![]() Client (C): There is a traditional adobe house. It has open roofs, so there are no ceilings. And there's a mimosa hostilis DMT tree that's growing over my bedroom on a second floor, it's a two storey house, and the open roof lets the tree be like the roof. The sky is visible above through a big glass dome that's covering the whole place and it's like a climate controlled dome that allows the house to be non traditional because now there's no rain. It's surrounded by all kinds of plants from around the world and medicinal plants and it's like an earthship. It has its own systems so that the flushing toilets are draining grey water into all the gardens in the dome and it's a non polluting, self sustaining, easy to maintain whole reality. And then there's forests outside the dome. M: What do the forests look like? C: The forests are like bamboo groves planted in giant mounds of dirt and then there's even larger giant overstory trees like red alder and very tall trees that are nitrogen fixing trees that rain down leaves that fertilise everything around the dome. And they're dense and they have animals in them. Peacocks. And there are khaki campbell ducks. And there are guinea fowl from Australia. And then I just saw an alligator (laughs). I saw a tiger. I just saw a goat too! M: Can you see the sky from where you are? C: Yeah. M: Wonderful, I want you to reactivate your bubble of light, and use it to float up above this beautiful garden, up above this dome. So you can see everything from a higher perspective. What do you see when you're up there in that higher perspective? C: I see ponds and they have a pattern of terracing that comes down a gentle slope. And I see the water flow. I see the pathway of the water going through the land, through these small channel creek beds that nourish all of these rows of forests that zigzag perfectly back and forth across the land. And all the forests grow along the banks of this dry river bed that has an underground river system that I can sense almost energetically moving through the land. And there are gardens that are close to the domes. There are several domes in a cluster that have ponds around them. And pretty little vignette areas. But surrounding the closest area, where the domes are, there are annual beds of foods that we normally eat from the grocery store; vegetable gardens of annual crops. Out from there there are forested areas that start to get more and more dense. And in the density of the forest, there are natural systems for the animals to live in that protect them and also keep them from overusing any part of the land in any dramatic way. There are networks of electric fences, that keep them naturally moving around the land, into the sections of the forest that only let them stay for a few days in each area so that they don't overwhelm any area and just keep them semi automatically moving around the land, without anyone having to control it. It's like a little Jurassic Park. It's nice to the animals. And then there's an outer forest, it is the biggest area of the land, almost 40 acres. And those bigger, deeper, denser forests are like our forests that are called refugia. And it's because they're fireproof forests, because of the design of the trees and the layering of the trees. Even if a giant forest fire came our way, this boundary, this big buffer, would actually be fireproof. And fires would just move around us. There might come a time where there is a massive forest fire and then all the wild animals of the forest will be able to come to our little refugia and they won't harm us and they'll just live in that area till the fire passes and then they'll be able to go out and return and there'll be regrowth of the whole area around us. Eventually we can expand that area of mass fertility and tree planting to protect even vast 500 acre territories around us if we have to. For when that happens it'll be easy. It'll be easy to expand, the trees will just launch out from our area and it'll become an even bigger zone. So there are these zones that span out from that area and it feels rather miraculous. M: Quite miraculous, it's a beautiful sight to see. C: Yeah, it feels really calm and safe. Like safe from anything anyone ever feared. M: What else do you see, as you look around? C: I see people. M: What's going on there? C: There's these ceremonial areas that have piles of stones. They have channelling meetings where they prophesy over each other in all the cardinal directions. It feels like it's an ancient Celtic ceremony. People get possessed by the spirits of different gods from the Celtic wheel. Half the people go to the different piles of stones, five of them, one is in the centre, one is in the east, west, north and south. And they have different gods associated with those areas. And they always channel their gods and goddesses that they have come to practice the ceremony with and it lets us gain prophesy over our lives so that we can direct ourselves better into the most perfect life that we agreed to come here and live in this community. That's just one of the ceremonies we practice. There are so many others that seem to be available to us that are creative. And there are shops on the land. There's a wood shop and a stone carving shop. And it's all powered by pneumatic air that comes from the creeks. So we have infinite free energy. The little bubbles in the water go into the underground chambers, where the water goes down the hill and then the bubbles float up into the chambers and it builds air pressure passively. These interesting mechanical devices give us pneumatic air for our shops and air conditioning for our refrigerators and for our homes. And there's a system of cold air powered air pressure, and because it's cold compressed by this passive system it is the kind of air you can breathe for scuba diving, because it's so clean, it's not mechanically compressed at all. And it is worth a lot of money. You can power cars off of it when it releases energy, but the cars only drive 40 to 60 mile ranges (depending on how you use it). Everything is provided gratis; easily and freely and low tech and only as high tech as it needs to be. Sometimes it's very high tech, but other times it's not. And we've got a perfect balance of how much high tech is needed. We only use high tech things for advanced ceremonies or advanced sciences or advanced things. And we've gotten away from egoistic things; we don't just sit around and watch TV for no reason. But we might enjoy some theatre, or movies that we create for ourselves and everything feels really well made. And really meaningful. The story of our own lives played out in beautiful fun. It almost feels like art school. It feels just like when I was in art school. Except happier and without the debt (laughs). It makes us money freely and money becomes no object to us. We no longer even really need money except to deal with the outer world sometimes but we're so liberated that the food just comes out of the forest. And it's not even hard because the annual crops aren't even that important. They're just subsidising these massive food forests that are also medicinal plants to heal ourselves. So we have everything that society has ever tried to offer us through repression and through cost and through weird jobs that are oppressive and mean. We got rid of all that. We are nice to each other and everything we need is provided freely through these very positive relations with all beings; with minerals, with plants, with animals, with the environment, with the stars. We have a relationship even with stars all over the galaxy that show us their periodic tables, and we learn about new elements that have never been heard of. And we expand in science, art and philosophy. Those are the three primary modes of knowledge. But the more we learn them, the more little wormholes between them open up and it becomes this one integrated knowledge that just shows itself to us in highly creative ways: I just saw an atom crasher and gravitational forces and waves and understanding gravity to do reverse gravity, so that we can levitate or travel to other places and gain knowledge from other beings all across the universe. And even if we never actually travelled to their planets we have open channels to them and we get to compare notes on how they socially developed and their medical practices and their healing modalities. We have deep sacred allies across the universe that are only very kind and benevolent and help humanity, as much as humanity opens itself to their advice, but we don't have to take their advice. But we're able to expand into eternity, in a beautiful way. And then we help out even other worlds that are in turmoil. There's this laboratory. It's a laboratory of infinite universes, that are always being born. And there's these high beings that are very scientific. They're world builders, and they create new universes with new rules that are completely different than ours. And they're all infinitely different in their rules. But sometimes there are universes that are born that are like preemie babies, that are not synergistic and they cause pain and suffering because of their entropy of energy. And there's this policy, in this laboratory of world building, of 'no world left behind'. But not like the Bush administration version (laughs). Literally no universe left behind, no world left behind. And so therefore, there are these beings, they go down into those 'preemie' worlds, that come like messengers of light, and they do these interesting adjustments to any world that's a 'preemie'. It comes in the form of visiting worlds and finding trigger points in that world to unlock it, to then eventually get it to a fully functional universe of synergy. This universe is actually just one of those infinite worlds. Science is just trying to unlock the rules of it, but they think that's just how the rules are stuck. We think we live in a universe of entropy but soon we're going to discover that actually we can change that. And we're going to have the knowledge to unlock that for this universe, and there might be some conflict, some disagreement with mainstream things sometimes, but it won't matter, we're protected and we're going to get to show it empirically. We're not going to seem nutty because eventually there's going to be a revelation of empirical knowledge that shows these things to be true. So it's no big deal. We don't have to worry about anything or having to face off or anything like that. There's not going to be any wars over this. I feel like we are those being sent down here: the people I'm working with. And we're doing that here and now and the Earth is one of the most powerful places to set up shop. So we're setting up shop here to do that. M: Tell me more about setting up shop. What are you all doing? C: Well, we have theatres. Where anytime we feel the urge to produce a play, we can produce a play with each other. And it's very intuitive. There is ecstatic dance. And it allows us to play out characters. And then there are ceremonies that feel like religious ceremonies from the past that we've conjured back from 'dead traditions' on the Earth. So we have these sacred ceremonial spaces, like the rock piles I told you about, but many more. There's a laboratory where you can work on genetics. As we develop smaller and smaller versions of large technologies we might even have this mini atom crash on the land. Or maybe it runs in these channels under the land and the vast 500 acre area, but we are able to have resources to do even these really radical things. But we choose to live more simply in our lives so that some of these things are even doable, because whenever we do a bigger thing, it requires us to limit other resources to accomplish that, but it lets us work in the quantum. There are art studios too. There's a welding shop. There's a painting shop where you can do automotive painting. But none of the chemicals or none of the plastics that we have are toxic. All the plastics are made from hemp oil; plexiglass made from hemp oil. So if you ever need to just bust that up, and it'll be safe in the soil, you put it in your garden beds. We won't have any trash. And we all have equal duties. We're going to have art festivals on the land that the world gets to come to and see these really beautiful unfoldings of knowledge through democratic exchange. We have these beautiful, almost like Ted Talk meetings, that have these artifacts that come out of it that get preserved on the worldwide web. And you can always read it, you can always re-enact, you can go to these artifacts that are kind of like links, infinite links, that are records of the dialogues that we have with these panels of academic people. Not academic like we think now but academic in the sense that each person in our community has these vast disciplines that they get to expand into. And when they're interviewed in these trance-like states on the stage, behind them there's interactive videos of stems branching out from their heads, juxtaposed to them, hovering over their heads in the background. But when they make points that are contrary, they branch away, and when they make points that are synergistic, or like touching each other or overlapping, then the root systems start to touch. It mirrors the way that the plants on our property share minerals underground. But this is like us sharing our knowledge in a similar rhizomatic root system pattern that then becomes these internet artifacts that people can go and look at on our website anytime, look up topics of previous dialogues, and then click through the links. And it's like it keeps evolving as people interact with it. Even people just viewing it, they can add parts to this system even after that main dialogue has happened. But we create a vast library of knowledge with these rhizomic matrices that are easily accessed that don't make people feel dumb, that feel like common knowledge, but then are easily accessed to develop them. And there'll be audiences to these dialogues. But even in the audience, people are able to use these technologies that we hand out. A bit like iPhones except we hand them out for the talks to as many people as come. And it lets them ask questions of the dialogue and add to the dialogue from their seats so that there's no interruptions really, and there's just this massive exponential flow and they'll even be streaming, what feels like the internet basically, and there'll be a studio audience, but then there's a worldwide audience where people from their homes can put questions on the list as it's streaming across the screen. And it's sharing all the subconscious thoughts of everyone involved. And so it's this massive global dialogue that is raising the consciousness of the whole planet rapidly through mass media. It feels really innovative. And whenever people tune in, they feel lifted up in their own lives to access their most creative selves. It's really gorgeous. It just feels like life becomes rapid, easy and revelatory. And we're able to do this effortlessly and people think these people must be crazy but it's beautiful. It starts changing the whole world. People stop thinking that problems are unsolvable and it just feels like what you expected academia to do for you but was extracting you instead. There's just these beautiful gifts of knowing through democratic dialogue that finally uses properly all of the tools that we've been stumbling around over and that have been causing problems but now this isn't going to do that. Finally the internet makes sense. And it's not like Facebook, which causes these weird kinds of meanness in people. It's going to be like the freest version of that so that you get back to your real life. So it doesn't suck up your energy anymore you just go to it when you need something for your communities that are all over the world, these sister cities and sister communities that are all somehow energetically bonded. And anytime there's any kind of event from the smallest to what feels like the greatest problem, they all become equalised. And then easily dissolved. By coming into these wonderfully, easily shared meetings whenever we need to. It almost all feels rather telepathic. But sometimes technology replaces telepathy when people are too weak to do the telepathy part. But eventually we won't even need the internet because the telepathy will be so strong that we just finally let that go too. There's also a healing centre on the land that has hot baths and cold baths and steam rooms and sensory deprivation tanks and that is what really helps re-train people to get in touch with their higher selves. People come there to get healed. People from prisons come here. And we work with the justice system to let prisoners come here to lift society from the bottom up, because if you don't lift from the bottom, it might pull you back out. M: I totally understand that. C: We're going to be lifting society from the bottom up and people are going to go, ‘wow, look at those people’. They don't know how they figured this out. But even the people that we send from prison to there are becoming these radiant people and just serving the community in the world in ways that no one ever thought possible. And it feels really easy. M: And where are you in the scene? C: I have this dome. In my dome is a desert bio-region. So inside of mine there's this adobe home and I have a family and a monogamous relationship. But some people are polyamorous because that's their path but that's not my path. My wife and I become more and more deeply bonded to each other and even though I'm bisexual and I've been open in the past to sharing my love freely between all sexes I really zeroed in on this one relationship that lets me focus and have a quiet life. My most important people are my family and my children. They come in and out of my life in beautiful ways to revisit and to work on missions together. And I just have a proper allotment of my energies with the right people in a good balance and my love just feels really calm. M: Let that sink in for a moment as you breathe it into your body. Look down at your body in that scene and tell me what your body is, like, describe it to me. C: It's muscular. It's tanned. I still have my shaved head. M: Why have you decided to keep your head shaved? C: I don't know. Something about being able to look at the shape of my skull gives me insight into who I am. And the more insight I have into how I look and the little details of my face, it tells me the healing path I'm heading towards more. It's a map of my consciousness. And it also feels like who I truly look like from this other timeline. It just feels like who I truly am. It feels like I'm a dark prince, alchemist, from another timeline. But I gave up my manipulative ways from that other timeline here because I discovered new synergistic powerful ways. But that body image feels really powerful. It feels like it has something to do with martial arts. M: Why don't you look at your clothing that you're wearing there and describe what you're wearing. C: It looks like what I used to wear when I was a kid. I took karate, and they're these linen clothes, but tightly woven. And they even have metallic threads running through them that let me have this energetic suit on. It just feels like karate clothes, like martial arts clothes. They're real comfortable and light and I feel like I can move my body in any way I want. I can just do the beautiful martial arts in them but I always wear them. But these robes feel like when I have them on, I'm able to keep my energy really well balanced, M: That's wonderful. Are you carrying anything or holding anything in your hands? C: It looks like I'm carrying some sort of madrone, like a crooked madrone stick that has all this beautiful grain running in it in these really complex patterns of the tree that came from that stick when I fashioned it. It's really smooth, but it is all knotted and twisted. M: What do you use this stick for? C: It lets me pass energy down through the grains of the dense wood that's like mahogany dense and feels really heavy. And it just lets me move energy in this really crooked way through the stick. When I put my hand on the top of it, the top ball of the top knot of the stick, it lets me reorganise my energy in my body so that I'm always in alignment. But my alignment is a really crazy, energetic path through the universe. And the stick is the perfect math and representation with its woodgrain so that I can always stay in a balanced state. If I'm carrying it, and I need to realign I can just put my hand on the top of the ball of that cane. And it reorganises me always; it always keeps me centred. And it lets me do ceremony and it lets me feel safe when I walk. And it lets me have psychic intuitions whenever and wherever I am in the world. And it lets me locate myself anywhere in the universe. And it lets me do time travel and it lets me even teleport to other places. And it just makes me feel infinitely guarded so that I can't really have any troubles and I don't have to participate in any conflict that I don't want to. M: I am wondering how your body changed so dramatically. What was that process like? Can you see the images of it? How did it get so strong with all of these abilities? C: The process was an expansion of my brain tissue and was a perfect counterbalance of healing and naturopathy and working with stem cells with my doctor. And sometimes I got cancer but it was immediately remitted by my doctor. And it was really easy to do with these infusions of stem cells in my body. But eventually I didn’t even need this bracing. You know how you put braces on your teeth? You need them for a little while and in the end you just take them off and they stay in the right position? I always have the help I need as soon as I need it and I don’t need to worry anymore about my health. It just evolves over time. At first I needed social intervention and to communicate to people about my health. But eventually I am able to maintain it myself with my lifestyle and this stick and the people in my life who are able to help me channel. From here on out it just gets easier and easier every day. It doesn’t feel like I need to struggle anymore.
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Michael Garber: AuthorI offer these letters to the awakened hearts of humanity, the Community of God across the planet. This message is for all people. All races. All genders. All sexes. All bodies. All backgrounds. All religions. All beliefs. All who unify in the redemptive power of Love. Archives
December 2023