to those who may benefit! Author: Michael GarberMichael Garber and Ron Amit are the Founding Co-Directors and Lead Ministers of New Earth Ascending. Their unified mission as Divine Partners is to support the global awakening to higher consciousness and the transition to the New Earth. They are internationally respected for their work as spiritual mentors, hypnotherapists, contemporary dance professional, yoga teachers, hands-on and quantum healers, specializing in past/parallel/future life regressions. Their work as regressionists have given them vast insight into the nature of Consciousness and the history of Creation. 11/4/2023 Embrace Your Diagnosis: A Journey of Personal Transformation and Holistic WellnessRead Now Embrace Your Diagnosis: A Journey of Personal Transformation and Holistic Wellness![]()
Receiving a diagnosis about your health can be a life-altering experience, one that often brings forth a whirlwind of emotions such as fear, shame, powerlessness, regret, and uncertainty. However, what if I told you that a diagnosis is not merely a life sentence, but an opportunity for profound personal transformation and holistic wellness? This might sound intriguing, perhaps even a little unconventional, but read on, and I'll share the keys to unlocking this transformative potential.
From a holistic perspective, illness and disease can be seen as powerful signals from your body that something in your life is imbalanced and urgently needs attention. While conventional treatments focus on addressing the physical body, it's essential to consider the role of your mind and emotions in your overall well-being. In esoteric psychology, there's a deep understanding that the mind and emotions are intimately connected to our health. Think about it – when you're in a state of agitation, your body tenses up; when you're feeling down, your motivation dwindles; and when you're anxious, sleep becomes elusive. The mind-body connection is evident in our daily experiences. Now, let's delve deeper. Many significant disruptions in your physical health likely originate in your subconscious mind – in your thoughts, attitudes, biases, perceptions, and unprocessed emotions. As these patterns activate within your mind, they have a direct impact on your physical body. Unfortunately, most of us allow challenging emotions and reactive thought patterns to persist unchecked, leading to repeated cycles that can span years, or even an entire lifetime. Imagine the toll this takes on your body over time – it's the key to understanding holistic health and wellness. When you receive a diagnosis, you face a choice: you can see it as a final destination, or you can embrace it as an opportunity to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, releasing unhealthy belief systems, letting go of old emotions, and aligning with your truest self. Your body communicates with you through health metaphors. For instance, hearing issues may signify that you're not truly listening to your inner self or to deeper messages in your relationships and life experiences. Heart problems could be linked to unhealed emotional wounds or a belief in your own unworthiness. Issues with your legs and feet may indicate a lack of trust or determination on your life path or an erroneous belief that the path must be painful. For every health issue, there is always an emotional and mental connection, that once reconciled, can lead you to great health and freedom. Hereditary health issues often point to the adoption of dysfunctional beliefs, attitudes, and emotional patterns that have caused generational suffering. If you're experiencing the same issues as your ancestors, you've likely inherited the same distorted perceptions and unresolved emotional patterns. But here's the good news – by addressing these issues, you not only free yourself but also prevent future generations from enduring the same suffering. People often attach themselves to a diagnosis, making it a defining part of their identity. This attachment can inadvertently prolong the condition. When we view the diagnosis as a permanent part of who we are, it can reinforce its presence. However, by recognizing it as a passing experience in our journey, it becomes a catalyst for introspection, integration, and expansion. Embracing it as an opportunity for growth can help navigate health challenges with a more open and adaptable mindset, fostering personal transformation and holistic wellness. Remember, a diagnosis isn't a final verdict; it's a gateway to immense transformation and empowerment – for you and generations to come. Many people view their diagnosis as a wake-up call that fundamentally improved their lives, shaking up what needed to be shaken so that deep and lasting healing could occur. If you're ready to take control of your health and wellness journey, I recommend exploring Illuminated Quantum Healing (IQH). This approach has several objectives:
Embrace your diagnosis as an opportunity for growth, healing, and transformation. It's a path to holistic wellness that can illuminate the hidden corners of your being, guiding you toward a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. Author: Michael GarberMichael Garber and Ron Amit are the Founding Co-Directors and Lead Ministers of New Earth Ascending. Their unified mission as Divine Partners is to support the global awakening to higher consciousness and the transition to the New Earth. They are internationally respected for their work as spiritual mentors, hypnotherapists, contemporary dance professional, yoga teachers, hands-on and quantum healers, specializing in past/parallel/future life regressions. Their work as regressionists have given them vast insight into the nature of Consciousness and the history of Creation. |
Michael Garber: AuthorI offer these letters to the awakened hearts of humanity, the Community of God across the planet. This message is for all people. All races. All genders. All sexes. All bodies. All backgrounds. All religions. All beliefs. All who unify in the redemptive power of Love. Archives
December 2023