![]() March 3, 2021 Blessed Family of Awakened Humanity, Thank you for all of your efforts to share love and peace during these turbulent and concerning times. Thank you for holding the post of benevolence and trust when so many are fearful and distraught. Thank you for finding your courage and sharing your voice and truth. You are the lighthouses of this world and truly it is your time now to SHINE! At the core of all wisdom and faith traditions are the principles of non-harming and non-violence. As people of Faith and defenders of Truth, these tenants are foundational principles that govern every area of our lives as we strive to embody the Grace and Mercy of the Supreme Intelligent Force of Creation. In a world of sleeping souls, it is our duty as believers to share Divine Wisdom and Divine Knowledge to assist the spiritual maturation of our species and liberate our planet from cycles of suffering. As awakened individuals, we do this knowing that what we believe is NOT popular opinion and conflicts with much of the world’s perspectives. As believers in the redemptive power of Love and God, we share from our hearts out of Service to humanity and the Earth even if, in doing so, we are likely to overturn some tables. We share our spiritual medicine we carry knowing that, in Truth, this fallen and sick world must be overturned and all systems reconfigured to align with the Harmony and Balance of our True Nature. Since the beginning of the Co:vid:9teen crisis, we have seen actions taken by governments, institutions, and organizations around the world that have inflicted additional unnecessary harm to people and the Earth. Now is the time for People of Faith and defenders of Freedom to stand together in solidarity and share their voices and our medicine to reclaim our world through Love and Truth. *Corporations have received large financial bailouts and permission to operate while small family businesses have been forced to close, some have since permanently shut down or received legal action and hefty citations for refusing to close their businesses when, in doing so, would cause harm to their family and their communities. It is time now to say we do not consent! *Pharmaceutical companies have received billions of dollars to create a rushed treatment protocol that is risky at best, deadly at worst. While doctors and medical professionals around the world have been silenced and threatened because they promote preventive and alternative treatments or questioned the ethics, safety, and efficacy of forced mandates. The Sick-for-profit system casts an illusion of care but truly earns incredible amounts of wealth by keeping us sick. We do not consent! *We have been under a barrage of psychological attacks from fear-based propaganda presented by the media, governments and celebrities who promote a false pathway to freedom and health. True freedom is found in awakened consciousness and unification with the Divine. Safety is a felt experience through unity with our True Nature. None of these agencies or individuals of power and influence have educated the public about the sophisticated instrument of our natural immune system. We do not consent! *In terms of environmental harm, countless ma$ks, petroleum-based food containers and utensils, and other pollutants and waste have made their way into the waterways, landfills, and natural environments due to government mandates and restrictions. We do not consent! *Major privacy and security concerns need to be addressed as Big Tech companies and governments implement tracking technology and contract tracing without any limitations of how this data can be used in the future. We have reasons to be concerned that this data and the choice not to take injections will be used against us to limit our ability to work, travel, gather in fellowship, or buy/sell/trade goods. In some countries, this has already occurred. We do not consent! *Our elderly have been forced into isolation and manipulated to take injections when in truth, they are already preparing for physical death. There is a saying of ‘dieing of a lonely heart’ and these elders are suffering greatly! We do not consent! *Some of the worst harmful actions affect our youth who have been traumatized from constantly shifting mandates and school closures and have been socially deprived during the most fundamental developmental time of their lives which will no doubt affect society for generations to come. We do not consent! While some of the harm has already started to show itself in all age groups with a drastic rise in drug and alcohol abuse, stress and isolation-induced illness and psychosis, suicide, depression, and domestic violence more will show itself in the years to come if we continue to follow these harmful mandates and restrict information from those with alternative perspectives on how to best handle this crisis. It is clear that the most devastating harm has been done, not from the virus, but from the forced lockdowns, mandates, and censorship of information by governments, Big Tech, and the media. We recognize the ethical principles of the Nuremberg Code and Declaration of Helsinki that state that voluntary informed consent is essential in regards to medicine and experimental treatment and protocols. The Nuremberg Code states:
We acknowledge that the current "vaxx-eens" are in truth experimental biological agents that have not passed the normal rigorous standardized testing to ensure safety and efficacy. This major concern adds to the growing vaxx-een treatment hesitancy due to the countless incidents and documentations of vaxx-een harm that have happened from previous vaxx-eens that were promoted and promoted as safe. Our concerns raise even higher as vaxx-een companies have no legal responsibility for adverse side effects that will and are being experienced globally from these experimental biological agents. Furthermore, there is not adequate compensation for injury insurance for people who are required to take these experimental biological agents to return to work, school, or travel. We renounce attempts to bypass informed medical consent through force, psychological manipulation, propaganda, misrepresentation, fraud, and other methods that aim to circumvent the free will and sovereignty of any people. We see such acts as absolute violations of the Nuremberg Code and medical ethics as well as violations of Natural, Universal, and Divine Law to the highest degree no matter the justification. As People of Faith, it is our spiritual duty to voice that we do not consent to these harmful actions and mandated experimental protocols. It is our spiritual duty to share wisdom and knowledge of the divine to lift people out of cycles of suffering and into higher states of liberation and wellness. It is our duty to protect the sovereign freedoms of people and to stand up against forces that cause harm to people, biological life, and the planet. ********* New Earth Ascending has written a list of Evolutionary Wellness Keys to guide us in our wellness lifestyle. Evolutionary Wellness Keys Divine Source We recognize the Law of Oneness and the Supreme Intelligent Source of Creation. We see humanity as being in a state of amnesia where we have forgotten that we are an aspect of God. Awakening and aligning with our True Nature is essential to achieving perfect health and personal Mastery. Higher Evolution We recognize all of Creation evolves according to Divine Will and a Divine Plan for Creation with its own Divine and Universal Laws. As we turn into our Higher Purpose within that grand design, we live healthier lives as we train our thoughts, actions, and intentions towards unification with the Divine. Faith We surrender our fears and place our health and wellbeing in the Higher Will of the Divine Source and strive to live a life of nobility and service to the awakening of humanity and the liberation of all beings from cycles of suffering. As we walk in the Light we become the Light. Life Eternal We are of the nature of physical life and physical death but our soul lives on for eternity! We recognize the eternal evolution of Life and that we transition out of this life in accordance with the Higher Intelligent Source’s Divine Plan. Free Will We recognize the individual's Divine Creatorship and the right to choose what is good and best for them, having full agency over all areas of one’s life. Sovereign We recognize the individual's right to be self-governed, self-regulated, and free from an external authority that cancels, manipulates, or violates free will. Divine DNA Our genetic template and blueprint is designed and evolved in accordance with a Higher Evolutionary Plan by the Godhead. We do not give consent for alteration or manipulation of our genetic integrity. Non-violence/Non-harming Treatment protocols should be tested as safe and sourced ethically and sustainably. When there is potential for harm, full transparency of harm potential must be delivered to and understood by the recipient of the treatment protocol. Informed Medical consent As people of Truth, we hold the values of transparency, non-violence, non-harming, honesty, and compassion. We demand these values be practiced and embodied by medical practitioners, institutions, and governments in matters that affect our health and wellbeing. We demand full disclosure and do not consent to medical tyranny. Homeostasis We believe the natural state of the organic multi-dimensional technology of our body, mind, and spirit is wellness and harmony and that we have the ability to heal ourselves within the limitations of Divine Will and the Divine Plan. We see illness as a teacher of where we need to reconcile our own consciousness or fortify our subtle energies or physical body. Holistic We follow holistic models and protocols of healing, medicine, and wellness that work at the root cause of illness and support the body’s natural ability to heal itself. All levels and layers including physical, etheric, mental, intellectual, and spiritual. We are particularly excited about advancements of quantum technologies and vibrational medicines that work at the cellular and subtle levels to encourage the body's ability to heal itself and further activate higher states of consciousness embodiment. Water Water is the key to life and connects us to the consciousness of water throughout all worlds and the records of all time. Bless thy water! Pray with thy water! Program thy water! Protect thy water! Let thy deepest thirst be quenched! Natural and Organic We believe natural, organic, and chemical-free foods are essential to our health. We choose to take medicines of the Earth that work harmonically with our body’s chemistry. Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food! Free Choice When holistic, natural, and organic methods have failed to reconcile issues of health, or in case of emergency, each individual reserves the right to try other methods of medicine after careful consideration, prayer, and meditation on the root cause of ill health. There is no judgement of this as everyone is guided to do what is best and good for their health and path. Fellowship We recognize the power and potency of worship and gathering with other people of faith to strengthen the health and wellness of our community. We exercise our religious rights to gather as people of faith as we see fellowship and prayer as crucial components for the maintenance of holistic health and wellness. This further extends to the right to peacefully protest against systems of oppression and manipulation. All persons and institutions who seek to inhibit these rights are in direct violation of human rights. Personal Declaration of Medical Sovereignty and Wellness I stand free and sovereign as a Child of Light guided by an inner compass of Higher Love, Faith, Wisdom, and Devotion. I recognize my body as a temple for the indwelling of Divine Light and affirm that my divine blueprint is of the nature of perfect health and wellness. I strive to embody that purity and know on the deepest level that this is the key to my vitality and perfect health. No outside authority has any power over my wellbeing unless I align with it and place my faith outside of my Self and my connection to the Source of Creation. I believe that I am inherently a free soul with God-given rights that are inalienable and go beyond life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These rights include medical freedom, and the ability to give unquestionable consent over what happens to my body, mind, and spirit, establishing me as sovereign and free from an outside authority in regards to my health and wellness. I renounce all methods of inorganic manipulation of my genes, especially when doing so is a violation or manipulation of freewill to circumvent my full sovereign medical authority over my body and for those whose health is my legal responsibility (children, elderly, etc). I believe in and affirm my body’s ability to heal itself. I believe in and empower the organic multi-dimensional technology of my body to operate in perfect homeostasis. I strive to cultivate and maintain health in my physical, etheric, mental, intellectual, and spiritual bodies using practices that honor the divine structure and template of my body, mind, and soul. I release all beliefs and conditionings of my mind that keep me in incorrect perception and ill health. I recognize the divine intelligent design of my genetics and vow to live my life in a way that ensures genetic integrity in accordance with the higher evolutionary plan of the Divine. I release all entropic distortions from my genetics and activate my perfect divine luminous crystalline genetic blueprint NOW. I release all fear of death and all manner of clinging to life as I KNOW my True Nature is eternal, infinite, and free from the illusion of death. Having never been born and never truly died, I exist eternally as the Unified Field of Creation in a never-ending flow of evolution towards greater harmony and glory. I stand in my Knowing that my exit from this world and this life is a divinely coordinated event that is part of a much greater Divine Plan for Creation and the evolution of all forms of Life. I place my full faith in my True Nature and the Divine and walk forward with increasing Compassion, Understanding, Clarity, and Devotion. I recognize that there is no escaping physical death and embody trust in knowing that when it is my time, I will do my best to exit this life with love in my heart and peace in my mind knowing that I am an extension of the Divine Plan of an evolving Universe towards higher states of Harmony and Higher Glory. Charge to the Children of Light and Truth People of Faith, you are the most blessed to have awakened to the power of Higher Love and the remembrance of your True Nature. It is through your steadfastness and perseverance that this world will be renewed. Join together in harmony and high heart resonance with all people of Love and Truth and be the prismatic beacons of Divine Light that you came to be! Raise your voices in benevolent truthfulness and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. Illuminate this world with your singular focus on the Absolute and the potency of your radiant unified hearts. Do this, not only for yourselves but for the next generation, and the next generation, and the next generation and so on for eternity... Do this for those who came before you who yearned for and fought for freedom and liberty. You are the tip of the lightning bolt of Redemptive Truth and you have legions of illumined beings who join with you now in all dimensions to support this great effort. Let us all meet in the Light of our Divinity and build a New Earth. We are the ones this world has waited for! In Love and Light, Michael Garber Co-founding Minister of New Earth Ascending www.newearthascending.org Feel free to download the PDF version to post in your community or to send to government, religious leaders, churches, mosques, synagogues, school boards, public officials, judges... ![]()
3/3/2021 12:58:42 pm
How well is this written!! You are so great!!
Michael Garber
3/3/2021 01:57:16 pm
I feel you. I am going to upload jpg files so the images can be shared on social media easily. Know that for every person who gets reactive, you have legions who support you! Let them be angry. Let yourself feel all the feelings. As ypu do, you rise into your power. It will only be uncomfortable for a little while. Eventually, they may thank you!
Judith Verberne
3/4/2021 04:05:52 am
Thank you, dear Michael
3/6/2021 09:38:47 am
Brilliantly written, thank you so much, I am so grateful for this.
Shara Free
3/8/2021 11:29:39 am
Brilliant! Yes to this! Yes to sovereignty!
abra faraon
9/22/2021 11:00:46 am
Thank you!!! For your heartfelt work we are grateful
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Michael Garber: AuthorI offer these letters to the awakened hearts of humanity, the Community of God across the planet. This message is for all people. All races. All genders. All sexes. All bodies. All backgrounds. All religions. All beliefs. All who unify in the redemptive power of Love. Archives
December 2023